Sun 12 Jan
4 Soft & Lovely Hands ~ Full Body Massage ~ TANDEM (2 GIRL)$80 SPECIAL ~ - 34
☏☏( ENJOYABLE BODY2BODY ' Xotic MASSAGE )☏ ☏I'LL TREAT You like a king! - 22
(San Diego, Incalls/Outcalls)
Sat 11 Jan
100% REAL MIDDLE EASTERN GODDESS!💋❤️You won't get enough of this sexy thick body!👌👐😉💗🔑 - 21
(San Diego, EAST COUNTY & INCALLS ONLY🏡 619 383 5475)
4 hands massage with prostate massage and domination as a choice incalls only 2 latinas - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
★SpEciALs★- ♥Relaxing & Rejuvenating Massages by Cala ❤24/7💋Sexy, Seductive Healing Pleasures 4U💋 - 23
(San Diego, Kearny Mesa)
sensual massage ----incalls only---proatste massage is include-----not too far from downtown sandie - 34
(South Bay)
sensual massage with prostate massage call me now am avaible for massage - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
Kissable **%**• HoT SwEeT°•° Carribean HOTTIE **%**100$ 45min Special - 22
(San Diego, ALL San Diego, CARLSBAD/Encinitas, VISTA)
❤* •••• LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▄▄▄▄-:¦:-I DO IT -:¦:- THE BEST▄▄▄▄ - 23 - 23 - 23
(San Diego, point loma)
Come Let Me SHOWER you with pleassure ! in town ! - 20
BEAUTIFUL SEXY EBONY MODEL - Sensual Full Body to Body Tantra Bodywork - Incall or Outcall - 22
(San Diego, Incalls/Outcalls)
$100-hr FOR MY INCALLS ONLY♥~*~*~ SEXY ~*~*~ ♥FUN ~*~*~ ♥BEAUTIFUL ~*~* ♥MIXED ~*~*~ ♥SPECIAL TODAY - 21
(San Diego, SanDiego,MissionValley,DownTown,KearneyM)
Sweet as Cocoa ♥ Adult S|ip n S|ide ♥ Erotic Nuru Massage ♥Yummy 120 Specials - 25
(San Diego, Private Incalls El Cajon city)
**Super Sexy Nude Mutual Touch Massage** ☺ 12O $pecials ☺ **Nude NURU B2B Slide** - 25
(San Diego, INCALLS (El Cajon City) 7 days & nights)
sensual massage with prostate massage call me now am available for massage - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
sensual massage with rpsoate massage include incalls only and out calls for regulars only - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
*~*Overworked and Feeling Stressed *BLONDE BEAUTY hands from Heaven*~* - 23
(San Diego, Poway incalls)
____ *** ____ INCALL SPECIALS AVAILABLE NOW!!! ___ *** ___ SEY MiSS MAYA!!! _______ *** ________ - 23
☆ ~ INDΣPΣNDANT ΣXOTIC PΣRSIΛN mix PLΛΥMΛTΣ ☆ ~ 👐 HIghLY recomended☆ ~ ♥♠♚~UpdaTED PICs - 23
(Central, City of San Diego, San Diego)
Available NOW! *Come TREAT yourself to total RELAXATION w/ this Exotic BOmbshell* 12OHR! - 20
(Mission Valley)
TRY ME - YOU WILL LOVE ME! Rejuvenating Full Body to Body Nude Body Rub - Mesmerizing Beauty - 22
(San Diego, Incalls/Outcalls)
4 hands sensual massage with prostate and domination include as a choice incall only - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
very erotic sensual massage with prostate massage and domination you choice incalls only - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
Indulge in a Nude Slippery Sensual Body Slide w/Me! My Place or Yours ♥12O $pecials - 24
(San Diego, INCALLS ~ OUTCALLS 24/7..16Ohr)
erotic sensual massage with prostate massage and domination as a choice incalls only - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
Sexy Sensual Topless Massage Bombshell CMT :) Up Late 120hr - 24
💋 •|| Sexy Blonde ||• 💋 《 Loves Taking Care Of You 》 💋 AVAILABLE LATE NIGHT 💋 - 27
(San Diego, San diego Downtown Incalls)
sensual massage with prostate massage call me now am avaible for massage - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
sensual massage with prostate massage include incall only by sexy latina south bay sd - 35
(City of San Diego, San Diego, south bay san diego)
sensual massagewith prostate massage include incalls only and outcalls for regulars only south bay s - 35
(City of San Diego, San Diego, south bay san diego)
*•❤️💋SwEEt eXotIc FeMale *•❤️💋avAiLable Now INcaLLs*•❤️💋 - 18
(San Diego, LaMesa/ElCajon/Santee/Bostonia/Lakeside)
°0o°Sexy Massage To Relax you°% Sweet Hottie with a Great touch!°0o° 100 incall spls - 22
(San Diego, Incall specials la mesa)
C0mE uNWinD wiTh ME TODAY!!👌👐💆💋 I love what I do and u will too!! - 21
(San Diego, EAST COUNTY-INCALLS ONLY (619) 734-6193)
☆* Busty Lil' ❤ Blonde ❤ Brazilian ☆ -- MAJOR DISCOUNTS TODAY ! - 19
(San Diego, Old Town -- INCALLS ONLY !)
