Mon 06 Jan
👸🍒💦👸🍒💦 BLONDE 💎 BEAuTY 🍭 DoUbBLe D's 🍒 JuSt WhAt YoUv'E BeEn LoOkInG FoR 💋🌟👯 uPsCaLeCoMpAnY👠 - 25
(City of San Diego, ❌⭕️ San Diego ❌⭕️ in/out call ❌⭕️)
♥♥♥Asian Girls Needed (亚洲小姐所需)! ♥♥♥ Legal business in Nevada. Super Busy.. Sign on Bonus! ♥♥♥ - 25
(Elko, Nevada, San Diego)
friday night fun,excitement 2girls canadian,latina waiting for you$200/in-call - 35
(Mission Valley)
◆ Clean / Private SAN DIEGO LA MESA Incall ◆ Unrushed Quality Service MARINE / MILITARY 200/120/80 - 25
(East SD County, Incall Outcall La Mesa / El Cajon / SD)
►❤ Exotic▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ DISCRETE ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ UNRUSHED!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅▃♥ CHARMING!!! ♥▃▅▆██▆▅ - 23
(City of San Diego, Outcall only - Hotels okay!)
Bombshell Barbie💕❤You Won't be Disappointed! Clean & Classy 💯💕 - 21
(City of San Diego, Mira Mesa . Outcalls Only 💨)
Sexy * SuperFreaky * SWeet sisters 4 * SaN DIEGO * NOrTH COUNTY * B GATE - 27
(San Diego, San Diego/North County/ O Side BackGate)
Sugar Baby Seeks A Very Generous Gentlemen To Provide Special Bonuses & Grutuities.
(San Diego, North S.D. County)
Military EARLY MORNING ×××ADULT ×Entertainment××× ((CALL NOW)) The BEST++ in town - 23
(El Cajon City in call San Diego out call, San Diego)
Visiting From Daytona Beach 80 Rose IC Special 100% Real Pics Available Now - 24
(Sports Arena/Point Loma)
**** V. NeSSa **** sexy face, classy ways, kinky taste {{AVAiLabLE NOW}} - 22
(North SD County, San Marcos/Esco/Vista/Oceanside)
🍭🍭Sweet Young Treat🍭🍭 VEGAS Girl🍭🍭 special dont miss out - 19
(City of San Diego, Hotel circle incall, San Diego)
TAKE A°•°•*• »-(¯`v´¯)-» FIRST ✈ CLASS ✈ ✈TO ✈ PLEASURE »-(¯`v´¯)-» - 100SPECIAL come see me:) - 23
(City of San Diego, point loma)
Si PaPi👅Oceanside IN60/80hhr OUT150hr Film🎥Star🌟DD👙 Latina🍸 NOGames🎉24hrs - 30
(North SD County, IN OceansideIN ClairemontOutsd PbDowntow)
◆ SeXy__ PLAYBOY Bunny ◆ XOXO - 19
(North Park InCall by Mission Valley & Dt)
--- Sexy ___ All American ___ PlaY MaTe ____ For VIP GentS ____ - 26
(North SD County, North County and Mid County OutCall)
-:¦: SeXi BiG *•-:¦:-•* BooBies *•-:¦:-•* LoTs Of FuN••*¨¨*• • {{{1oO%•ME •—°x°• - - 25
(City of San Diego, SanDiego (OutCalls Only))
Saturday Treat *Uptown Girl proffesional relax Zero Drama Gentlemans* - 28
(City of San Diego, Mission Bay Drive/ 5fwy / PB /OB)
██ ◆ SeXy █ 36DD █ WHITE ◆ █ INCALL █ - 25
(City of San Diego, Private Res.InCaLL by Mission Valley)
*** !!! WaRnInG !!! DaNgEr !" 75qk "MaY BeCoMe HaBiT-FoRmInG !!! GrEatLy ReDuCeS bLu BaLLs !!! *** - 40
(City of San Diego, HOTEL CIRCLE)
★ ☆ V I S I T I N G ! ! •••► ►•• SO •• S E X Y •• ❶ REAL PHOTOS ❶ ◄••• ( OLIVE SKINNED ) ☆ ☆★ - 26
(City of San Diego, MISSION VALLEY--)
ღ~ ღWILD JUICY REDBONE ALERT ! ! Get your creole fixx now ღ ~ღ - 26
(City of San Diego, Downtown (In/Out call))
Welcome 2 Planet Dome * GUARENTEED 2 BLOW U OUT OF ORBIT! Available Now * Tottally Exxxclusive - 23
