Fri 03 Jan
***** NeW PiCs ***** DowNtoWn SaN DieGo BuSty PeTiTe BlOndE ***** DoNt MiSS OuT On THe BeSt !!!! - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego Downtown Incall/Oucall)
(New Pics) ·.¸·* ♥ *·.¸· Last Day In Town! Call Now! ·.¸·* ♥ *·.¸· (100 Special) - 21
(Mira Mesa Blvd - 15 Fwy)
NEw PICs!. mixed K*i*T*T*y C*A*T ready 2 PLEASE a generous RESPECTFUL gentlemen. MiLiTaRy DISCOUNT - 23
Looking for a Touch of Class and Sensuality, Then You Found the Right Girl..GFE Highly Reviewed - 31
🌺 Let me take you to Paradise 🌺 60 && 180 Specials 🌺 - 22
(North SD County, Oceanside Vista Escondido Carlsbad, San Diego)
InCALL & MiLITaRY SpeCiAls -:¦:- NaTURaL REdH3AD-:¦:- AMAZiNG SKiLLS -:¦:- VeRY ADDiCTiVE - 29
(Oceanside/Carlsbad/San Marcos/Escondido)
Im the {{REAL DEAL}} #1EX0TIC , Curvaceous SENSATION @ YouR DooR N0W - 24
(City of San Diego, Making House Visits, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
💕💕💕Im rEady when U Are BEAUTIFUL💅 BellA Dominicana LAtin BeAuty💕💕💕 - 23
(City of San Diego, La mesa)
Experience the POWER of a PROSTATE MASSAGE... and MORE!!! Hot Blonde * Cool Holiday DISCOUNTS!! - 37
(Del Mar, Upscale Ocean View Suite on PCH)
Fetish or Escort I'm Ready TO please YOU All the way..Come over Outcall _ Incall 100.140.180 - 24
(South SD County, 8w or 8e freeway INCALL OUTCALL La Mesa)
💋Eye candy💋Seductive,💋 Playmate waiting to Fulfill your Fantasies.. 💋Young Sexy Latina.... 💋 - 21
(Chula Vista, san diego, Chula Vista, City of San Diego, San Diego)
Experienced-Sexy-Sweet w/ Fantastic Reviews "Let's do this..." OB Incall /// - 43
(City of San Diego, Ocean Beach Incall)
(•.¸ ★¸.•) Experience :¦: Of A :¦: LiFeTiMe (•.¸ ★¸.•) SwEeT College Cutie -:¦:- REVIEWED! •.¸ ★¸.• - 21
(North SD County, Oceanside / Camp Pendleton / IN&OUTS;)
//©come spend time w. Me 🕟💕 Beautiful thin sweet babe //22 - 21
(Mission Valley, hotel circle, San Diego, South SD County)
🌴👙🌺_______ COME PLAY & party w/ CHLOE & KRISTINA _______ 2 girl special OUTCALLS all night 🌴🌺👙 - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown Point Loma PB OUTCALLS all SD, San Diego)
(((( )))) brunette - - - - Point Loma SPECIALS - - - - 24
(City of San Diego, POINT LOMA incalls/outcalls)
body of a goddess, SoCal Barbie!! 100% legit im what you want! (;CALL NoW!! OutCaLL ONLY! - 19
(North SD County, Outcall to Yur bed sexy man(;)
{{{{{ bLaCk oN wHiTe SPECIALS •X•(ThiCk bLacK ChIcK°×° & °×° A LATINO WIT SUPER GRIP }}}}}} - 19
(South SD County, National City /chula vista)
◼️◼️ 💋💌Beautiful brunette accepts credit card 💋🗝💋bombshell💋 24hrs ◼️◼️ - 24
(City of San Diego, La Jolla Del mar Carlsbad poway ensinita, San Diego)
★.•Angel & Jade !!*¨ ¨*•- :☆:-•*WE R TRULY •-: ☆:-•* ¨AMAZING¨ *•-: ☆:-•* ¨¨*•★ - 22
(City of San Diego, ALL OVER YOU)
Female Owned and Operated - Make between $1,200 and $1,400 per day Escorting - All Expenses paid!!!
Girls looking to make extra money ? Massage girl needed 💕 - 18
(San Diego, Northpark area, pacific beach)
*.*.*One Of A Kind Mix3d Beauty*.*.*💋*.*.*First Time Visitor*.*.*💋*.*.*Super Sunday Sp3cials*.*.* - 20
(City of San Diego, In&Out; Calls Avail 24/7 Anywhere in Town)
OUTCALL Incall/100 _ Petite/Perky boobs_Brown skin hottie_ NICE & SWEET* __OUTCALL 200/hr SPECIAL - 21
(City of San Diego, Incall / OUTCALLS ALL OVER SAN DIEGO)
New _ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ █☰█☰█☰█ HOT █☰█☰█☰█ Petite Sexy Exotic█☰█☰█☰█ Best Service Available █☰█ - 21
(North SD County, San diego County Outcalls All over)
INCALL OUTCALL San Diego La Mesa SDSU I NEVER Rush Allowing You To RELAX & ENJOY Our Time Together - 23
(City of San Diego, INCALL OUTCALL)
gorgeously FiGURED cutie avail now .. ( S P E C i A L S ) - 22
(City of San Diego, 8 freeway-Near QUALCOMM - Allied Gardens)
!!! __ * YUmMy EbOnY _ lets MeeT NOW* __ !!! _ VeRy _ NAdi ! GeNorous GeNts oNly ! - 25
(San Diego, san clemente oceanside delmar Fall)
Any 35+ military guys NOT looking for a hooker? As in legit, real friendship, food, movies, padres ? - 45
(San Diego, San Diego area)
♛You Deserve the Best ♛ Outcalls ♛ Five star companion ♥available for you !!! - 30
(North SD County, Everywhere in SD / Outcalls/ your place)
Well reviewed chocolate hottie! Layla Lewinski is available now! - 26
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
ViSiTiNG OCEANSiDe☆EXOTIC Curvaceous EBONy ViXeN ; UR Wish MY Command ☆ INcall SPECiAL CALL NOW - 21
(South SD County, OCEANSiDE,Carlsbad ; IN/OUTcall ; 5Fwy)
Warm, & Ready To Play ExOTIC Seductress sure to AROUSE all of your DESIRES OutCALL - InCALL (8east) - 24
(City of San Diego, La Mesa (-Incall-) 8e/Fwy Fletcher Pkwy})
wAiT! sToP! 48eE's!! *bBw* tHiCk n sExY kOkO iS iN eL cAjOn!! *80* wOw!! liMiTeD tYmE oNlY - 34
(East SD County, El Cajon, Santee,)
#❶ ToP CHoiCE EBoNY ★PhAT BooTy ★PuRE FrEAK ★InS CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLLz - - 21
(North SD County, all of sandiego military discounts)
:`~~`: __ one hour left with this {!} Sexy Sweet Wet Blonde Lookin For Sum Fun __:`~~`: - 23
** The Ultimate eXpErienCe ** OUTCALLS all over sd !!!!!! - 21
(City of San Diego, san diego ALL over)
the perfect cuddle buddy china and with in&outcall; rainyday specical all night - 25
(City of San Diego, oceanside-off of mission)
Super thick * Super freaky * Creole who wants to come worship you... 858-568-5872 - 22
(City of San Diego, all over sandiego)
Super FRIENDLY,Super Cute,STUNNING Girl Next Door Brown Eyed BEAUTY - 23
*~* Super Hot and Sexy Playmate *~* 100% Real and Independent *~* - 25
(Downtown Incall/Outcalls All Over)
Sexy, Sweet TRINIDADIAN Cutie Is Available !Great Rates Perfect Figure! - 23
Sensual Prostate Massage * Strap On * AssPlay * Toys * Stunning Blonde!! MILITARY DISCOUNTS!!! - 37
(Del Mar)
Thu 02 Jan
Sweet Seduction. Sexy Latina With Lots To Offer!*REAL PIC'S*You Won't Be Disappointed! 100 SPECIAL - 23
(City of San Diego, MIRA MESA/15 FREEWAY incall&outcall;, San Diego)
💎💋💎💎 SpecialS All NIGHT💋💎 BEAUTIFUL💄 Caramel 👑 HOTTIE with a BODY!!💅💋 - 21
***** YoUr FEATURE pReSeNtAtIoN ***** hOmE AlOnE **** aLL NuDe **** ReAdY too pLay - 26
(NORMAL HEIGHTS off the 805/15.....)