Mon 27 Jan
Hot and Sexy with Exotic Body! Braziallian brunette Down town san diego - 23
(City of San Diego, down town San Diego)
Hello im Jessica My soft lips💋 gorgeous Booty will knock you off your feet - 21
(City of San Diego, Downtown -airport -point Loma -, San Diego)
**~**HIGHLY REVIEWED*** THICK *** N *** SEXY *** LADY *** IS *** HERE.*** LETS ~~~ PLAY!!!!**~** - 46
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
Hey Guys im Back!!!! Chyna Doll*** the One in your Dreams!!!!!! $70 early morning Specials** - 19
(City of San Diego, hotel circle, SD airport off the 5/8 fwy)
Highly Rated w/ STELLAR REVIEWS has time for one late afternoon In Call in Tierrasanta - 38
(City of San Diego, San Diego County)
Hello im Nicky My soft lips💋 gorgeous blue eyes, perky natural - 20
(City of San Diego, carlsbad Oceanside)
***Here for a LIMITED time*** ADULT *** FILM *** STAR *** CALL NOW!! - 26
(North SD County, La Jolla/Del Mar/ yours or mine)
▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡Gorgeous UPSCALE Blonde ▄♡▐ ►* ▄♡ ▄♡ Hott 2 girl Special▐ ►* ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ - 23
(City of San Diego, OUTCALL TO YOU :))
→ H O T ♥BLONDE♥___ in POINT LOMA___ ♥AVAILABLE N O W♥ *&* ALL Night Long!← - 22
(City of San Diego, Point Loma)
HaNdS DoWn #1 HOTTEST+ + + + + +BLoNdE BoMbShELL+ + + + + + +SmOkInG HoTT! ! ! - 20
(Carlsbad Incall Special)
❤🎀💋🎀 Gorgeous, Exotic, Green Eyed, Seductive, Brunette 🎀💋🎀❤ - 23
(City of San Diego, San Deigo (Out Calls Only))
*Happy "BooTy "Day GuYs! Slip Into Something =>"BooTyLCious"! - 46
(North SD County, CARLSBAD & NORTH COUNTY- In/Outcalls)
~*** Gorgeous ~~*** Exotic ***~~ Indian & Mexican mixed READY to Go ~~*** Specials ~~*** - 20
(City of San Diego, City Of San Diego , Mira Mesa)
(City of San Diego, MiSSION VALLEY)
H0w mAny Licks dUz it tAkE?? *CaliForniA's #1!!!!DD's Busty Latina % T0P noTch ProvidEr** SpeciAls - 24
(City of San Diego, 8 west)
❀(¯`´¯) »*°GORGEOUS *° HAWAIIAN °* PETITE !(¯`´¯) - 24
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley/clairemont mesa)
»-♥-» GOOD ____★°. MORNING .°★ ____ ExXxOTIC ____ SPECIAL !! »-♥-» - 21
(ALL OVER San Diego!! IN/OUTcalls)
CuRvAciOuS BlOnDe BaBe °*° F lAwLEsS *° Bl0NdE *° PlAyMaTe100 SpEciAl WiTh ReAl PiXs - 20
(Hotel Circle/All San Diego)
Cookiies&cream; Booty Delicous 2 girl specials - 20
(City of San Diego, san diego/el cajon city in/out calls)
Come sEe tHe Pretty Kitty ____Look No Further-Hottest in town - I'm Available Now!! - 21
(City of San Diego, Vista 78fwy In/out)
come see me for a special treat ! Specials you can not beat ! - 22
(City of San Diego, South SD/ Mission Valley/Escondido/Chula)
_Come PLAY w/ ME=) _* S.w.e.e.t __ PUERTO__ R.I.C.A.N [MIXED]] BOmBSHell!!~~ _ GrEAT (P R O)ViDeR* - 22
COME ❤ SEE ✪❤ ME ▒▓•♥• ON ★ MY •♥• ▓▒ * ❤.•* BIRTHDAYY *•.❤* ▒▓ - 20
(City of San Diego, In & Out Call All Over San Diego !)
CLASSY TASTE, kinky ways {{available NOW}} *in call* *out call - 22
(North SD County, san marcos/ vista / oceanside)
come have some wild fun with diamond 70$ special - 21
(North SD County, Escondido/78 surrounding areas)
cLiCk*hErE!! 48dd's!! wOw!! JuSs 2tHIck n sExY cOco*iS cOmInG!!** - 30
(North SD County, Oceanside,carlsbad,vista,North county S.)
cLiCk! tAp! sToP! 48eE's w0w! bBw! Koko gOtZ tHiCkAzZ sPeCiAlZ!! 70 - 30
(North SD County, Oceanside,carlsbad,vista,North county S.)
