Fri 03 Jan
💖💛💖 Curvy NEW blonDe HaIR Will PaMPer U Till U CaNt HaNDlE AnYmORe💛❤❤ - 30
(City of San Diego, RANCHO BERNARDO in/outs right oft the 15, San Diego)
BLoNdE & BrUnneTe HOTTIES!...I t _ ♥ _ D o e s n 't _ ♥ _ g e t _ ♥ _ A n y _ ♥Better Than This! - 21
{{{{{ bLaCk oN wHiTe SPECIALS •X•(ThiCk bLacK ChIcK°×° & °×° A LATINO WIT SUPER GRIP }}}}}} - 19
(South SD County, National City /chula vista)
•:*• ☆ bEauTifUl sExY ChOcO PLAYMATE!! `'•.¸ ★¸.•'´ 100SPECIAL !!! *• ☆ ¨* - 24
(City of San Diego, BEACH AREA)
♥ P R E T T Y ♥ F I L I P I N A ♥ 1 0 0 % R E A L ! ♥ - 21
(City of San Diego, Escondido Rancho Bernardo Poway area)
🎉🎉4th of July SPecials🎉🎉 Exotic Doll Ready To Please • Fufill your desires 💦🍓💋 - 20
(City of San Diego, National City , Chula Vista, San Diego, South SD County)
★★★ ██████ 36DD HOT BLONDE INCALL ██████★★★★★ - 22
(City of San Diego, INCALPrivate Res. ★ INCALL ONLY ★)
█ " G O R G E O U S " UNFORG ETTABLE ! █ - 22
(San Diego, Mission Valley ★)
Warm, & Ready To Play ExOTIC Seductress sure to AROUSE all of your DESIRES OutCALL - InCALL (8east) - 24
(City of San Diego, La Mesa (-Incall-) 8e/Fwy Fletcher Pkwy})
wAiT! sToP! 48eE's!! *bBw* tHiCk n sExY kOkO iS iN eL cAjOn!! *80* wOw!! liMiTeD tYmE oNlY - 34
(East SD County, El Cajon, Santee,)
#❶ ToP CHoiCE EBoNY ★PhAT BooTy ★PuRE FrEAK ★InS CuRvEs & AmAziNG SkiLLz - - 21
(North SD County, all of sandiego military discounts)
★ ThicK & FreaKy ★ GoRgeoUs & KiNkI★ GeT iT WhIlE ItS HoT★ - 30
(City of San Diego, Del Mar IN Private Place/OUT All Of SD)
♛♛[☆THE ☆PERFECT ☆TREAT☆ ] ♛♛[☆] DeLiCiOus [☆] EBonY GodDeSs [☆] ♛♛ NiCe rOuNd BoTtOm - 22
(City of San Diego, san diego .la mesa . el cajon)
.. SUN. FREAK FEST S T O O P I D (THICK) _YeS!! I LIKE IT IN THE ¿? N@§tY gIrL §PeCi@l (80) - 23
(City of San Diego, COME A L L L over MY aZzzz..(LAMESA))
*°° SexY_★ _ PERSIAN DeLiTe_ ★_ fOr _ ★ _ YoU _ SPECIALS ★ _ °°* - 21
Thu 02 Jan
Sexy Lady In Town for short Time come over for some wild fun VISITING - 25
(~(~( TANTRIC **** EXOTIC ***** PLAYFUL SIENNA ***** UPSCALE***** BUSTY ~)~)~) - 26
(North SD County, incall outcall Rancho Benardo)
{♥} YOUR •:*:• LITTLE •:*:• BLONDE •:*:• BLUE EYED seceret % AsHLlE ( FaNTaSy FeTiSheS cOmE TrUe )) - 23
(South SD County, chula vista/ national city/el cajon)
Your #1 Choice 💋 Visiting From Miami 💋Specials You Will Love - 21
(City of San Diego, ALL OVER SD IN & OUT)
🍫❤Your New Addiction😍❤Warm Tight Grip , Sweet Soft Lips💋New📸📸 (150hr Special) - 21
(City of San Diego, San Deigo , Mission Valley,HotelCircle, San Diego)
***VIP BLONDE** Need a sweet TREAT? **VIP BLONDE*** - 23
(City of San Diego, i come over to you luv .....)
VISITING!! Amazing Skills /😋 Spicy Latina 😋 / /☺☺/ Wild & 💋💋 Sexy FleXible 💋💋 - - 26 - 26
(City of San Diego, I-805 and University-north park)
Sweetest Sexiest Girl Around .Do you kiss good? sensual massage,&all; you desire= - 25
T W O 💢 H O T❗💜W E T T 💜 F R E A K S❗💢Military specials💋 - 25
(City of San Diego, Outcall specials north c downtown Elake)
SpeCiaLs°***° [~~~ BloNde n BuSTy °***° [~~~ HoTT n ReAdY °***° [~~~AvAiLaBlE NoW°***° [~~~ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego DownTown Incall/Outcall)
Soothing touch & the best relaxation with selenas magic touch 100 incall special - 25
(Incall outcall)
***Sneak Away and lets have some Fun*** All Nite * 100 Specials* Brazilian* - 21
(City of San Diego, Sd,Chula Vista,Point Loma,Old Town)
SMa RT *_ *SeX xXy*_ *CLaS Sy*_* CuTE* _ *OpeN-MindeD *_* BReaT H tAKiNG *_* & *_*FuN! - 20
(Mission Valley)
Sexy chill with a body let's play@858-264-8363 - 45
(City of San Diego, Hotel circle, mission valley92108 allSD, San Diego)
Sexy **^^**Early Morning **^^** Visiting **^** In-call Specials ***^^** Brunette - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego Incall Specials)
Sexy CarAmEl PlaYgIrl LookiNg FoR A plEasUrable Time - 20
(South SD County, Chula Vista, La Mesa, El Cajon,Oceanside)
__________ oOo __________ OUTCALL SPECIALS!! seXy Red HeadEd GirL Next Door _________ oOo _________ - 21
o★o!!* Late night fun with this Addictive & Busty Brunette o★o!!* - 20
(North SD County, Outcalls: All Throughout NorthCounty &SD;)
♥OnE NiGht Only♥ •JAMAICAN GODDESS. Ready To ExPlOre UR Passionate Nite. Just call me baby - 23
(City of San Diego, MISSION VALLEY/Hotel circle/OVERNIGHTS)
Open Late ~*~ Late Night Lovin To You.. I know what YOUR bodies been craving ~*~ Available Now - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego/Oceanside)
_________ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ o♥o°• HOT MARRIED SWEETHEART o♥o°• endless possibilities o♥o°• █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ___ - 27
NEW GiRL 2 town! Gorgeous blonde, Bubble BUTT. loves 2 SHOW Gentlemen an EXCITING && INVITING Time! - 25
(Torrey Pines/ La jolla)
*New* i melt n ur mouth not ur hand *New* AvaLablE nOw - 22
(North SD County, san marcos/escondido/vitsa/oceanside)
.-. New .-. CANADIAN .*. BUSTY .*. BOMBSHELL .-. New .-. - 21
(City of San Diego, let's play at your house)
»» ❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy.... cArAmEl CuRVeS❤ »» - 20
(all of san diego)
Its FRIDAY !! GOT LUNCH? new number! INSATIABLE 7602089826 MATURE Blond - 47
(North SD County, near palomar airport)