Tue 07 Jan
**~** Sexy ** HIGHLY REVIEWED ** with** Amazing Skills ** Ready 2 Please U **~** - 46
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
SeXy 💋ExOtIC🌟EROTIC💎PLAYMATE 🌟H℮R℮ ΤΟ 💎 βℓΟω 🌟γΟυr 💎ΜιηD 💋 - 34
(City of San Diego, La Jolla, Mission Valley, Clairemont, San Diego)
You Ask, & you shall receive, Ur blue eye beauty Is BACK In Town - 33
(City of San Diego, San Diego Ca)
💠🌴 Specials with Exotic Lala 🌴 60 ♥80♥180🌴Call Me🌴💠 - 21
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE Vista Carlsbad Esco)
♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦ = We just arrived to Carlsbad =♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦ = were a must have - 20
(North SD County, Carlsbad /off the 5 North out & incall)
%*% Whyte And German Mix With A Nice Fat Booty And Sexy Kute Face %*% - 20
(Hotel Circle/Point Loma)
Well Reviewed 100% INDEPENDENT Companion - 30
(City of San Diego, San Diego / La Jolla / Mission Beach)
{{ **V.Ne$$a** Play Time Begins with Me }} * { incall* *outcall} * {{ AvAiLabLe NoW!! }} * - 22
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE)
*•* SeXy *•*•* PeTiTe *•*•* ClAsSy *•*•* BaRbIe *•*•* - 19 - 19
(City of San Diego, city of san diego, your place)
Sexy .Discreet &would; LuV 2 meet. BombShell Blondie AlWaYs cLaSsY NVR TRASHY - 21
(North SD County, N. and S. county San Diego)
°o♥o° JÂW CLNCH¡NG >TÕ CUrL¡NG > §P¡N T¡NGL¡NG §PCHL§§ xPR¡NC! °o♥o° - 21
(City of San Diego, MISSION VALLEY 8 frwy)
*:.★.: *:.★.: (N) (E) (W) Gorgeous && Playful Blonde *:.★.: *:.★.: - 18
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach)
kaitlin is back to entertain you again with a sweet and sexy experiance - 35
(North SD County, leucadia)
In Town oNE More nIGHT, HoT & SeXy Brunette!!! Available & Ready Now!!! - 28
GentleMan, Here I AM? Try ME?? "IN-CALLS ONLY' Can U Handle IT?? Jaclyn $$ - 50
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO NEAR SDSU)
Georgeous ebony goddess ready eager to please - 22
(City of San Diego, All over SanDiego and North County)
(¯`★´¯) -:¦:- cUrVy :*: aSiAn/wHiTe :*: bOmBsHeLL -:¦:- (¯`★´¯) miLiTaRy sPeCiAlS!! - 34
(IN-CALL(private residence)/OUT-CALLS)
-:¦:- BACK -:¦:- IN -:¦:- TOWN -:¦:- NEW -:¦:- PICS -:¦:- - 21
♥¿ $!£!$←$$♧Bad A..SS Sweat Lil Bitch Right Here For You Baby Call Me$$ ♡*♣$♧★!← - 18
(City of San Diego, san diego)
~ $ ~ $ ~ $ ~ $ ~ 4th of July special available NOW ~ $ ~ $ ~ $ ~ $ ~ - 19
(City of San Diego, la mesa)
Your number one ebony provider is available! Call Sexy Alexis Now! - 22
(North SD County, Escondido & surrounding areas)
Beautiful S-E-X-Y & Gorgeous (( 60 Special )) 💋 100%Real - 20
(North SD County, North County VISTA ( 60 Incalls ))
**** Y**** O****U ****N ****E ****E ****D ****T ****O *****L ****O ****O ****K ***** - 26
%*%* Take My Panties Off And Pull My Hair..Blond Freak With A Fat Booty *%*% - 20
(mission valley/ hotel circle)
° ..-:¦:-.. ° T H ___ P R F C T _ C H O I C °.. -:¦:- .. - - - ->2 Girl Specials - 20
