Mon 27 Jan
What do noodles and women have in common? - 31
(Chula Vista, Escondido, Oceanside, San Diego, South SD County)
Wet £aG£r AnD aVaiLaBl£ tO aCcOmMoDa£ yOu Mira Mesa ✾ UNMATCHED!! - 23
(Mira Mesa/Kearny Mesa Rd. 15/Fwy Incall)
WEDNESDAY NITE SPECIALS! Hot Mature Blonde in N County hwy76&hwy101; - 47
(North SD County, north county coastal oside hwy 76&PCH;)
✈️The Count Down Has Began✈️100% real pic✌🏼️The sexy DDD addictive Body is taking off💎 - 24
(City of San Diego, Hotel circle, San Diego)
TGIF!! "ReAl" SeXy PlaYfUl EvE! 100 $pecials ALL WEEK! *82 619 379 7190 Military A+ - 26
(San Diego)
♥ TASTY Tuesday Are SOOOOO SeXxXy ♥ & ♥ SOOOO Am I ! 60 SPECIAL ♥ - 21
(Private ChULA VISTA I/C O/C 2 U)
Tana /Sophia / Amy / Nancy◢◤▇█▓ SO HOT —— *★*—— SO SWEET @— *★*—— SO SEXY_858-382-9943 - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
~ SwEeT * jUiCy ~ TiGhT * KiTtY ~~ CuM * MaKe ~ iT *PuRrRr {100} Military Specials {80} - 22
SWEET tasting stacey NEW pix!! ~~ fetish friendly !!!! xoxo * I LOVE WHAT I DO ! * 70 SpEciAls !! - 23
(South SD County, National City Upscale)
Sweet Lips, Hot Nursing Student with EXTRA Thick KNEEPADS 760-331-4233 - 25
(carlsbad and other SD beaches)
@@@@ * specials . *80* sexy little pretty 19 year old black/asian an portugise mixed babe *@@@@ - 19
(South SD County, point loma /channel way/ N call)
Smoking Hot~100% Puerto Rican New In Town... Hablo Espanol - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego/Mission Valley/National City)
SeXy!❤48eez BOOBS ( . ) ( . )❤SuPeR sExY kOkO iZ dEliCiOuS❤44eez BOOBS ( . ) ( . )❤100% Hottie!❤ - 38
(East SD County, La Mesa/ 8 east frwy, San Diego)
《▪°°▪Sexy and Sensual! Super Specials to Satisfy All Your Needs! Let's Play! ▪°▪》 - 26
(Central San Diego, City of San Diego, San Diego)
seXXXy Pepci~ very busty and petite champion of blowing ~ur~ mind! - 24
(Carlsbad_Incall~but will travel!)
*%%* SeXy 19 YeAr OlD AsiAn EbOny & PoRtUgUsE MiXeD sexyBaBe specials*80* BeSt girl ArOuNd *%%* - 19 - 19
(City of San Diego, point loma sportsarina blvd N call)
Sexy & cute ($80 special) all day and night call me - 28
(City of San Diego, north county incall/san diego outcalls)
•★• SEXY & PETITE ★ Package Of ★ DELiGHTFULNESS ★ Call Now!! •★• LAST DaY •★• - 21
(City of San Diego, Rancho Bernardo In/Out)
^^^SeXXy --------SoUtHerN------- BLoNdE ------- PeTiTe ----YoUng &TiGht; ^^^^ - 21
(North SD County, incalls OCEANSIDE outcalls SD COUNTY)
Sexii Little Suprize **** Sweet Neat TrEaT ^^^^^^^ Beautiful Creamy Delite ******* &&^&^& - 20
(Private Location)
Sexiest ---> Petite ~~~> CHOCOLATE TREAT ever 👑💄💋Open Me Up 👀 HOTT🔥! - 24
(City of San Diego, Outcalls ALL OVER gaslamp PB Clairemont)
Sexii Little Suprize **** Sweet Neat TrEaT ^^^^^^^ Beautiful Delite ******* &&^&^& - 20
♦◊♦◊♦———♦◊♦◊♦ 【SeDuctiVe】 ♦◊♦◊♦———♦◊♦◊♦ 【PlaYfull】 ♦◊♦◊♦———♦◊♦◊♦ 【BruNette】 ♦◊♦◊♦———♦◊♦◊♦ - 27
(Chula Vista National City, San Diego, South SD County)
💋💎💎💋 Seductive✔️ SEXY✔️ classy ✔️ gorgeous brunette 💋💎💎💋 - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego// hotel circle__ in& outcalls)
❀☆ ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ SeDucTiVe ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆°PlAyFuL☆ ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆❀°GOdDeSS☆ ҉‿↗⁀☆҉ ☆҉↘‿↗⁀҉‿ ☆❀° - 24
(East SD County, La Mesa / Hwy 8)
Sexual Intelligence Looking for a Gentlemen to spoil! The Needle in the Haystack Goddess here.XO! - 32
(Del Mar)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- EROTIC =100$ -:¦:- EXOTIC ADDICTION =100$**-:¦:-** PLAYFUL **-:¦:- VIXEN - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley/Incall/Military Specials)
San Diego's #1 Is Also San Diego's #1 Cougar, AND San Diego's #1 Seductress - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours/incall @1mi S. of Qualcomm Stadium)
🎀 ----- S i M P L Y ----- 🎀 G O R G E O U S 🎀 ----- L A T i N A ----- 🎀 - 25
(City of San Diego, First person that show`s get`s discount!)
♥ (S)) ((=E=)) (( X)) ((=Y=)) ♥ - 20
(Chula Vista In/ San Diego Out)
Seductive PeTiTe AfRiCaN BombShell* GFE *sessions starting @ 100 Kisses* - 22
(Hotel Circle / Mission Valley)
(¯`´¯) »*°S W EE T *° E X o T i C °*TR e a T» CaLl NOoW (¯`´¯) - - 21
(mission valley)
***Sam Pure Pleasure 2***Beautiful Blonde*** Wants to spend time with you! WILL PLEASE ALL DESIRES - 34
(North SD County, North County Oceanside,Ca.)
_ _ _ _ S L i P & S L I D E___ Y o U R ____ H a p p Y_ _ S T i C K ^ * ^ * ^ * T h i s WAY !! ______ - 19
(Mission Valley)
💋 S E X Y LaTiNA ❤ CuT¡ ❤ Specials!! Real pics! 😘 - 22
(North SD County, Poway / Mira Mesa incall)
---Q_U_Â _L_! _F_i_€ _D * ( BIGG COCKS ONLY ) * §_Â _†_i_§ _F_!_€ _D--- - 21
(City of San Diego, san diego)
~}{}{}{}{ PURE RELAXATION }{}{}{}{ EYE CANDY }{}{}{} PETITE CUBAN GODDESS }{}{}{} 100 SPECIAL }{}{} - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego - Incall - Outcall)
°*ஐ*° PuRe °**° S e D u C t I o N °*ஐ*° In DoWnToWn SaN DiEgO - 24
(UpScALe DoWnToWn LoCaTioN)
Private Incall, Come to my Home and Enjoy my Time! - 22
(City of San Diego, Scripps Ranch-INCALL / San Diego-OUTCALL)
**PhaT*** (B)ooTY. ur special treat IS aWaIting u military special - 21
(call me special 120 military special)
★★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ★ PEtiTe★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★AVAILABLE NOW★▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★HOT BRUNETTE▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★★ - 25
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
██★██ ◆$pECIALs █♣█ ◆ Perfect ChOicE 80 spec █$█ ◆1OO% REAL ! Asian/blk ██♥██ Very JuiCy sPeC. - 21
(City of San Diego, call me special)
___*PARTY Time* Up all Early AM!! Cuban Hottie___ - 18
(City of San Diego, 8fwy Incall/ All over SD OutcaLL)
Outcalls Recieve A 20% Discount All Night Long - 40
(City of San Diego, San Diego and Surrounding or Mine)
NoRtH CoUnTy GiRL wAnTs To PaRtY! MAN? 420 fRieNdLy... HaBLo eSpaNoL - 23
(North County, San Diego, Oceanside)
.::*☆°o* ☆ NONE OF MY TALENTS ☆ CAN BE PUT IN A RESUME ☆ *o°☆*::. - 18
(Hotel Circle/Mission Valley)
;(¯`.´¯) * No * OhR * P_L__a_§_u_R_ * CaN *GREAT RAtes call now..... - 23
(City of San Diego, mission valley/all san diego/)
▇♥▇ ▇♥▇ O U T C A L L ▇♥▇ ♥▇ ▇♥▇▇ P E R F E C T 10 B L O N D E ▇♥▇ ▇♥▇ - 21
(City of San Diego, Outcall anywhere)
NYC's Naughty Angel Loves To Have Her Till Her Kitty SQU*IRT's EveryWhere
•❤• °o°•★ ߀ÅUTiFUL ★•°o°•★ €XOTiC★•°o°•★ §TUNNiNG ★•°o°•★ Hazel eyes★•°o° •❤• - 23 - 23
(City of San Diego, point loma)
NEW*24hr Brazilian/Asian Upscale OUTCALL (NC) PlayMate (Nice Booty) & Perky Brest *Highly Skilled - 23
(North SD County, OUTCALL(NORTH CO./SD) Incall(La MESA))
NeW PiCs G:o:R:g:E:o:U: s ; E:x:O:t:i:C ; P:L:a:Y:m:A:T:e ; Specials - 22
(IN..Chula Vista..OUT..all over san diego)
Hi guys=, take a look,== sweet, sexy and beautiful =(~!massage gfe ) 858-761-4718