Mon 27 Jan
¥¥¥ sExXiNeSs ¥¥¥ In ¥¥¥ EveRy ¥¥¥ WaY ¥¥¥ - 21
✰ SeXxXy FReaK FoR YoU To MeeT ✰ OuT OF THiS WoRLD I/C O/C SPECIALS {{ 60/100/150 }} - 22
SeXii> >$$>>> ExOtiC>>> $$ SuPeR hoT ^^^^miXed *** ChalDean anD LatinA - 26
(East SD County, el cajon city)
Sensual Sherre, excellent cmt, pretty blonde for the Ultimate experience. Visiting - 44
(City of San Diego, entire area)
Seductive... CARAMEL TREAT..Slim & SEXY Waiting for you - 18
(City of San Diego, National City, Chula Vista In/Out Avail.)
saturday night live special im bored and lonely and need some company - 23
(City of San Diego, downtown incalls and out calls all over, San Diego)
♔ San Diego's HOT 14Ohh/24Ohour Sweet Asian Gaslamp♔ - 21
(South SD County, N. County/San Diego/Gaslamp Incall& Out)
-:¦:- SAN -:¦:- DIEGO -:¦:- IN & OUT-:¦:- CALL -:¦:- SPECIAL-:¦:- ( o ) ( o ) 42 DD'S - 21
$$$$ Samoan and black and so ready to have fun $$$$ - 19
(City of San Diego, In/out call all over san diego)
San Diego Elite Playmates _ _ _ _ _ _ Outcall Upscale Escorts _ _ _ _ _ _ Give Us A Call Today ! - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego Downtown - Carlsbad Outcall)
S * w * E * e * T * & * s * E * x * Y * 5 * STAR blue eyed college cutie [available all day in/out] - 20
(san diego county/ la mesa in/ out calls)
**•-:¦:-• SEDUCTIVE •-:¦:-• =PETITE= •-:¦:-• NiCeBoOtY == **•-:¦:-•** SEXY **•-:¦:-• - 20
(City of San Diego, Out calls All over San Diego!!)
Seductive Latina BombShell*** Exxxclusive Location *** Military Special *** Oceanside / Camp Pend - 22
(Oceanside (I-5 and Coast Hwy))
⭐️☆Seductive, European Beauty 💋 Stacked w/Sexy Curves & Oooh that🍑 Bootylicious☆ ⭐️ - 39
(East SD County, San Diego, San Diego & East County)
Seductive... CARAMEL TREAT..Slim & SEXY Waiting for you - 23
(City of San Diego, local san diego In/Out Avail.)
San Diego Out Call 80 roses% special% first five callers only!!!! get me while im hot1!!!! - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego Out Call)
° ° S wEeT ° ° S e Xy ° °B E aU TY ° ° IN / OUTS Habla Espanol! - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad Encinitas Oceanside in / outs)
*~**~* s TunN ing PlaTiNum Bl oNde b OmbSh eLL*~** ~*laSt DaY sPe ciAlS**~* - 21
{ Sensual } *=* { Blonde } *=* { Tall } *=* { Exotic } - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego In & Out Specials)
Seductively Intoxicating N Loving Every Moment Of It Italian Blonde Huge Perky DD's Fat Round A$$ 2!
*¨¨*-:¦:-* SDUCT!VE *¨¨*-:¦:-* PERFECT__ BoDY *¨¨*-:¦:-* ASiAN _M!XED_HOTTIE *¨¨*-:¦:-* - 20
(Mission Valley / Hotel Circle)
Satisfy« ur Craving👅👯Toe Curling😫 Mouth Watering💦 Mind Bℓowing🙌 SKILLS✔ - 23
(North SD County, Out Call, San Diego)
♥SATIVA & MAYA ★$1oo Special ♥ Petite PINK Piece of HEAVEN ★Reviewed ♥REAL & 24/7 - 20
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach Incall)
******** S w e e t *&* S e D u C T i V e ~&;~38 DD ~ೋ E x O t I C~ೋIN/OUT ~~~ ***** - 22
(carlsbad vista oceanside encinitas)
Sensual Asian Massage with sexy rub, REAL person, Real deal - 28
(City of San Diego, LA JOLLA , UTC, del mar,downtown,gaslamp)
SATISFACTION •*¨¨*•IS•*¨¨*• MY•*¨*• BEST •*¨¨*• QUALITY! - 19
(City of San Diego, san diego in/out calls)
-:¦:- SAN -:¦:- DIEGO -:¦:- IN & OUT-:¦:- CALL -:¦:- SPECIAL-:¦:- ( o ) ( o ) 42 DD'S - 21
San Diego Elite Playmates _ _ _ _ _ _ Outcall Upscale Escorts _ _ _ _ _ _ CHECK OUT OUR NEW WEBSITE - 25
(City of San Diego, DOWNTOWN / GASLAMP OUTCALL ONLY, San Diego)
S W E E T__P E T I T E__B L O N D E__M U S T__ S E E__*100*__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L__N O W!!!!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
✖- ╳ -✖- 💜💕💜 S w E e T & J u i C y 💕 B l O n D e 💕 P l A y M a T e 💜💕💜 - ✖ - ╳ - ✖ - 24
(City of San Diego, Downtown SD - IN & OUT !)
