Mon 27 Jan
💄💄💄 Green eyed Latina BEAUTY ________ 100% REAL DEAL ____________ Brunette vixen NEW PICS ! 💄💄💄 - 22
(City of San Diego, Point Loma / Rosecrans st Incall Outcall, San Diego)
Guaranteed to have you melting in my hands !!!! {Available Now} OUTCALL SPECIAL - 21
(City of San Diego, SPRING VALLEY S / Outcall all SD)
---===== ♥ Gorgeous Latina Available Now ♥ =====--- ★ 60:: SPECIALS - 24
(Hotel Circle/San Diego Incall)
(City of San Diego, Incall Pt Loma off Rosecrans)
♛♣♣♣Gorgeous♣ ♣♣♛ Busty & Brunette Barbie♛ ♣♣♣ ♛ ▇100% Real Deal ♛ ♣♣ new pics♣♣ Upscale Hottie♣♣♣ ♛ - 22
(City of San Diego, where ever you are:-))
-:¦:- HalF TimE SPEAciALS -:¦:-FRE@KY GIRL with FRE@KY TRICKS -:¦:-KiNkY & FuN - 23
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE)
H O T ! ... » » LoOk » » ExOtIC » » EbOnY» » BoMbShELL BeAuTy CuTiE WiTh A BoOty--Available Now - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego Area)
——————— —————GORGEOUS Latina SWEETHEART 100 Specials ;)———— - 22
*:•.♥ •:*¨¨* ♥Gorgeous Latina Bombshell Now Available In POWAY!♥ *:•.♥ •:*¨¨* - 19
(City of San Diego, Poway/ Rancho Penasquitos)
-*GORGEOUS -exotic- & AVAILABLE*- call me NOW! - 21
(San Diego, incall's (LA MESA)/ outcall's all over)
💋Gorgeous, Exotic, Sexy~Available Now Military Specials... - 25
(City of San Diego, Gaslamp, Downtown, Beach Area, San Diego)
___▄ █ ☆█•: ▄___ ((( •♥• GORGEOUS BRUNETTE AVAiLABLE :)Specials 100% REAL•♥• ))) ___▄ █ ☆█•: ▄___ - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
GOrGeOuS Busty,CuRvy Brazallian Princess☆ SpECIALS YoU MuST ExxPeRieNCe - - 20
(City of San Diego, oceanside/sorrounding areas/camp pen.)
(GORGeOUs AsIaN )———— •UPSCALE • ———— ♥ PEtiTE ♥ ————— • ( AVAiLABLE NOW ) • ————— ♥)) - 19
(North SD County, Poway Incall or Out)
GORGEOUS & SeXY EXoTiC MiXXeD BEAUTY /// 100% REAL Pics /// Available NOW!!!! ****** SPECIAL ****** - 22
**~ HAPPY H O L I D A Y S ! UR NaughtieSt BUSTieSt TOPLeSs LatiNa SWeetCAKes AvaiLAble RIGHT NOW! *~ - 24
H O T__B L O N D E____INCALLS _____ * available now * ((SPECIALS)) * up EARLY * _____ OUTCALLS ____ - 18
💞————————— GORGEOUS SPANISH❤B R U N E T T E ———————— ❤ Your UPSCALE Arm CANDY 💞 ((OUTCALLS Only)) - 23
(City of San Diego, -Outcalls- Downtown, PB, La Jolla)
***GORGEOUS Milf!! Special Rate half hour now available*** - 38
(North SD County, Oceanside, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
GORGEOUS Girl!!! ~~~ 1OO% Real!!! ~~~ PRETTY Face ~~~ AWESOME Body ~~~ TueS 100 SPECIALS!!! - 21
(North SD County, Encinitas IN & OUT)
♥ ° ° * ° H O T -(¯`v´¯)- S X Y -(¯`v´¯)- X O T I C -(¯`v´¯)- T R @ T ° * ° ° ♥ - 23
(City of San Diego, HOTEL CIRCLE SOUTH)
