Thu 02 Jan
~*~*SWEET~*~* AS~*~* HONEY! NeW BaBe IN Town~*~* Lovely BoMbsheL~*~ Upscale - 21
(City of San Diego, Mira Mar incall)
Petite Asian Islander North county/Gaslamp Downtown - 22
(North SD County, 32nd San Diego/Downtown/Gaslamp District)
SuPeR SeXy # ❶BOMBSHELL ██▒▒▒██ B€ÅUTiFUL ██CuTiE██ ✖╠REaDY NoW✖ ██╫╬◆╬╫█ ! - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego/El Cajon Incall/SD Outcall♥♥♥)
CLaSSy, SeDUcTiVe, BiG BoOTy cENtRAL AmERiCAN bOMbsHeLL! >>>OutCalls Only
(San Diego, All of San Diego)
❤️💋❤️ YoUr NEW FaNtaSy GiRL 💋💋 BuStY, BlOnDe 💋💋 BeAutiFuL ❤️💋❤️ SPECIAL$ - 26
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley, Hotel Cir. Fwy 8/ SD)
°•★©•° (= YOUR _N A U G H T Y_ ADD!CT!ON =) °•★©•° (= IN & OUTCALLS =) •°o©• A L L _HOUR_ FUN °o©• - 25
(North SD County, i15 Scripps Poway MiraMesa Surrounding)
°•★©•° (= YOUR _NAUGHTY_ ADD!CT!ON =) °•★©•° (= UP_ LATE !! =) •°o©• 760-658-4322 - 23
(South SD County, Chula Vista - In Call)
°°°° YOUR °° SPICY °° LATIN °° TREAT °°°° hAbLo EsPaNoL PaPi - 25
(Mission Valley Incall/Outcalls all SD)
😍💋Your Exotic Latina & Black Fantasy😘Incall and Outcall💋‼️TATTOOS DONT LIE‼️First Time In San Diego 10 - 22
(City of San Diego, Carlsbad)
{ XxX }×°x°SuPeR sWeEt °x°× _SuPeR SeXy _°x° yOuNg CoLoUmBiAn_ pRiNcEsS X xX (Available Now) - 20
(HoTeL CiRcLe)
^^^^ YoU WaNt me 2 be ur DIRTY lil secret CALL nOtHiNg bUT the BeSt ^^^^ - 22
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO)
💋👅💦👅💋 Up & waiting for you❗️ This H👅AD Doctor is here for your pleasure💋💦💕 - 25
(North County, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
* ( Upscale ) * ( BRUNETTE ) * (Hottie) * ( Ready ) * ( NOW ! ) * - 25
(City of San Diego, S.D. Outcall Downtown Gaslamp Airport, San Diego)
:):):):) up LaTe this EvENiNG!!, Brunette, beautiful, SpEcIaLS, and smoking hot_____ ____ READY!! - - 21
(((UPSCALE EbOny PLaYmATe))) AVaIlaBle 24/7(((AlwAYs ClAssY & DisCrEet))) - 21
(San Diego {Oceanside Outcalls})
Upscale Sexy Beautiful Perfect Companion 💋💋 Amazing Body 😍😍 Pleasure yourself Enjoy me Now 👉🏽👉🏽 - 27
(City of San Diego, Gaslamp Downtown, San Diego)
T_E_N_D_E_R T_O_U_C_H H_O_T O_I_L__~ Personalized Massage Service~ - w4m (INCALL/ OUTCALL OCEANSIDE
T_A_K_E __oo° _ Y_O_U_R_ °oo° _B_R_E_A_T_H_ °o★o° _A_W_A_Y! - 20
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista 5fwy outcalls)
•★• _T_H_E •☆• _F_U_N_ •★• S_T_A_R_T S •☆• H_E_R_E •★• - 22
(North SD County, Oceanside/San Diego/Camp Pendelton)
🇮🇹💎🇮🇹💎🇮🇹💎🇮🇹💎 SWEET ITALIAN GODDESS 🇮🇹💎🇮🇹💎🇮🇹💎🇮🇹 Call me for a relaxing time 💎🇮🇹💎🇮🇹💎🇮🇹 - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego gas lamp and surrounding)
* * * * * * * * * * * * - (( Southern Sexxy Petite Brunette )) - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - 21
(Hotel Circle)
Soothing touch & the best relaxation with selenas magic touch 100 incall special - 25
(Incall outcall)
_____ __SpEcIaLS!! ____ wanna play with a HOT BRuNEtTE BOMBSHELL ____XOXO - 21
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO)
SEXY, FUN and 619 822 6851. IN CALL sessions for fun. - 40
(North SD County, Gas Lamp/ Downtown/ atrport)
�💖💖Sexy Fun Size♛Elegant Woman Seeking Interesting Man 💖💖LETS PLAY� 💖💖💖 💖 💖💖💖 💖💖💖 - 25
(East SD County, In: El Cajon City Out: Surrounding Areas)
★•° SeXy ° °•★•° °FUn ° °•★• ° SWeeT °•★•° AnD °•★•° AvaiLaBLe ° °•★•° - 25
(North SD County, Incall Carlsbad/ Outcall North County)
~~~ Sexy~~ Classy ~~ Beatiful ~~ *Real*~~ Satisfaction~~ - 37
(City of San Diego, Incall/outcall North Park)