---»{S I M P L Y ¤ B E A U T I F U L} ¤ Ready To Have Fun¤ { I T S ¤ R E A L L Y ¤ M E}«--- - 30
(City of San Diego, Out All Night)
*S E X Y**C L A S S Y**B E A U T I F U L**E X O T I C**REAL - - 22
(City of San Diego, Clairemont In/ Out)
**•-:¦:-• SEDUCTIVE •-:¦:-• =PETITE= •-:¦:-• NiCeBoOtY == **•-:¦:-•** SEXY **•-:¦:-• - 20
(City of San Diego, Private Incall / out call !!)
💛📌SDs FINEST! Upscale!👙 💛Top Entertainer! 🎀36DDs! JUICY BOOTY!🍰 Ready for FUN NOW! !💋❌ - 30
(City of San Diego, La Jolla IN CALL & Out Call, San Diego)
- SDUCT!VE__ CaRaMeL PLayMate *!**!*__ *!* EXOT!C *!!* !! GR AT OUTCALL!! - 24
(City of San Diego, san diego)
°°_°°_°° SaN DiEgO IM bAcK°°_°°_°°oUt CaLlS tO yOu - 21
(City of San Diego, all over san diego/ northcounty)
- :¦:- :S °U ° P ° E ° R :¦:: S ° E °X ° Y ° :¦: & :¦:- ° H ° O ° T ° -:¦ :- - 21
(North County Coastal)
█▒█ _ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ █▒█ _ FRIENDLY _ █▒█ ___BRUNETTE__ █▒█ - 22
(City of San Diego, off rosecrans 5/ incalls&&out;)
(( ♥ S t U n n I n G * BruNeTTe ♥ )) NON-STOP FUN 24HRS !! ( HOTT $PECIAL$ ! )) - 25
_S P E C I A L S_ALL d a y & NIGHT * KiNkY & F u N; GORGEOUS Japanese & Hawaiian MIXED MaMi; - 20
(City of San Diego, Clairemont Mesa Blvd;805)
Seductive Latina BombShell*** Ms. Freak **sessions starting @ 100 Kisses* - 22
(Spring Valley (Hosting))
**//** *** SEDUCTIVE _ ASIAN _ MiX _ BEAUTY!* --------- {{ Availabe Now! }} ;) - 24
(City of San Diego, Downtown Incalls/San Diego Outcalls)
★ SaTuRdAy MoRniN fUn @ EvE's! MiliTary SpEciaLs *82 619 379 719O ★ 60+ sPeCiAls ★ - 26
(8E exit 2nd st)
Sabrina NEW to town perfect ❄️🐰😍only catering To Upscale GENTLEMEN. Call or text NOW📞😍😍 - 20
(City of San Diego, Mission valley. Old town hillcrest, San Diego)
_ S U P E R _ S E X Y_ _ P E T I T E _ _ T I G H T_ ___B L O N D E__ - 24
(In/ Out North SD, North SD County, San Diego)
★ S T u N N i N g ★ L a T i N a ★ ITaLiAN ★ ( EXoTic) ★ KNOCKOUT - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego IN / OUT)
¦:-S i N F U L L ¥ ~*-:¦:*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*:¦:-*★ _ ADDICTING - 22
(City of San Diego, 5 frwy off rosecrans / incall&&out;)
S E X Y*———————*C L A S S Y*————————*B E A U T I F U L*———— - 19
(City of San Diego, Out calls san diego)
♥ (S)) ((=E=)) (( X)) ((=Y=)) ♥ - 20
(Chula Vista In/ San Diego Out)
———:¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:—————— * HOT §ExY BLONDE * ——————— :¦:•S• E • X • Y• :¦:——— Hotel - 24
(City of San Diego, HOTEL OUTCALL ONLY, San Diego)
ஐ SEDucTiVE EroTiC PLaYMaTE ★T0TaL KNOCKOUT °°► %100 ReaL ** - 25
(North SD County, Poway *INCALL*)
____(¯`'•.¸✦ _SAY _° MY _NAME _¸.•'´¯) ___ - 22
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley In Call / Out Calls)
