Mon 27 Jan
Sexy & Exotic Latina !! (( Hablo español )) - 25
(Chula Vista/San Diego INCALLS, San Diego, South SD County)
Sexiest Lil Snow Bunny Has Some Fun Waiting 4 U - 25
(City of San Diego, in/outcalls SD/CHULA VISTA/LA MESA/SV)
SEXY°•❤•° _ PETITE _ °•❤•°xoxo _ BLONDE _ °•❤•° Escondido & 15 freeway - 20
(North SD County, ESCONDIDO)
*¨¨*-:¦:-* SeXiEsT *¨¨*-:¦:-* PeTiTe *¨¨*-:¦:-* AsIaN *¨¨*-:¦:-* PrInCeSs *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 20
(Hotel Circle / Mission Valley)
▒ ╠╣♥ S—E— X—Y ♥ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ SEXY █▒ BLONDE █▒ BOMBSHEL PLAYMATE - 24
(City of San Diego, la jolla,mission valley,pb,gaslamp)
*%%* SeXy 19 YeAr OlD AsiAn EbOny & PoRtUgUsE MiXeD sexyBaBe specials*80* BeSt girl ArOuNd *%%* - 19 - 19
(North SD County, point loma.sportsarina blvd in call)
██ ◆ SeXy █ 36DD █ WHITE ◆ █ INCALL █ - 25
(City of San Diego, Private Res.InCaLL by Mission Valley)
██ ◆ SeXy █ 36DD █ TGIF ◆ █ INCALL. █ - 21
(City of San Diego, Private Res.InCaLL by Mission Valley)
Sexiest GiRl ArOund .Do u kiSs Good? *858* 761*4718 *massage all y ou desire, - 26
SensualSarah built for comfort, not speed, eager to play! - 33
(City of San Diego, San Deigo, Mission Valley, Hotel Circle, San Diego)
{SeXy} ___ {SKiLLeD} _____100% REAL _____5'4 ___ Perfect lil Body ____OUTCALL SPECIALS!! - 22
(All San Diego/N.County)
♥ Seductive ASIAN KNOCK OUT ♥ Absolutely a dream come true ♥ - 25
(North SD County, CARLSBAD, 5 FWY of Poinsettia Ln.)
SAN DIEGO/ LA MESA- Unrushed Sessions - Ultimate Experience - The Greatest Rates (Available Now) - 21
(East SD County, LA MESA /fletcher parkway Incall Outcall)
❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ SEDUCTiVE ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ KINKY ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ SKILLED ❤ ▄▄▄ ❤ BRUNETTE♥♡♥ - - 21
(City of San Diego, DOWNTOWN)
-(¯`´¯)---» *°S W E E T *° E X o T i C °*T R e a T» 100% me (¯`´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw! - 23
(City of San Diego, incall clairemont)
✰ SeXxXy FReaK FoR YoU To MeeT ✰ OuT OF THiS WoRLD I/C O/C SPECIALS {{ 60/100/150 }} - 22
Sexiest girl around !.Do you kiss good? *, fashion valley apt;or i go to u !!Julia - 26
(my privet apt, or i go to u)
Second week on the job and I've found my calling! I wonder what my guidance counselor would say ;) - 26
(City of San Diego, Downtown)
# % # % # % # % # % # % # SexXxY PlaYmaTe # % # % # % # % # % # % # exotic mix!!! - 23
(all of San Diego County)
🍎 🍭🌟🍭 SenSaTioNaL LaTiNa AVAIL RITE NOW 🍭🌟🍭 🍎 🍭🌟🍭100 % ReAL PiCtuReS🍭🌟🍭 🍎 - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Visiting Mission valley)
*-:¦:-*.- S P O I L * Y O U R S E L F * H O T T * B R U N E T T E -*-:¦:-* - 25
(Sorrento Valley)
*S E X Y**C L A S S Y**B E A U T I F U L**E X O T I C**REAL - - 22
(City of San Diego, Clairemont In/ Out)
-(¯`´¯)---» •*°—S W E E T—— •*° ——E X o T i C ——°*•——T R e a T——» 100% me (¯`´¯) AvAiLaBlE nOw! - 23
