Sun 05 Jan
__________ ||* Hot Blonde in Rancho Bernardo! *|| _________ ||* 200 hr 100 Special NOW! *|| ________ - 18
(City of San Diego, Rancho Bernardo Scripps Ranch 4s Ranch)
*•hot ~sexy &&& eager 2 pleaae👠💲~••*🔝 - 23
(North SD County, san marcos vista carlsbad poway outcalls)
HoT EbOnY PLaYMATe.Im HeRe To SeRvE YOU..CaLL NoW 100hr..SpEciAL - 23
💋§øft ŁĮP§ && TĮGHT Gr¡pš__ 👅Pūrę Płęā§ūrę ____I'LL ThrO₩ It BAcK ❤ & G£T Thę JØß Døñę•°°• - spc - - 25
(Oceanside, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
Fun petite doll, discreet Incall San Diego north county YOU ARE Never rushed, Its ALL about YOU - 25
⭐️ FRIDAY TREAT 💋💄 ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ❇❇ ★ BRUNETTE BOMBSHELL BUSTY ★❇❇▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ★ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 27
🍑💋Flawless💋👀 F.R.e.A.k Curvy🍭 Vixεn 💋🍑 H.O.T💦Rεady N 🚫ileD U.P - 23
~__ G__E__T__ ~__I__N __~__ O__N__~__T __H__E__~ __A__C__T__I __O__N__~ __N__O__W__~ __B__A__B__Y__ - 18
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley (incall))
Fun petite doll, discreet Incall San Diego north county YOU ARE Never rushed, Its ALL about YOU - 25
(City of San Diego, INCALL OUTCALL Your Place or MINE, North SD County, San Diego)
Don't Miss Out 💋 🐰 Seductive Brunette Bunny ® The Ultimate Playmate 💦 Specials - 19
(North SD County, Oceanside)
EARlY biRd GEtS thE WORM • ★.•*¨¨*• :☆ SPECiAlS SPECiAlS SPECiAlS! ☆★*¨¨*•★• OUtCAll NO WAit - 18
(City of San Diego, iN & OUt CAllS AVAilAblE NOW)
East Coast Attitude With A Down South BOOTY! All HOLES Filled! MILITARY SPECIALS TODAY!
(miss val/sports arena/hotel cir/down twn)
Don't Make Me Beg Daddy N I'll Make My Kitty Shoot Her Cum So Far I PROMISE! NYC
(8west exit rosecrans st)
▬▬▬▬ Don't be fooled by the rest! ▬▬▬▬ YOU HAVE FOUND THE BEST! ▬▬▬▬ NEW STAFFS TODAY ▬▬▬▬ - 25
(City of San Diego, Garnet Ave —————— —————— 92109, San Diego)
BIG BOOBS... small Waist... Lucius CURVES... and Sweet LIPS >>> SPECIALS >>> TEASE AND SQUEEZE ME ! - 20
Big Booty (¯`'.¸ ★ ;¸.'´¯) CRYSTAL RAINE (¯`'.¸ ★ ;¸.'´¯) Busty Blonde
{{{ Best Service Around }}} Gorgeous -Petite - Beautiful blonde OUT CALL all AREAS - 20
(Downtown Harbor Drv discreet)
$80SpLs ------- == Here For (one) Night ONLY! == --------- $80SpLs --------- Bu sTy Italian Brunette
(north county coastal/inland)
80$80$SpecIaLs SpecIaLs SpecIaLs $$$ Can I Be Your Valentine Sexy Latina wit/boooooty - 21
(City of San Diego, CHULA VISTA)
80 $pecial *¨¨*ASIAN •*¨¨*• DDD BEAUTY •*¨¨*• WIT•*¨¨*• REALLY •*¨NICE¨* BOOTY •*¨¨*• - 24
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista (I-5 & E St) InCall)
.*¨¨*- ¦:-* $ 80 $_ HoT, WeT, HoRnEy&& ReAdY FoR YoU _ WhItE SeNsAtIoN _ $ 80 $ *-: :-* - 20
$%$% _ $ 80 $ ReD HeAdS GiVe ThE BeSt HeAd _ WhItE SeNsAtIoN _ $ 80 $ _ $%$% - 20
(Clairemont Mesa Blvd / 805 Fwy)
💋70💲 incall ✔️ Petite treat✔️😘specials 💜💙💚💛 *% all morning/night 🌜🌞🌴last week in town don't miss me - 21
(South SD County, Chula Vista ;national city)
💕💖💕💕💖60$ SPECIALS💕💕💖💕💕💖 💕💕💖Young Fresh BLONDE MUST see!!💕💕💖💕💕💖 - 20
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley/Hotel Circle/8Fwy)
ATTN: Ladies 18-30 - Want to get into the Adult business? READ THIS! We are NOT an escort agency! - 35
(San Diego)
SpeciaLs ➪ 50/100/150 ██████████████ ☆★·´¯`·★ SeXY WHiTe GiRL AVAiLABLE NOW ★·´¯`· ★☆ ██████████████ - 28
(South SD County, Chula Vista ~Specials ➪$50 100hhr 150hr)
~*~ Thick Voluptuous ( . )( . ) Blond BBW with skills & the {AMAZING REVIEW'S} to prove it.. ~*~ - 45
(City of San Diego, MISSION VALLEY)
💕💕Sexy 🌊🌊Juicy 🍫🍫 Ebony Beauty!! 💯% Satisfaction 😘😚💕Amazing Top😘😘 - 24
(East SD County, El Cajon City)
Beautiful chocolate treat! available now! outcall only! - 26
(City of San Diego, Outcalls S.D and N.C.)
{_*DaY & NiTe* SpeCiaLz!!* _} -*- {_*SeXy*_}-*- {SwEeT*_} inn/out calls - 21
(City of San Diego, ALL 0VER SAN DIEGO)
50 SPeCiAl☆♥100% satisfying MoUTh Skillz→50 SPeCiAl ☆💋♡ - 25
(South SD County, Chula Vista 50 incall Specials)
8o Specials ***Brand New Hottie *** Yummy Young & Petite *** 2 Girl Special!! - 19
(North SD County, oceanside private incall)
= = = = = = = = READY TO SEE YOU = = = = = = = = NO GAMES = = = = = = == REAL PICS = = = = = = = = - 23
(North SD County, San Diego)
♡yOUR ★*•-: PERfeCT ★*•-: lil ★*•-: SECRET ★*•- Come see me ★*•- 100 SPECIALS ♡ - 23 - 23
(City of San Diego, point loma)
Your True Fantasy Getaway Is Right Here Calling U In Extacy! Naughty NYC NyMpHo
(8west exit rosecrans st)
Your ULTIMATE laTINA PLAMATE ***just arrived - 25
(City of San Diego, Visiting La Jolla just for you)
- (¯`'.¸ ;¸.'´¯) Visiting!!!! SpEciALS!!!! BEST BODY!!! (¯`'.¸ ;¸.'´¯) HURRY DON'T MISS O - 21
ღ♥°❤ Upscale PetiTe... Hottie !! WiTh YOU 2night!!! ... Mia ❤•.♥ღ⁀҉ ҉↘‿ ↗ღ⁀҉•° ♥ღ - 23
(City of San Diego, OUT CALL ONLY !)
Virgin Tight Wet Ready To Be Stretched Out! NYC Slut Takes It In All Holes!! 619 634 2291
(miss val/sports arena/hotel cir/down twn)
V. I . P. > > > S p eci a l s°° N A T I V E B E A U T Y 1 2 0 H H 1 6 0H R - (All - 21
(Mission Valley-Clairemont)
★•Up lATE• ★☆— •☆•—((✰ WEll REViEWEd ✰))—★☆ fOXy tREAt★☆ViSiTiNg! - 22
(North SD County, MIRA MESA IN&OUT;)
~@~ Talented, Curvy, Busty Blonde... ♥ with the REVIEWS to prove it...~@~ {CHULA VISTA} - 43
(City of San Diego, CHULA VISTA)
: : : : : * * * T h e * S w e e t e s t * & * P r e t t i e s t * P l a y m a t e * * * : : : : : - 21
(North SD County, Rancho Penasquitos - Poway area)
Sweet Petite ChinaDoll Visitin Downtown In &Outcall; Always /2OOhr - 21
(San Diego/Convention Center)
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⇗ SO HoT⇖ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ and I'm READY to be a ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⇗ NaUGhTy GiRL ⇖ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ - 69
(City of San Diego, out to you hotels ok, San Diego)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _StArT youR DaY rIght __-- SoO FlyYy ___ ______Sp I n NnEr_______ _________ - 21
(Pacific BeaCh baBBy)
sO HOT!! REAL & ReaDy tO SaTiSFY !! _★ (( 6O SpEciALs!! )) [_ LittLe Petite BLONDE! _] - 23
(City of San Diego, I/C Point Loma +Hotel ONLY O/C)
💋👑•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• ADDiCTiVE •--:¦: -100 SPECIAL! 👑💋💋;) - 22
(City of San Diego, Point loma)
{*} {*} .ShoRt SeXiii 4'11 PlayBunny .. Ready 2 Play WiTh UUuuuu!!~!.. All NatUral @!@! - - - 28
(San Diego)
=====* SEXY & SWEET * =========== SMOKIN HOT LATINA ============= * NEW IN TOWN * === 100% REAL! - 20
💋⭐🎁SeXy BlOnD 2 SaTisFy YoUr LaTe NiTe CrAvInGs🎁⭐💋 - 24
(North SD County, Carlsbad,Oceanside,Encinitas,Del Mar)
-*- [ ___ *SeXy* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *SaSsY* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *AlWaYs* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *ClAsSy* ___ ] - - 23
(In/out call** mission valley**)