Mon 27 Jan
SWEET tasting stacey NEW pix!! ~~ fetish friendly !!!! xoxo * I LOVE WHAT I DO ! * 70 SpEciAls !! - 23
(South SD County, National City Upscale)
Sweet Sexy Busty Lady 36DDD Special! Extended to the end of the week! - 29
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
( (° SwEeT °-:¦:-° ( (* CAUTION *= ADDiCTiVE =) ) °-:¦:-° HoTTie °) ) ) - - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego/Chula Vista/La Mesa)
Sweet and sexy companion available Sept.6th until the10th100% independent and highly reviewed - 33
(Mission Valley)
*~* Sweet n Sexy Syrian *~* Ready To Fulfill Your Bodies Wants n Desires *~* Military Love - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego / Oceanside)
Sweet and Sexy Companion Just For You (60 Special Call 4 Details) OCEANSIDE - 29
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE)
(( Sweet & TendeR )) ___ + ReMarkabLe CaRibbeaN SensatioN + ___ 5'9, 135 lbs, 34B ___ - 19
(Downtown SD!!!)
Sweet Cupcake---> Avali. DaY & NiTE----> Come Play Up AlL NiTe---> Carmal Bunny - 23
(North SD County, Incalls Only in Oceanside/hwy5)
*.:* .Sw.E:*E.t: *.:.&. :*. S:*.e:X.y :*.:* - 22
(DoWnToWn SaN DiEgO UpScaLe DiScrEEt ***)
~*SUPER FIRM, SUPER YOUNG PuertoRican G.F.E Bunny In SD* BaCk DoOr FuN *Incall Outcall SPECIALS*~ - 22
(Hotel Circle)
StAr KaNdiCe KaVeLLi Is AvAiLaBlE NOW 80 $pecials Rite Now!!!!! - 19
(City of San Diego, in/ out Countywide)
★ ★ [[ STUNNING ]] ★ [[ SEXY ]] ★ [[ PURE SATISFACTION ]] ★ ★ - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego / inCall / OutCall)
(City of San Diego, MISSION VALLEY~LA MESA INCALLS Specials)
SUPER ((60 Special)) 💦🆙 Late Early Morning‼‼‼C💋me Pl👖y Fivê⭐ X.X ēxtra⇉THICK & JUICY💦 - 21
*** Some like it HOT- Perfect Blonde- No rush service!! Just sensual enjoyment*** - 38
(North SD County, Oceanside, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
Smoking Hot~ Caribbean Mixed Spice~Hablo Espanol - 23
(City of San Diego, Poway Clairemont Mira Mesa San Diego)
SPECIALS !____! NEW CUTiE AlERT ! ★ ___L_A_T_I N_A_. ★ __ iNCall / OUTCall - 23
(City of San Diego, Private SD incalls)
**SO THICK **** SO INNOCENT** =>=>=> 4th of July Specials ☎ 714*497*9534 Call Now!!! - 19
(Hotel Circle)
💦Slip N' Slide💦🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 💋Young 💥Hot 🔥🔥&&Ready; $70qk - 19
(City of San Diego, outcalls 👉Available All Over SanDiego)
Smoking Hot~100% Puerto Rican New In Town... Hablo Espanol - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego/Mission Valley/National City)
sMOKIN' HoT [✔] PERSAiN [✔] [✔] VerY AddICTivE [✔] ToP NotcH PLEASER - 22
(City of San Diego, POiNT LOMA/ incalls&&outcalls;)
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ SMOKiN ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀HoT ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ SeXy ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 100% REAL PICS - 22
(North SD County, North SD OUTCALL)
Smokin Hot Blonde ___ 100 Massage ___ Cozy Incall ___ Rancho Bernardo ___ 100% Me or its Free!!* - 19
(City of San Diego, RANCHO ♥ BERNARDO)
~ *♛* *:.♥ ;:*: Something RARE Something DIFFERENT! :*¨¨ ♥:*¨ *♛* - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego OUTCALL)
(La Mesa)
💖💛💚SiMpLy💘ThE 💛bEsT💚💘CuRvY 💖💗bLoNdE bOmBsHeLL💛💚 AlWaYs AvAiLaBlE💛💚💘 - 27
(City of San Diego, Point Loma Shelter Island Downtown area, San Diego)
💛SiMpLy ThE bEsT💛CuRvY💚bLoNdE💚 BoOtYbEaUtY💚bOmBsHeLL - 26
(City of San Diego, National City incall, San Diego)
♡ *¨¨*•-:¦:-• SiMpLy SiNFullY AwESomE ASiAn PlAYMate •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* ♡ - 24
(City of San Diego, ♡ San Diego UTC Gaslamp Encinitas ♡)
💋SNoW BuNNy ✦▬▬▬▬▬▬✦ T!GHT GR!P ✦ 100 ✦ PERFECT H!PS✦▬▬▬▬▬▬✦💋 BLoNDe PLaYMaTe - 20
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, San marcos and surrounding)
💞💋smooth& Exotic❤️💕❌⭕❌⭕♥ Native Chick💎♥❌⭕❌⭕💕💋♥ come Play N O W!!♥ - 23
(City of San Diego, San Marcos /incall💞)
Sexyyyy sensual Brunette waiting for you!! available now!! Specials All Night:) - 25
(City of San Diego, san diego la mesa)
*~Sexy~*~Experienced~ Playful ~*German Beauty*~ Available for You Now!** - 38
(City of San Diego, Santee In-call)
💘Sexy💘Beautiful, 💘BiG BreaSts TOtaL m I L..f ⭐6198226851 - 43
(Downtown, Gaslamp., North SD County, San Diego)
~~~~~ * SEXY wild Babe! Ready TO Provide You An Exxclusive Time* ~~~~~ *100 Incall Available* ~~~~~~ - 24
(City of San Diego, POINT LOMA // SAN DIEGO)
ஐ SO ! SEDucTiVE SO ! HoTT ☆ Er0+!C FuN PLaYMaTE- L@+e N!+e $ p E C -I A L $ ► - 25
(- IN/OUT - Pacific Beach)
Smokin Hot New Blonde * * * 100% Real & Independent * * * After Work Specials in Rancho Bernardo!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo 2 Girl Specials)
SEXY!*?* TaStY*?* EyE CaNdY*? SiMpLy THE BesT *? MiXxEd CuTiE*SPECiALs 8O 8O 8O 8O - 22
(Carlsbad- In Call-Out Call)
(North Park InCall by Mission Valley & Dt)
◆ SeXy__ PLAYBOY Bunny ◆ XOXO - 19
(North Park InCall by Mission Valley & Dt)
█ ♥ SeXy ———————BLONDE —————SWEETHEART ———————— AVAILABLE —————♥ - 23
《▪°°▪Sexy and Sensual! Super Specials to Satisfy All Your Needs! Let's Play! ▪°▪》 - 26
(Central San Diego, City of San Diego, San Diego)
♥ Sexy ___♥ Mixed___♥ Ebony ___♥ Vixen ♥ ______ (619) 288-3763 - 28
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcalls)