Wed 08 Jan
**** °S U P E R °°★°° S E X Y --- °°★°° C U -- T--I-- E **** - 22
Naughty MILF💋 Come take my panties off💋 your Pure Pleasure Awaits!!💋New Pics Taken 6/23 - 49
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, Oceanside/ Carlsbad, San Diego)
100% REAL __**___ Reliable & Reviewed ____**____** Visiting Rancho Bernardo *__**___VIP Bombshell
(rancho bernardo)
Tue 07 Jan
★ Y0UR TRULY BL0NDE FANTiCY GiRL★ Amazing Skills --> 1oo percent real★ - 22
(City of San Diego, Clairemont / Kearny Mesa Incall &Outcall;)
----- Latina Bombshell ----Reliable & Reviewed ----Private Incall or Outcall All Over
(All over SD & NC)
----- Hottie Bombshell ----Reliable & Reviewed ----Private Incall or Outcall All Over
(All over SD & NC)
80 SpECiALs -:¦:- VeRiFieD & Well ReVieWed -:¦:- CuRvY NaTURaL Redhead -:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS - 29
(OCEANSIDE/Carlsbad/San Diego/San Marcos)
. . . {L . e . t . s} . {e . x . p . L . o . r . e} . {m . y} . {t . a . L . e . n . t . s} . . . - 21
(East County)
*100*Special Italian Latina Princess *Outcall && Incall+ - 21
(City of San Diego, Escondido Outcall to Surrounding Areas)
Gorgeous 💋 Blonde! ✈️🚗💳 party girl ! - 23
(carlsbad Oceanside incalls/ outcalls, City of San Diego, San Diego)
CARLSBAD INCALLs& OUTCALLs [Up &ReaDy;] -:¦:-yoUR aLL TiMe FavOriTe -:¦:-[nATuraL EXOTIc BEAUTy] - 23
....yOUNg...pEtiTe BeAuTifUl BlOnDe MoDel... TiGhT HoTT SeXy SwEeT cHeRRy PiE!! - 22
Tiny Carribean brat ..Bubble bottom Cant Miss - 26
(In Encinitas ..out all SD areas....Carpl, San Diego)
! EXOTIC SEXY BOMBSHELL ! Outcalls available to San Diego - 23
(South SD County, Chula Vista national city mission valley)
$80 casino area OUT CALLS Now AVAILABLE BABE casino area - 24
(EL CAJON CITY La Mesa Lemon Grove, San Diego)
Mon 06 Jan
Happy Holidays GuYs I Want To See Who Wants to Gobble On My Smorgishboard of Delightful Treats..
(San Diego, TEMECULA/ San Diego & In Between)
S∈XΨ◈AS◈€AN◈BE ⓓⓞⓛⓛⓕⓐⓒⓔ ØN€◆DØS€ & YØU'LL◆B€◆HØØK€D - 22
(City of San Diego, ••outcalls all over SD••)
★ New Exotic Mix ! Big Booty with a beautiful Face ★ Encinitas incall - 23
(City of San Diego, North County in/ outcalls everywhere)
💣Blonde BombShell ,FrEaK💋,2 Girl Shows 🐦Early Bird Special 60QV Incall!, Juicy💦 Big Booty 👀™ 💣 - 22
(City of San Diego, San diegoo INcalls&OUTcalls;)
-:¦: SeXi BiG *•-:¦:-•* BooBies *•-:¦:-•* LoTs Of FuN••*¨¨*• • {{{1oO%•ME •—°x°• - - 25
(City of San Diego, SanDiego (OutCalls Only))
🌟Your Favorite Beautifully Mixed Goddess 🎁 Ask About My LNG HR Specials✨ - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Your Place)
My service is never rushed & your satisfaction is guaranteed very attractive girl Scripps Ranch 15n - 24
(City of San Diego, INCALL safe clean fun Incall 15/freeway, San Diego)
(City of San Diego, in/sandiego outcall/All Areas sd/nc)
__[^ up ^]_[LaTE] __ 💋__ HIGHLY reviewed H0TTiE ___ 💋 ___ - 27
(City of San Diego, incall Or ur place, North SD County, San Diego)
¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ £T m ★ B Y0u® ★ §XY £i£ §¢rT ¯`'.¸ ★¸. '´¯ - 19
(City of San Diego, in/out too all areas if sd)
( (° SwEeT °-:¦:-° ( (* CAUTION *= ADDiCTiVE =) ) °-:¦:-° HoTTie °) ) ) - - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego/Chula Vista/La Mesa)
:*: *StUnNiNg :*: *BeAuTiFuL :*: *sO SExY :*: ChEcK mE OuT :*: *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS :*: - 20
(City of San Diego, Hotel Circle in/out all areas of sd)
Still Celebrating My 50th Birthday Hottest MILF in N.County!!💋 - 50
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, Oceanside/ Carlsbad, San Diego)
Longing for some AFFECTION💋 ✔PARTY & Fetish Friendly 💋💋great company Incall Only SAN DIEGO 15/56 - 24
(15n/ 163 freeway INCALL San Diego, North SD County, San Diego)
$80 ******BEST*******offer OUT CALLS Now AVAILABLE BABE**" - 24
(EL CAJON CITY La Mesa Lemon Grove, San Diego)
°•★©•° (= YOUR _N A U G H T Y_ ADD!CT!ON =) °•★©•° (= INCALL + OUTCALL =) •°o©• AFTER_HOUR_FUN! °o©• - 25
(North SD County, Encinitas Carlsbad Oceanside SMarco Esco)
*¨¨*-: ✦ Y O U R ✦ BEST ✦ KEPT ✦ S E C R E T :-*¨¨* - 20
(City of San Diego, Bonita in/out all areas of sd)
Sun 05 Jan
**YOUR_ EXOTIC_ TREAT ***__ O_ N_L_Y__ 1__*__ D__ A__Y__* __H__E __R__E *** - 22
★.•:*¨¨* Visiting don't miss Out ★.•:*¨¨* Busty Blonde Russian Bombshell ★.•:*¨¨* - 25
(North SD County, Vista Incall all North County outcall)
-:¦:-[Up &ReaDy; LaTe niGHTs] -:¦:-yoUR aLL TiMe FavOriTe -:¦:-[nATuraL EXOTIc BEAUTy] - 23
🍭🍭SWEETER than CANDY 🍭🍭🍭🍭🍬🍬 VERY BUSTY🍬🍬🍭🍭🍭 #1⃣RequestedYourDreamgirl 🍬🍬🍬🍭🍭🍭🍭 - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown, pb, la jolla, del mar OUTCALLS)
:+: Oooooo LA LA ~:+:~ Oh So S€DUCT!V€ ! ~:+:~ CuRVy SeXy FRaMe :+: - 26
(North SD County, Vista Incall North County Outcall)
Hottest 50 Yr, Old MILF in N.County, Jackie Brown💋Your Pure Pleasure Awaits!! New Pics 10/09 - 50
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, Oceanside/ Carlsbad, San Diego)
**__ -- G - O - R - G - E - O - U - S -- _* * H o T T i E ! ** - 23
(all SD areas In/Out)
✦-[ FLaWLsS ] _BRUNETTE MaMi_ ✦[ SDuCT!v ] _PeRkY 34C_ [KinKY] - 20
(City of San Diego, 0ut CaLL..ReadY NoW =] 24/7)
{{{ Best Service Around }}} Gorgeous -Petite - Beautiful blonde OUT CALL all AREAS - 20
(Downtown Harbor Drv discreet)
💋👅💦👅💋 Up & waiting for you❗️ This H👅AD Doctor is here for your pleasure💋💦💕 - 25
(North County, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
★ Y0UR TRULY BL0NDE FANTiCY GiRL★ Amazing Skills --> 1oo percent real★ - 22
(City of San Diego, Clairemont / Kearny Mesa Incall &Outcall;)
____(¯`'•.¸✦ _SAY _° MY _NAME _¸.•'´¯) ___ - 22
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley In Call / Out Calls)
San Diego petite PLAYMATE ❤$100 PaNtY drOpPiNg sPeCiALs √ No Games! √ No Drama! √ 100% Independent - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego INCALL OUTCALL Incall Outcall)
Longing for some AFFECTION💋 ✔PARTY & Fetish Friendly 💋💋great company Incall Only SAN DIEGO 15/56 fwy - 24
(Incall only 56/15 freeway San Diego, North SD County, San Diego)
✦-[ FLaWL€sS ] _ ✦[ S€DuCT!v€ ] _PeRkY 34D_ [KinKY] Out Call - 22
(City of San Diego, Out Call All Areas in SD, ReadY NoW)
Can You Make it Drip Drop. ..Bubble bottom Cant Miss - 27
(.in/out all SD areas....Carplay, City of San Diego, North SD County, San Diego)
Sat 04 Jan
up ALL NIGHT SPECIALS _JaPaNeSe (&) HaWaIiAn H 0 t S e X y & f U N S P E C I A L S]_IM B A C K - 20
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista; 805)
Sweet Treat (Like No Other) Avail 24/7 - 24
(South SD County, National City Near Base Right off frwy)
*_+_* One Of A Kind! With A Juicy Behind! *_+_* - 22
(South SD County, In/Outcall NationalCity/All Other Areas)
* ♛ * MAGICAL * ♛ * L E*B A*N E*S E * ♛ * TOUCH * ♛ * - 24
Hottest 50 Yr, Old MILF in N.County, Jackie Brown💋Your Pure Pleasure Awaits!! New Pics! 11/01/16 - 50
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, Oceanside/ Carlsbad, San Diego)
✦-[ FLaWL€sS ] _ ✦[ S€DuCT!v€ ] _PeRkY 34D_ [KinKY] in Call - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley In Call or Out Call)
Bet You Never Had A Flexible Girl That does it ALL! Oceanside Incalls - 18
(North SD County, Oceanside Incalls)
Slice of Heaven Jackie Brown💕 Pure Pleasure Awaits!💋 - 49
(City of San Diego, Incall:(Oceanside)/Outcall N.County& SD!, San Diego)
Visiting San Diego, An XXXciting XXXtremelyLive XXXotic XXXperience Cum See!!!
(ALL San Diego/surrounding ea)
Gorgeous 💋 Blonde! ✈️🚗💳 4/13- 4/21 - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission valley upscale incalls/ outcalls, San Diego)
Gorgeous 💋 Blonde! ✈️🚗 Let's play ! - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission valley incalls///// hotel circle, San Diego)
{💖}AVAILABLE NOW{💖} Specials!!! Exotic Beauty ⭐️ ALL NIGHT:•: FuN ⭐️ :•: SeXy ⭐️ :•: {💞}CALL NOW {💞} - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego(Outcall))