H O T__B L O N D E____INCALLS _____ * available now * ((SPECIALS)) * Up Late * _____ OUTCALLS ____ - 18
💕🍭GorGeous Puerto Rican PriNceSS 👑 BoDy LiKe WoW 🎀 BuSty BoMbSheLL 💕 JuiCy SpeCiALs 💋ReaDy TO PlAy - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
***GORGEOUS Party Girl **** SUPER Busty *** 34D All Natural ** Latina AVAILABLE NOW - 25
(City of San Diego, san diego)
❤♡______ Gorgeous DD Blonde Curvy Bombshell ______♡❤ - 23
(City of San Diego, OUTCALLS ALL OVER SD NC Encinitas)
GOODMoRNING ★ Amazing (8O/10OSpecials) M I X e D ★ Well REViEW ' D CUTiE - 21
(South SD County, &heart; OUTCALLS ♥)
GooDMorning Specials ((I cOme To You))AvaiLabLe Now [BeautifuL BlonDe Latina 💋] Big Round Booty - 24
(City of San Diego, Outcalls/ hotels/ private locations)
•°• H ♡ ††€R ° •ThaN °  V € R  G € • ° SuP€r SP€ciAlS! HoT giRl.♡°•°♥ ▒ {Available Now} - 23
(City of San Diego, ♡ Mission Valley)
H0w mAny Licks dUz it tAkE?? *CaliForniA's #1!!!!DD's Busty Latina % T0P noTch ProvidEr** SpeciAls - 24
(City of San Diego, 8 west)
* ._______. * h o t t i e . _____. w i t h . ____. A . ____ . . ____ b o d y . ______ . * - 24
💋H I G H L Y———♥——— ஐ Q U A L I F I E Dஐ ———♥——— S E D U C T R E S S - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad)
H __ O __ T___ *^*^* ___ A ___ S ___ I ___ A ___ N ___ *^*^* P __ L __ A __ Y __ M __ A __ T __ E - 24
(City of San Diego, San diego Outcalls)
((( Guess What Guys ... I've gOt A GrEaT SpECiAl FoR You .. CliCk AnD TaKe A PeEk... SEXY BLONDE
(North County Coastal)
Gorgeous Natural Redhead available all over San Diego! OUTCALLS ONLY - 24
(East SD County, All San Diego)
💋😍Gorgeous Brunette💋😍‼️Available Now‼️🔝Beauty💋 - 19
(North SD County, All Over North County Outcalls😘)
Gorgeous Blond Girl Next Door Hottie with a Smokin Hot Body! - 25
(North SD County, Outcall all over)
_________* H_______ O_______ T_______ T_________ E_______ S_______ T_ ASAIN & SPANISH 2 GIRL SHOW - 23
***GREAT Reviews*** NOW NOW NOW *** $$60$$ $$60$$*** Here's Your Chance ! * - 40
(East SD County, El Cajon)
♥♥Gorgeous NEW Latina Bombshell Available Now in CHULA VISTA!♥ ♥ - 19
(South SD County, Chula Vista)
~°•* GoRgEoUs °•*~ M I X E D°•*~ BOMBSHELL°•~ ItS MY BiRtHdAy !!!! SpEcIaLs !!!!!!!!! - 22
(City of San Diego, Outcalls All Over San Diego)
🎀💛🎀Gorgeous Blondie🎀💛🎀The R E A L Deal💋34D Bombshell👑Available NOW💋 - 25
(North SD County, North San diego)
GORGEOUS & SeXY EXoTiC MiXXeD BEAUTY /// 100% REAL Pics /// Available NOW!!!! ****** SPECIAL ******
GORGEOUS ADDICTING LATINA* Reviews* INCALLS only available NOW ** 100% real pic - 30
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
