Thu 02 Jan
∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞SOMEONE ❥ B E T T E R ❥ THAN ❥ YOUR ❥ G i R L F R i E N D ∞∞∞ ❤ ∞∞∞ - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego, With You at Your Place!)
▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ SNEAK ★▃ ▅ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ AWAY&PLAY;▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃★ EROTiC PLAYMATE - 22
(North SD County, Coast highway,Encinitas outcall 120 now)
😘😍•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• ADDiCTiVE •--:¦: -100 SPECIAL! 😘😍 - 21
(City of San Diego, Point Loma)
~*Sexy Blnd Bombshell {soccormom} ~ Do U Think U Can Handle Me?*~ - 37
(City of San Diego, In Your Dreams(Your Place))
Sexy and Classy Italian available for incall! GReat reviews and NEw PHotos and specials - 26
(City of San Diego, Mission valley)