Thu 02 Jan
Sweet Southern Comfort**Hablo Espanol--OutCall n InCall Specials--Well Reviewed bbw - 25
(City of San Diego, clairemont incall out calls all over, San Diego)
SPECIALS _ P e T i T e_ ☆ ( * LATINA * ) ♥ S e X y ☆ ( 1OO % ReAL ) ☆ - 19
(City of San Diego, 5 fwy (South bay) / Incall)
***** ((SPECIALS)) ________ ((EXOTIC ------ GERMAN ------ BEAUTY)) ________ ((SPECIALS)) ***** - 19
(Mission Valley)
@@@@ * specials . *100* sexy little pretty 19 year old come get some yummy to the last drop *@@@@ - 19
(South SD County, impearlbeach/southbay/chulavista/ N call)
�¤ SMOKIN hot RiCaN/ DoMiNiCaN ✦NO Hassle ♥ BiG BOOTY - -outcalls - 22
(South SD County, outcalls only all san diego)
*%%* SeXy 19 YeAr OlD AsiAn EbOny & PoRtUgUsE MiXeD BaBe specials*80* BeSt girl ArOuNd *%%* - 19 - 19
(South SD County, impearl beach/southbay/chulavista Ncalls)