Guess What WE Are BACCCKK !!! Exotic Soothing Massages Available NOW.. 2for1 Specials - 21
GReAt RaTEs •*° K—i—L—L—e—R—— •*° ———— B— o—D—Y——— •*° °———— REAL PiCS ———EbONy———— CALL NOW - 22
(North SD County, and Ready... Available Now)
★ GORGEOUS ★ —————PReTTY FaCe ————— PeRFeCT BoDY ————— ★ 100% REAL AND RECENT PICS - 21
(North SD County, Del Mar INcall Or OUTcall)
❤Gorgeous Latina❤😘 Available Now! 80qv ** 100hh Special! (espanol) incall 😄😄😄 - 21
(North SD County, Escondido)
-*GORGEOUS -exotic- & AVAILABLE*- call me NOW! Sweet Specials- - 21
(City of San Diego, incall's (LA MESA)/ outcall's all over)
GorGeous BlonDe * BomB*Shell *... 100%ReaL .* ... AVaiLaBle NoW !!! - 20
(Del Mar incalls 100 special)
* * * Goregous * * * Petite * * * New Asian * * * 120 Incall Available Now * * * Real Pictures * * * - 22
(City of San Diego, el cajon city incalls)
Gorgeous All Natural Busty Brunette Beauty **** Available Now, 100% real - 25
(City of San Diego, Sd)
(City of San Diego, clmt mesa 163 INCALL/OUTCALL)
👑💋🎯💦💦Good girl ✔️ Naughty habits ✔️ available now ✔️💯% Fun ✔️120 OUTCALL SPECIAL📞🚕🎯💋😏 💦💦 - 24
(City of San Diego, East SD County, LA Mesa/College grove/El Cajon OutCalls, San Diego, South SD County)
CuRvAciOuS BlOnDe BaBe °*° F lAwLEsS *° Bl0NdE *° PlAyMaTe100 SpEciAl WiTh ReAl PiXs - 20
(Hotel Circle/All San Diego)
♥ ————— •☆• CRAVING SOMEONE LIKE ME •☆• ————— ♥ Available Now 100$ - 22
(North SD County, Poway INCALL)
【Complete Sweetie】 ✓【Killer body】 ✓ 【1◯◯ Special】 ✓ INCALL ✓ 【HIGHLY REVIEWED】 ✓ 【available NOW】 - 25
COME PLAY WiTH 2 GiRLS ! ! * * * Double Your Fun ! Call us we are available NOW ! !! - 19
➡ ♥ 💋ღ - Cσmε ξscαρε iητσ mγ ωσr∫d & ξηjσγ - ღ💋 ♥ - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego Available 4 OutCall's)
ComE WarM 🆙 WiTh me ⭐ SeXXY PeTiTe BlonDE 🌟 SiMPLy PeRfEcT Just Arrived 📞 CALL NOW - 20
(South SD County, chuls vista)
°°°° COME STOP ♥_ BY MY♥ ;_WARM SPOT★ °° SPECIALS70$ 6192457125 - 20
(City of San Diego, mission valley/ clairemont/ piont loma)
Come sEe tHe Pretty Kitty ____Look No Further-Hottest in town - I'm Available Now!! - 21
(City of San Diego, Vista 78fwy In/out)
💋❤️💕😘💋 Come one come all amazing chocolate goody💋❤️💕😘💋 - 39
(City of San Diego, mission valley, San Diego)
🍫💦 ⭐️😘Come Play 🍭I'm the Sweetest Ask About My First of the Month Specials🍫🍦 - 23
(City of San Diego, Incalls 24/7 🏠 Outcalls All Over🚘, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
**Craving Something Sweet Sexxy Brunette Bombshell Awaits specials Available Now! - 24
(City of San Diego, Elcajon Springvalley Lamesa In-Outs)
【Complete Sweetie】 ✓【Killer body】 ✓ 【7O Special TODAY】 ✓ 【HIGHLY REVIEWED】 ✓ 【available NOW】 - 25