Sun 05 Jan
Ts Adriana Ready 24/7 versatile very functional real WITH everythin u will need call me''everything' - 27
(San Diego, san diego 805 fwy and university)
A V A I L A B L E❤ N O W (Hosting All day today!} - 22
(San Diego, N_O_R_T_H C_O_U_N_T_Y - ((VISTA)))
▐ ► MEgaN NutWOOd ❤ReaL PiCS ❤ReAL HuNG❤No RuSH❤ No FUsS❤(Web Link) - 25
(Ocean side off highway, San Diego)
MUST See!💥No. 1 CHOiCE💥«▬«▬ AVAILBLE24/7✨100% ReaL💕PURe SEdCTiOn■▀💎▀■ 5☆ PLΛΥMΛTΣ!✨« - 20
(San Diego, Miramar 15FWy)
Sat 04 Jan
I'M HERE NOW OCEANSIDE NOW For you fantasis just call me for evrething you want - 25
Hot Top Trann¥ Ver¥ Read¥ ALL EYES ON ME UR #1 ADDICTION off fwy 5 & oceanside blv Rossy! - 25
(San Diego, your town!!! OCEANSIDE VISTA CRLSBAD)
EX0tic-----** BEauty+++ !! 100 sPEciAl just toDAY!! (In caLLs ONly) - 23
FuLl FuNtIoNaL ReAdy for FuN U WiLl NoT Be DiSsApoit it WiLl be WoRth It //// SeXy AnGel //// - 22
(San Diego, Nortpark Area)
♥·♡♥·♡♥·♥♥ GoRgEuS FuLl FuNtIoNaL. ♥♥♥ Sexy AnGeL♥♥ _ NoRtpArK. ArEa_ ♥♥♥♥ ♥ ♥♥♥♥ - 22
(San Diego, nortpark)
💯nasty😉PuertoricAN 👅Put Me 🆙 2 The Test 👅8in🙏 I Can't Lie 🙏I"m the Best💯❤️PORN STYLE💥💰💯 - 21
(Hotel Circle, San Diego)
Fri 03 Jan
san diego @ PAMELA Ts want make you wishes and desires so good pleasure for you @ san diego - 22
(San Diego, san diego mision valley)
@&@&@&@Sexy colombiana waiting for you visiting hotel circle@&@&@&@&@ - 27
(San Diego, Hotel circle south)
LAST DAY IN SANDIEGO !!!!!!!!! transexual latina espectacular... fotos reales paula cooper - 23
(San Diego, mission valey)
///////// TOP TS / I LIKE TO KISS AND MORE//// AVAILABLE NOW //////// In N Out Calls - 28
💎⭐️ELITE ⭐️💎⭐️👑UPSCALE⭐️👑💎🌹LaŦłna 💕 STUNNING🌟Ẹ¥Ẹ💎👑₡Ạ₦Ð¥ 💖 NOW AVAILABLE💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉💎 R£qü£$t£d! 💗⭐️ - 23
(San Diego, North park)
ExOtIc AnD ElEgAnT LaTiNa ((((( Ts ))) WaItInG FoR YoU to CaLl ClIcK (((( NoW)))) 100% ReAl - 21
(San Diego, by the freeway 15)
GoRgEuS Ts AvAlIABlE NoW ReAdY to To make u hot Fantasys come true be ready Sexy Angel - 23
(San Diego, nortpark area by 805 freway)
#1TS Carmen one of the BEST providers out there. Guarantee !!!!!!!!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. !!!!!!!! - 28
(San Diego, CARLSBAD)
Leaving today @ checkout time !!!The sexiest blonde TS butterfly visiting from Orange County - 26
(San Diego, San Diego/ Hotel circle)
Thu 02 Jan