Fri 10 Jan
MIDDLE EASTERN GODDESS!!💋👌 you won't regret your session nor forget this eyecandy princess!😉👐💗🔑 - 21
(San Diego, EAST COUNTY & INCALLS ONLY🏡 619 383 5475)
S W E E T ♥ _____ { Sensual Encounters w/ AMAZING Asian Beauty } ............ *Independent* - 22
(San Diego, Upscale San Diego MV {My place or yours})
______ ____________ _ SEXY _ FILIPINA _ HAWAIIAN _ SPECIALS _______________ ____ - 22
(San Diego, el cajon city incalls- outcalls all over)
:) :) incalls with lexus are the best low rates call for info muaah :) :) - 24
(San Diego, la masa ca ..el cajon ..incalls)
☆ ~ INDΣPΣNDANT ΣXOTIC PΣRSIΛN mix PLΛΥMΛTΣ ☆ ~ 👐 HIghLY recomended☆ ~ ♥♠♚~ - 23
(San Diego, Central)
Experience A SeXy, SeNsUaL & PLaFuLL RuBdOwN with ★Jade★ - !SuNdAy SpEciALs! - 23
(San Diego, Kearny Mesa, Downtown, Del Mar)
Beautiful Local girl available this MORNING and all day - 35
(San Diego, Mission Valley In Calls/outcalls)
💋ALL NEW PiCS. sexy Barbie 💋 call me now 💋💋💋 - 25
(San Diego, Clairemont Mesa Incalls outcalls ......)
Sweet Massages By JADE!💋Come Relax & Enjoy the Quality Time You Deserve💋 - 23
(San Diego, Carlsbad,Encinitas,Vista,San Marcos)
*** ••• S € X ¥ P L A ¥ B O ¥ L A T i N A B U N N ¥ 💋 C-U-R-V-¥ & P-€-T-i-T-€ ✖️⭕️✖️⭕️ ••• *** - 22
(San Diego, San Diego ,point Loma)
❤️❤️❤️ New pictures sweet Lebanese !! Sexy, classy, discreet ❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘😘 - 24
(Kearney Mesa upscale incall / out, San Diego)
Non Stop Body Rub Time Is No Issue *Spanish Treat* 1OOhr anytime - 24
(San Diego, Sdsu incalls/outcall downtown)
* ~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *INDULGE Your Self * Ultimate BLISSFUL**^** RELAXATION* * ~ * ~ * ~ * - 25
(San Diego, downtown incalls/sandiego outcalls)
Hot San Diego girl available this MORNING and all day - 35
(San Diego, Mission Valley In Calls/outcalls)
Italian Tuesday Natural Rub by **Jamie* 1OO hr special - 24
(San Diego, mission valley central incalls)
★※★▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▇ █ █ :•❤•:ARABiAN PRiNCESS!♥ SEXy & SWEEt LiTTLE TREAT !♥100% ME♥ █ █CALL NOW ▇ ▆ ▄★※★ - 21
(San Diego, LA JOLLA/incalls&&utcalls;)
**//** _______ ASIAN Sweetheart _____**____ { VeRy ENTICING *Bodyrubs* } ______** - 22
(San Diego, Downtown/Mission Valley)
super sensual massagae with prostate massage your choice and domination incalls only - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
erotic senual massage with prostate massage and domination your choice incalls only you have fantas - 34
(San Diego, south bay)
100% REAL MIDDLE EASTERN GODDESS!💋👌 [[ I ❤️ What I do & U will to!👐😉😘💗🔑 - 21
(San Diego, EAST COUNTY & INCALLS ONLY🏡 619 383 5475)
100% REAL & LEGIT MiDDle EasTeRn massase therapist!👐👌💋💆 Book now!!😉💗🔑🎀💄 - 21
(San Diego, EAST COUNTY & INCALLS ONLY🏡 619 383 5475)