Sexy European With Skills To Please - 28
(City of San Diego, In Pacific Beach/Out La Jolla, Oceanside)
OoOoOo Gorgeous ~ Naughty ~ College ~ Girl oOoOoO Available 24/7 w/ Specials !! - 20
(Incall __ Outcall 24/7 NO DRIVER)
outcall SPECIAL** Erotic Portuguese Pleasure **SPECIAL - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego County - OUTCALL only)
* [[ OUTCaLL SPeciALs ]] * [ FUN ] [ SExY ] * [ BiG BooTY LATiNa ] * [ Available NOW! ] - 23
(South SD County, outcall all over)
[[ O U T C A L L specials available all night O U T C A L L ]] *LAST NIGHT IN TOWN* - 22
New In Town ╚» ♥ ''YOUR #❶ CHOiCE ♥ ☜ Caℓℓ Mє! ☎ ❤ 💯%REAL❤× {✔#❶♥FuN & FℓirTy} 💔 - 22
(City of San Diego, Incall/San Diego Outcall Available now)
_______ New In Town :: Don't Miss out on Me _______ Sweet Beauty ::: ______ - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego (central))
❤💏💗Look who's back❄❄❄snow bunny❄❄❄❄💖💋💟💖blue eyes with brunette hair💖💋💟💖 texts only - 22
(City of San Diego, incall special/ Mission Valley, San Diego)
*•-:¦:-•* L€T ME __★__ FiNiSH WHÂT __★ __Y0UR €Y€S __★__ STÂRT€D 60 $peciaLs - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego InCaLL/OutCall)
::jUsT oFf WoRk? ThEn CoMe PlAY WiTh Me..(nEw In ToWn SPECIALS) - 22
Jaw Droppin Jai👑 Readyy To Play😉😘 Hot New SPECIALS *Available Now* - 18
(North SD County, escondido)
Independent Provider*Highly Reviewed* Drama Free*Private Residence*cc accepted - 99
(North SD County, private residence carlsbad village dr)
Independent Provider of Pleasures! 100% Real Deal! No Games! - 99
(North SD County, Carlsbad village @ the 5 out call all SD)
* * * * *Incall and OutCall All Day! All Night! Best Service in Town - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown, Little Italy INcall and Out)
Hot Blonde With DD's ! ! Incall Or Outcall * * I Love to PLEASE A Man ! I Promise You Wont Regret It - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego INcall OR OUTcall)
Hot COLLEGE Girl needs to ESCAPE Boarding SCHOOL Boredom 4 HOT FUN~ Short Skirt- NO Panties - 23
(North County/ all of San Diego)
🌼🌼💦🌼HOT 🌻🌻💦🌻EBonYDoLL 🌼🌼💦 CReamyTight& StICky🌻🌻💦🌻COME gEt YoUr FiX DaDdy🌼🌼💦 🌻🌻💦 - 23
(Oceanside, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
**(((((( HOT SOCCER MOM CRAVING A PLUMBER to Lay PIPE ))))))** 858-380-6254 -Se Habla Espanol - 36
(San Diego, san diego/ mission valley(incall/outcall)
____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: HOT :: __ :: HOT :: __ :: HOT :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ :: ____ - 30
(.:Vista InCall:.:OutCall 2U:.)
*°G O R G E O U S *°BLONDE °*R E A L P I C S °* - 22
(Point Loma Incall/Outcall everywhr)
💖Fun & Flirty 🔝Provider 💯% ReaL✔ BiG $70 SoFt T***ies✔ BeauTiIFuL FaCe 💋💕Why Wait Lets Play 💕 - 25
(National City Incall/Outcall all over, San Diego, South SD County)
G 0 0 D / / M 0 R N I N G / / B 0 Y S. . . H 0 T / / S T I C K Y / / A. M/ / F U N - 21
(Incall/Outcall Specials 9o!!)
_______________ {{ FILIPINA MIX ♥ 140 Outcall Special }} _____________ - 22
(City of San Diego, Sd outcall)
Full Body Massage Petite Asian 90 Incall Special *~*~*Downtown San Diego*~*~* - 21
(by Convention Center)
💋💋❤❤ Elite UPSCALE blonde petiete TREAT 💕💕💕 available 24\7 CALL NOW or text - 20
(City of San Diego, CARLSBAD incall, surrounding outcalls)
°*ஐ*° DoUbLe °**° TrOuBLe °*ஐ*° In DoWnToWn SaN DiEgO - 24
(Downtown Incall & Outcall Per App.)
👑💋💄Drop Dead Gorgeous Blonde Goddess💋👅💄👑 - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego Outcall Gaslamp / Downtown)