(Escondido ( In Call) I -78 and Mission)
STOP looking FOR the RIGHT girl WHEN im RIGHT here!!! ~~~80 SPECIAL~~~ - 19
´¯*♥ ~*StOp PLaYiNg WiTh YoUrSeLf *Im A YoUnG,WaRm &SuLtRy; IriSh bLONDE BuNnY ~*♥´¯* - 20
(Mission Valley * Incalls * ,100 specials)
Sunday Relaxation *💜•*_ YOUR _ *•• _* LiTTLE _ *•💚_ SECRET _°•💗•° - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego In Call/ Out Call)
_ _ _MeMoRiaL DaY MayHeM ---- NeW YoRk StYlE---- AvAilABlE AlL DaY CuM HaRd and Come ReaDy - 21
(Pacific BeaCh baBBy)
°»»»Sexy ExOtic Tranny° Ts Miss Yvette Visiting° oside««««««««« - 23
(City of San Diego, NORTH COUNTY, Fwy 5 ((OCEANSIDE ))))
(East SD County, clairemont mesa blvd 805 / in call)
¥¥¥~~~OUTCALL Specials all weekend long!!~~~Call me if you know what's good for you~~~¥¥¥ - 26
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Escondido, Oceanside, Vista)
»OnE LusCioUS BaBe » KiLLeR CuRVEs » EROTiC *PLeASuRE! - 21
(City of San Diego, (Mission Valley) Incall/Outcall)
******* I'm the Sexy, HOT OLDER Women You always Dreamed of! LOOK !!! - 45
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach)
I Just Want to Kiss Up and Rub Up and Hug On You...All Night Long! - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego Outcalls everywhere)
✨🍬🍾Gentlemen's Best Friend ..1OO% REAL! 🍒Sweet & Seductive 💎🍭✨ 2Girl SPECIAL (323)236-7990 - 20
(In call Carlsbad , Out calls, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
CLASSY, TASTY, TIGHT, Seductive, & *HOT" I WILL Leave U BreatHLeSS" Right Now!! Step UP Gents.$ - 51
(CENTRAL NEAR SDSU, City of San Diego, San Diego)
° B-d-A-y ° G-i-R-l ° -E-x-O-t-I-c ° °°EbOnY ° [Available NOW 6Ospecial& up] - 41
(Mission valley)
Beautiful ((1 Of A KinD)) ❤ EROTIC ((Bella BarBie)) ❤ PuerTo Rican Mix AVAIL NOW - 23
Sword swallowing ~ Busty cougar, 36d/gfe. Your place or mine let's start your day off right! - 41
60 Sey Redhead just wants to have FUN! AVAILABLE NOW - 29
(City of San Diego, lPB 1 min offf the fun)
80 80 incall **SuPeR sEXy.;.: A rEaL bOmBsHeLl :.;.sUpEr :FrEaK PlAtiUm BlOnDe - 35
(City of San Diego, Point Loma ,Mission Valley all SD)
60/80/160 Specials!!!Sexy And Fun Latina (.Y.)DD(.Y.) GFE Hottie Ready 2 Get Naughty In/Outcall - 21
60In80 140hr Adult film starBusty blonde Latina NOGames No upsell - 28
(North SD County, in oceanside pb out sd la jolla)
ღ~ ღWILD JUICY REDBONE ALERT ! ! Get your creole fixx now ღ ~ღ - 26
(City of San Diego, Downtown (In/Out call))
I'm a playful, flirtatious, very sweet, fun loving girl with a very wild side, INCALL OUTCALL 8/fwy - 25
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO Incall Outcall 8 freeway 100)
💞AVAILABLE! *Independent! SEXxy💋 S P E C I A L S! - 22
(City of San Diego, In call- San Diego Out call- All areas)
Caution! Complete "BABE" Ahead, {MARINE / MILITARY} Friendly- Erotic (Creole) Highly Addicting - 22
(City of San Diego, (8w*Fwy) INCALL OUTCALL Mission Valley)
×°x°× BETT ER ×°x°× T HAN ×°x°× THE ×°x°× REST !!!!! - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley/Incall Only)