☆¨: CAUTION :*☆¨: GreaT Pus.sY ALeRT! :*☆¨: LATINA NYMPHO:* ☆¨ - 18
(oceansid incalls or outcalls)
C L A S S Y P-E-R-S-I-A-N P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S R E A L P I C S °* - 23
(`' .¸★¸.. '´) CALL NOW FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE EXPERIENCE (`' .¸★¸.. '´) - 24
(Mission Valley - Hotel Circle)
Busty Exotic Mix, Model/Porn Star Just As Freaky As You Are!!! 619 381 4985 - 22
Busty GORGEOUS Girlfriends 80 •♛ AFFEctionate BEAUTIES ♛ ♛ 80 ♛ - 22
(North SD County, Carslbad Vista Oceanside)
Busty Blonde True G R E E K Provider Loving Her A** Stretchd Wide Open! Big Booty With Huge DD's
(8west exit rosecrans st)
♥♡★ #❶B€TTËR THAN H€R ⇧ÄND HÊR⇩ #❶ - - - - -【 *TOe CurLer* 】- - 6O speciaL -(New Number)‼♥♡★ - 25
(imperial beach, San Diego, South SD County)
★ BUSTY *•♛ •*soOthing ★ SeNsuAl *•♛•* LATINA★ *•♛•* (maSSage) *•♛•* - 25
( Brunette Beauty Ready To Please ! ) I Come To You ! ( Late Night Specials ! ) - 21
(City of San Diego, OUTCALL San Diego)
💋 AvAiLAbLe FoR Out calls in san diego💋 - 21
(City of San Diego, IN-CALLS mmission valley &Out; Calls SD)
★ █ █ ★ 50 Specials! I Wanna F..! ★ █ █ ★ - 26
(East SD County, El Cajon/Rancho San Diego)
>>> ;> !!!Beautiful. Exotic. Model. At. Your. Service!!! <
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley In/ Out)
Amazingly SEXY/// /~~~~~~Big BOOTY VaNiLla Mix PLAYMATE ~~~~~~////SexY SpEcIAL!! - 19
All Exxxclusive * In Call Special * African Beauty * Absolutely Stunning* Hotel Circle - 22
(Hotel Circle (75 Kiss In Call Special))
** *** * **... .. Amazing native american/mexican Bbw ** outcall only/specials ** (6)3392221 - 23
(South SD County, all over san diego)
ALL NEW, and EXCITED, Beautiful, Gorgeous Firery Redheaded BBW Playmate. - 37
(North SD County, North County San Diego)
== > *´¯`·.?· ·.·´¯`* Look == > *´¯`·.?· ·.·´¯`* NO == > *´¯`·.?· ·.·´¯`* More.. all day - 21
===> ALL-AmEriCaN ApPLe PiE! xXx UpScALe BlOnDe HoTTiE! xXx CuM ExPeRiEnCe FiReWoRkS!
(Hotel Circle Upscale Incall)
> >> ►FLAWLEsS [[#1]] bLONDE!! ***** Your NEww ADDICTION.*___> Let' s PLAY !! - 21
(OceanSide InCall All Over OutCaLL)
█♛ $80 INCALL SPECIALS!*[[[_ GORGEOUS _* EXOTIC* _MiXeD_ BEAUTY!!]]] Sasha Sweetsೋ - 23
(All over San Diego Incalls and Outcalls)
All Americain Hot Sexy blonde Bombshell that loves to Have FUN @@@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@ - 22
(City of San Diego, Outcalls only)
%&` __Sky* I`m The Limit baby, 100% Really Me , In Calls and Out Call Specials All DAY Long__`&% - 20
A San Diego "MUST SEE" my clients tell me. I've got over 100 favorable Reviews - 38
(City of San Diego, San Diego & surrounding areas)
All U Need Right Here. ... In & Out call $pecials.(. MiLiTaRy $pecials ..). - 28
(San Diego all over in/out calls)
Adult Film StAr KaNdiCe KaVeLLi Is AvAiLaBlE NOW 70.specials - 19
(North SD County, oceanside in/out)
❤ A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G ❤ - 23
(City of San Diego, City of San Diego/Hotel Cir)
《《80Spec. 》》★ ♡ ★HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★ ♡ ★ 《《Gorgeous __ Latina 》 》 【#1 MOST Wanted】♡DON'T MISS OUT♡ - 20
(North SD County, 》Oceanside 》Last Night N north County !!)
$80* *×X×* -- *×X×* ToTaLLy UnBeLieVaBLe SeXxXinEsSss *×X×* *×X×*-- $80 - 23
a million wAys to smilE ch00sE 1*SouThAmericAn suPerm0del% T0P noTch ProvidEr*** SpeciAls%% - 24
(City of San Diego, sports arena)
Sun 26 Jan
🍬im sexy cali 💋 in calls and out calls san diego, mission and other and other areas close by beautiful and beautiful body 27 years old,ddd 145 pound s 💕💋catch me while you can call☎ or
🍬im sexy cali 💋 in calls and out calls san diego, mission and other and other areas close by beautiful and beautiful body 27 years old,ddd 145 pound s 💕💋catch me while you can call☎ or
🍬im sexy cali 💋 in calls and out calls san diego, mission and other and other areas close by beautiful and beautiful body 27 years old,ddd 145 pound s 💕💋catch me while you can call☎ or
6627533921…💋👅💦young 🔥hott$exy classy and wet horny 💦and p***sy ready to be eating👅gfe and fetish friendly.
(Incall and outcall)
Mon 13 Jan
**** Y**** O****U ****N ****E ****E ****D ****T ****O *****L ****O ****O ****K ***** - 26
🎶✨🌟❤💋 Sexy, Classy, Intelligent, Vibrant, Green Eyed, Latina 💋❤🌟✨🎶 - 23
(City of San Diego, San Deigo (Out Calls Only))
Sun 12 Jan