San Diego escorts BackPage: Escort services in San Diego with Pamelas Playmates - 21
(City of San Diego, Outcall)
San Diego County Escort Agency: Oh So Fine Escorts: Adult Entertainment Specialists - 21
(City of San Diego, San DIego County Outcall)
▒█████▒ 🌟 S E X Y 🌟 F I L I P I N A 🌟 D R E A M 🌟 ▒█████▒ - 24
(City of San Diego, downtown san diego)
°❀° S- E- N -S - U- A- L ;° BLONDE ° P- L- A- Y- M- A-T- E °❀ - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
_ _ _ S E X Y _ _ _ B U S T Y _ _ _ B L O N D E _ _ _ _ _ * * (8 0) * * S P E C I A L - 26
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley / Out all SD)
======== ♥ ___ S_i_M_P_L_y ___ G_o_R_G _e_O_u_S___ ♥ ========= - 20
(City of San Diego, La Jolla in/out)
S*e *x *Y* 5 star BRUNETTE ---- ---- --- ------ ---->*CLiCK HERE* ( specials ALL NIGHT ) - 20
(san diego county in/out calls)
SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY *¨¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY **SeXy** Seductress ~OPEN MINDED LATINA!!! - 19
SAN MARCOS! 🌸 🌸 🌸P()RN L♥VERS! 🌸 🌸 🌸36EEs KNoCKoUT BLoNDE 🎬 805/636/83one5 - 38
(City of San Diego, East SD County, North SD County, San Diego, SAN MARCOS IN/out, South SD County)
==== ~~~~S P R I T Z I N G === B R E A S T S =====~~~~ * FETISH* - 24
(City of San Diego, SDSU in/out)
☎ S-P-E-C-I-A-L-S ☎Gorgeous face PHATass ☎☎ INcalls ☎FREAKY☎ Specials Specials SPECIALS☎☎ - 18
(North SD County, MIRAMESA IN's/ All of NC 206 552 4768)
~*~ S E X Y__P E T I T__B L O N D E__M E M O R I A L__W E E K E N D__S P E C I A L S!!! ~*~
(Rancho Bernardo Incalls & Outcalls!!!!)
Seductive PeTiTe AfRiCaN BombShell* GFE *sessions starting @ 100 Kisses* - 22
(Hotel Circle / Mission Valley)
♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦ = sassy and sweet with a classy physic♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦. ÷ .♦ = SnowBunny Bombshell - 21
(City of San Diego, La mesa/El cajon / in & out calls)
S u P e R * DD's ( - )( - )__ MUST SEE :*____;¨: SEXY PLAYMATE :*____;¨: AVAILABLE NOW____ - 20
(hotel circle)
❤️--------- ❤️ ------ S I M P L Y------- ❤️ --------I R R E S I S T I B L E-------- ❤️ ----------- ❤ - 21
(City of San Diego, pb gaslamp seaworld san diego, San Diego)
S M O K I N__H O T__B R U N E T T E__O P E N__F O R__I N C A L L S__&__O U T C A L L S__A L L__D A Y - 19
_______________________ ♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e - 24
(encinitas carlsbad escondido del mar out, North SD County, San Diego)
°❀° S- E- N -S - U- A- L ;° BLONDE ° P- L- A- Y- M- A-T- E °❀ - 23
(North SD County, Encinitas)
S E X Y__P E T I T E__B L O N D E__*100*__I N C A L L__I N__R A N C H O__B E R N A R D O__A LL__D AY - 19