(City of San Diego, incall clairemont)
S € X ¥ •¤• PLA¥fUL •¤• C O L O M B i A N• iTALiAN •&• P O R T U G € S € •¤• bOMbSH€LL - 20
(City of San Diego, la jolla :))
🌺🌺S i l k y 🌺🌺 S m o o t h 🌺🌺S e n s u a l🌺🌺S e x y🌺🌺S e d u c t i v e🌺🌺 - 20
(North SD County, Carlsbad/Oside/Vista/S.Mar/Esco (in/out))
▄ ▒ █ ▒ ▄ •.★.•: SASSY ★ MARRIED ★ PLAYMATE •.★ ▄ █ ▄ 8O ★special...▄ ▒ █ ▒ ▄ - 27
{♥} San Diego's BIGGEST RACK & by far, the best reviews around... {♥} 24/7 - 42
(City of San Diego, NIMITZ & ROSECRANS)
S W E E T U N F O R G E T T A B L E AsiAN T R E A T -- Last Night In Town - - 18
(North SD County, All SD Outcalls)
S P E C I A L S »—»[filipina/ mexican♥* ] »—» [NEW & RECENT PIC'S!]»——» [ 100% REAL! ] - 21
(East SD County, El cajon incall / san diego outcalls)
S P E C I A L S »—»[filipina/ mexican♥* ] »—» [NEW & RECENT PIC'S!]»——» - 21
(North SD County, Escondido outcall / Incall 60$ special)
S e x y ♡♥•°• fLaWLess BeauTY ♥♡°• EX0TiC MiX -ø¤º°¨•••Always the Be$t ••••¨°º¤ø„ - 21
(City of San Diego, ☆Old Town Incalls ((5 fWY]])
💋 S E X Y LaTiNA ❤ CuT¡ ❤ Real pics! 😘 - 22
(North SD County, Miramar incall / outcall to all of SD)
» *___ S __ W __ E __ E __ T ___♥* __ H__E __A __R __T __ »-♥- - 24
(South SD County, chula vista/national city)
** S_E_X_Y ** L_A_D_I_E_ ** W_A_I_T_I_N_G ** T_O_O ** P_L_E_A_S_E** N_E_V_E_R ** T_E_A_S_E ~* - 19
❤ ♥~__ S__E__X __X__Y__~__ S__E__D__ U __C__T__I__ V __E__~__ (&)__L__ A_ S__T__N__I__G __H__T_ ___★ - 19
(City of San Diego, Missoin Valley ,SAN DIEGO)
RiSe & ShInE! $80 S P E C I A L S ೋ $80 SPECIALSೋ $80 SPECIALS ೋ $80 SPECIALS - 18
(OCEANSIDE (mission ave))
👠💘💙 💞S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot!💘 ☆° 💙ŦØP💚 ₦ØŦ₡Ҥ💜💜#1 💝🌹MØ$Ŧ🎉🍭₩Ạ₦ŦẸÐ🍬🎀 - 20
(/Pacific beach in call Outcall all Over, City of San Diego, San Diego)
S M O K I N__H O T__B R U N E T T E__P L A Y M A T E__O P E N__F O R__P L A Y D A T E S__N O W!!!!!! - 19
♥ S e x y. S k i l l e d. ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e ♥ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, incall/outcall)
SaN DieGo OuTCaLL _____ BLoNDe FlORiDa BeaCh BeBe ____ SaN DieGo OuTCaLL - 21
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO OUTCALL)
S *E* X * Y * READY * L*A*T*I*N*A * THiCK * OpEN MiNDeD! 100$SPECIALS - 19
(City of San Diego, EL CAJON/ IN & OUT CALLS)
** S_E_X_Y ** L_A_D_I_E_ ** W_A_I_T_I_N_G ** T_O_O ** P_L_E_A_S_E** N_E_V_E_R ** T_E_A_S_E ~* - 20
💥❌ШѦRNⓘNG❌💥! Pursian Bombshell ❌ EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE ❌ ᗩᐯᗩiLᗩbLe ᑎoᗯ ❌ ᑌᑭᔕᑕᗩᒪe ᖴᑌᑎ ❌ - 19
(ChulaVista&Surrounding; incalls//Outcall, San Diego, South SD County)
S. P. E. C . I . A . L. S REAL ( EBONY FrEaK ) I LIKE IN THE Azz!!! A v a i L a b L eN O w - 69
(City of San Diego, Military Specials Off 5 South Fwy)
— _S_U_P_E_R__ ——— *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* -———— _C_L_I_C_K———— * H_E_R_E_* ——— 4————T_H_E————* B_E_S_T - 19
(South SD County, southbay/chula vista)