(In/Outcalls All Over Sd)
**~** Sweet ** Sexy ** HIGHLY REVIEWED ** with** Amazing Skills ** Ready 2 Please U **~** - 46
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
❤❤✨✨ Spend This Gorgeous Sunday With An Intelligent, Seductive, Green Eyed, Latina ✨🌟❤ - 23
(City of San Diego, San Deigo (Out Calls Only))
:*¨¨*: - {SeXy}} {SKiLLeD} & {{ETReMLy} {AdDiCTiVe!} In and out call special's ! :*¨¨*: - - ? - 26
**Sexy New Look** Same Great Skills!! - 35
(City of San Diego, San Diego, North, South, East and West)
♥Sexiest babe in town♥!!!★ .°°★ Blonde Persian★ .°°★ .°Don't miss out!!!♥♥ - 20
(North SD County, Carlsbad incall/outcall)
😋😘 Satisfaction Guarantee 100% Real 📷 Pics + Video 📽 Call Angie 🌹 - 23
(City of San Diego, Downtown Hotel Circle, San Diego)
S E X Y & S K i L L E D ((( CuRvY ))) __ BODY! __ ((( Exotic ))) PLAYMATE.. INCALL specials!! - 18
(City of San Diego, escondido INCALLS)
New in town come get wild w me 💙💋 Specials specials specials - 21
(South SD County, South San Diego)
On STAGE, In FILM, Or Hollywood Studios, My Look & Style, Speaks Clearly 4 Itself.. I'm All YOUR'S! - 31
PLEASING you has no Limits!!*I'M an Play~mate here for your evey Need!! - 25
**VISITING!!** ** Blonde Green-Eyed Bunny ** Slender, Long Legs, Perfect Ass!! ** - 21
(Hotel Circle Upscale Incall)
××video×× 48eez ♥ bBw ★ tHiCkALiCoUs ★ kOkOliCoUs ♥ kOkO iN oCeAnSiDe♥ - 35
(North SD County, oceanside)
**~** Sweet ** Sexy ** HIGHLY REVIEWED ** with** Amazing Skills ** Ready 2 Please U **~** - 46
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
So Yummy, So Petite, So Blonde, And So Sweet! Come Knock On My Door, And Find This Blonde Behind It - 25
Sexy&Thicker; Than A Snicker Puerto Rican GFE HotT(.Y.)Juicy DD's(.Y.) In/Outcll Available Any Time=D - 22
( ( ★ _ MAiN ATTRACTiON _ ★ ) ) ^ HOT ^ * EXoTiC * PLaYMaTE!! *%100 REAL!!! >> - 25
(City of San Diego, Clairemont/Kearny Mesa > Incall Specials)
LooK✅✅💚💚 💜 FuN AnD SeXY💜So HoT❤️🔥💛💚💖💘💝💛BEaUTiFuL 🔥 GirL NexT DooR💛DonT WAIT☎️☎️❗️❗️ME - 27
(Chula Vista PRIVATE Incall 😘😚🍒✨Outs, San Diego, South SD County)
* { FLAWLESS BeAuTY }* (N_aT_i_O_n_a_l _C__i_T__y _) { INCALL S_p_E_c_I_a_L_s -- $80* }
(InCall___((CHULA VISTA))_iNcAll SpEcIaL)
BIG WEEKEND SPECIALS !!!!! Sexy lips and big tits DDD to be exact! - 20
(City of San Diego, All over San Diego ( In & out calls))
((34 E)) Busty_Curvy _ PHAT-K*i*t*T*Y ♥ Fun W/ Upscale Hottie (( Specials 200 )) - 20
(( 100% REAL)) (( 100% UnRuShEd )) GuArAnTeEd KnOcKoUT!!! _ AmAzInG TiMe ($pecial) - 19
(My Place Or Yours :D)
#1 ~ ` ~ SexXxiest ~ ` ~ Blonde ~ ` ~ Smokin ~ ` ~ Hot ~ ` ~ SpecialS ~ ` ~ All ~ ` ~ Day! ~ ` ~ - 20
°o°🌺💕🌸°o° S A R A --- L A I N E °o°🌺💕🌸°o° S A R A --- L A I N E °o°🌺💕🌸°o° - 24
(North SD County, La Jolla)
•°•°•° YoU'v£ (((hAd))) Th£ r£sT ~ NoW (((hAv£)) Th£ B£sT °•°•° Sw££t & DiScR££t •°•°• - 21
(North SD County, All San Diego)
***You've tried the rest..now try the best..100% blue eye Angel*** - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego)