Sun 05 Jan
SI PAPI 👅Oceanside🍷IN 60/80,30min👙Out 150hr🎥FilmStar🌟DD 👙Latina🎊.🎉NoGames🍸24HR - 30
(North SD County, InOceanside OUT SD PB Downtown)
Curly headed Petite Mixed Goddess 💕 Sweetest girl On here💋 Outcalls OnLy - 21
(City of San Diego, downtown Pb la jolla fashion valley, San Diego)
💕💕💕Beautiful Asian Girls! We have A/C! An experience of a lifetime!(Rosecrans St) - 25
(City of San Diego, Rosecrans St, San Diego)
SI PAPI 👅Oceanside🍷IN 60/80,30min👙Out 150hr🎥FilmStar🌟DD 👙Latina🎊.🎉NoGames🍸24HR - 30
(North SD County, InOceanside OUT SD PB Downtown)
**__SEXY _TAN _ BEAUTY!! Stop and Call ME! I _ WONT _ WASTE _ YOUR _ TIME_ _*** - 20
Sat 04 Jan
M y * P _a__ n_ _t __i__e__s ❤ W__a __n__n __a * C __o__ m__ e ❤ O __f__ f *Hotel Cir
LoOkInG FoR ThE RiGhT GiRl To SaTiSfy YoUr ErOtIc ThIrSt?? InCaLLs aNd OuTcAlLs NoW - 21
(Mission Valley)
---- Immediate Cash! ----- Adult Modeling - Start Tonight - $1,000 to $3,000 /day - 38
(East SD County, San Diego - Downtown)
That pleasing erotic pleasure with this provider still have that erotic Bang $60 Working MEN SPECAIL - 30
(Chula.visita..,..,.., City of San Diego, San Diego)
{ }Lets play baby ♡{}↓(LOOK) Leaving North County!♡ Outcalls 【 VIDEO】 【100%Hot &Horny; 】 - 25
(City of San Diego, Outcalls North county vista/san marcos)
Sweet Brunette Baby 760-893-6149 Downtown NOW! - 29
(City of San Diego, Downtown, Gaslamp, Incall, Outcall)
BACK!!!!! but not for to long ..TWO for one call US now 💋💋crazy Specials💋 - 22
(City of San Diego, Outcalls all over Sd In call downtown sd, San Diego)
___ True__ 34D___ Gorgeous___ Hottie___ Visiting!! ___ Dont__ Miss __ Out! - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego, SAN DIEGO, LA JOLLA,MISSION VALLEY)
SI PaPi Oceanside 👅 🎍IN 60/80hhr🎸 OUT160hr Film🎥Star🌟DDCurvy Latina🍸 No Games,Party🎉🍸 - 32
(INOceansideINClairemontOUT SDOceanside, North SD County, San Diego)
SIpapi INCL80hhr Out160hrAdult Film Star DDDBlonde Latina NOGames24hrs - 28
(North SD County, InClairemontOut Oceanside sd Downtown Pb)
🌵SI PAPI 👅Oceanside🍸IN 60 🕒/80 30min🍻Out 160hr🎥FilmStar🌟DD 🎸👙Latina🎍🎊.🎉NoGames🍸24HR - 31
(INOceanside Out SD Pb Downtown La jolla, North SD County, San Diego)
Si papi Outcall 160hr IN80hhrXXX Film Star DDDLatina No Games 24HRS - 28
(North SD County, InClairemont Out SD Ocensd Downtown utc)
IN 60hhr 24hrSpecial Papi Outcall 140hr Film Star DDLatina No Games 24HRS - 29
(North SD County, In Claiermont Out Oceanside pb Downtown)
IN80hhr Out100,150hr Adult Film Star Busty Blonde Latina NOGames No upsell - 29
(North SD County, InClairemont Out sd pb Downtown Oceansid)
█▒$60 special █▒ ╠╣OT〓〓〓► ♥▬♦▬♥ BUSTY ♥▬♦▬♥♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃ `*•.¸ PLAYMATE ♥▬♦▬♥ █60 Intro/100/180hr - 22
(City of San Diego, SD near convention center downtown)incal)
---- Immediate Cash! ----- Adult Modeling - Start Today - $1,000 to $3,000 /day - 40
(East SD County, San Diego - Downtown)
Fri 03 Jan
💕💕💕Beautiful Asian Girls! We have A/C! An experience of a lifetime!(Rosecrans St) - 25
(City of San Diego, Rosecrans St, San Diego)
°o♥o° JÂW CLNCH¡NG >TÕ CUrL¡NG > §P¡N T¡NGL¡NG §PCHL§§ xPR¡NC! °o♥o° - 22
(City of San Diego, OUTCALLS all ovr..INCALLS downtown)
___ True__ 34D___ Gorgeous___ Hottie___ Visiting!! ___ Dont__ Miss __ Out! - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego, SAN DIEGO, LA JOLLA,MISSION VALLEY)
Si PaPi👅Oceanside🎍IN 60/80hhr🎸 OUT150hr Film🎥Star🌟DD👙 Latina🍸 No Games,Party🎊�🎉🍸 - 30
(IN OceansideOut Sd San Clemente,Laguna,, North SD County, San Diego)
• ღ*♥ ღ♥ღ InDiAn AnD BlAcK♥ *ღ*(EbOnY GoDDeSS) ____ CLIcK HeRe ___ *SmAcKaBLe BoOTY* ____ CaLL- NoW - 19
(South SD County, oUt/ IN CaLl Point Loma)
Traveling businessman seeking sexy companion on SUNDAY, JUNE 21 - 35
(San Diego, Downtown San Diego)
IN 60hhr 24hrSpecial Papi Outcall 140hr Film Star DDLatina No Games 24HRS - 29
(North SD County, In Claiermont Out Oceanside pb Downtown)
{ }Lets play baby ♡{}↓(LOOK) Leaving North County!♡ Outcalls 【 VIDEO】 【100%Hot &Horny; 】 - 25
(City of San Diego, Outcalls North county vista/san marcos)
Si papi Outcall 160hr IN80hhrXXX Film Star DDDLatina No Games 24HRS - 28
(North SD County, InClairemont Out SD Ocensd Downtown utc)
Thu 02 Jan
Vanessa Grey is Visiting SD! Slender and Sweet...looking for fun! - 32
(City of San Diego, Downtown San Diego)
T W O 💢 H O T❗💜W E T T 💜 F R E A K S❗💢Military specials💋 - 25
(City of San Diego, Outcall specials north c downtown Elake)
sexy, exotic, & classy woman here to cater to your needs - 21
(National City Near NavyBase & Downtown)
--->!E XXX T R E M E L Y! ___ *B E A U T i F U L! ________ IN/OUtcall.! *SUPeR SPeCiaLS. _uP LATE ! - 26
(Incalls (Gaslamp)/Outcalls All SD)
Vanessa Grey is Visiting SD! Slender and Sweet...looking for fun! - 32
(City of San Diego, Downtown San Diego)
SIpapi INCL80hhr Out160hrAdult Film Star DDDBlonde Latina NOGames24hrs - 28
(North SD County, InClairemontOut Oceanside sd Downtown Pb)