Thu 09 Jan
🌸🎉💘 young girls! No fakes! (Beautiful Asian)💘🎉🌸 - 26
(3Location,La Jolla, Mira Mesa,Clairemont, City of San Diego, San Diego)
==========The Perfect Choice ======== XXX Naughty Exotic Blonde ========== Real Pics ============== - 20
(Mission Valley)
**_The BEST of the BEST_ **_Thick sweet mix EbOnY_** _Top Notch - 21
(LA MESA incall Fletcher Pkwy.)
new BoOty! mY miLkShAkE iZ bEtTeA tHaN hErz!! cHeCk mE oUt!!! 60..... - 27
(North SD County, San diego/LA mesa)
✅❎💟Military Specials% REAL TOP EBONY companion in SAN DIEGO❎✅💟60 special - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Chula Vista)
EspAnolA Rica JUICY skills! Early Bird FunFuNFuN SneakAway Mistress! TOUNGE TWISTER! - 21
(North SD County, Incalls/ Escondido, sanmarcos, vista)
❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ ❤••❤• EROTIC ENCOUNTERS ❤ ❤ ViP PlAyMAtE ❤ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ up late - 23
(City of San Diego)
DoNt miSS ouTT On ThE BeSt**! AVaLiBlE NoW - 80 dOllAr sPeCiAL!!! - 19
A Special Treat to Leave you light on your Feet. - 21
(North SD County, Del Mar, La Jolla, Mira Mesa)
▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▇ █ ❤▄▀▄ ❤100% Real 2Exotic Hotties ! ❤ Outcalls Now 1 or 2 You Pick!❤▄▀▄ ❤█ ▇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ - 19
(North SD County, Outcalls All SD)
Wed 08 Jan
[ X ♥ X ] __________ LiTTLE _________ BLONDE _________ HOTTiiE _________ [ X ♥ X ] - 20
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley (new in town))
:);;What's ........ Your ......... Fantasy ....... $$100$$ Specials - 19
(East SD County, el cajon city)
the DYNAMiC DUO* CoMe PlaY WitH Us* 2 GiRl SpeCiaLs *{{{{{{{{ LOOK }}}}}}}}( ALLiNCLUSiVE ) - 21
(Mission Valley IN)
ThE SweEtEST DiAmOnD yOuLl eVeR fInD**! 24hR- sOfT- bEaUTiFuL-JUiCy !!! AVaLiBLe noW! - 19
(national city*ncalls*5 frwy)
sO sweet &jUiCY;_____ ☆__FUNSiZE rOsEgOLd BaRbiE ___☆ 24.7 SpECiALs - 24
(City of San Diego, 24/seVen ♥qualcomm incall &outcall;)
❤️💦 Sexy with a Big ASS ✨ Passionate Personality ✨ No Games; ALL REAL and Not Rushed 💦❤️ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, 💖PointLoma💖)
New Pix°•: You will L♥ve Me• #1 Pick ⎷ ⎛ F L A W L E s S__BombsheLL™ - 21
(City of San Diego, ♡ Old Town San DIego (In or Out))
((new)) VEGAS HOTTIE ** D E M I ** ((new)) vegas hottie ** D E M I ** VEGAS HOTTIE ((new)) - 22
(City of San Diego, out to you)
Military: easy booking, awesome discount San Diego La Mesa If you ♥ LoVe ♥ bubbly brunette / petite - 23
(City of San Diego, Private INCALL Only San Diego La Mesa)
LaST NiGhT iN ToWn! ====> NaUgHtY GrEEn-EyEd BLonDe *** GoRgEoUs Face TiGhT BoDy *** DriPPin WeT - 21
(Hotel Circle)
~~~ Late night Specials ~~~ 2 kinky girls ~~~ Busty KOREAN & Petite Latina ~~~ 100% UPSCALE - 20
(North SD County, Carlsbad incall)
LAST NIGHT in TOWn. youR SWEET mixed HAWAiiAN/ LATINA. petite, SEXy & SILLy. - 23
Hotter than your average Chick! Thick lucious Chocolate Treat! Visiting 6/24 - 25
(outcalls outcalls)
(( HoT! )) ♥ ( RaL PiXs) ♥ ( «G¡RL - NxT- DoOR» ) ♥ ( SuPr KiNKY! ) - 19
(City of San Diego, pt.loma ocean beach and airport area)
*(*(*ExTreMLy -HoT & PeTiTe*)*)* №➊ ReQUESTED (ExOtIc BaRBiE) * PREMiERE PLaYMATE - 24
(East SD County, la mesa el cajon)
🚫F ○A° K •€ ! B 💣💣 B S⚠🔥$1OO SP€ciaLs* Sexy Brazillian Babe✔ 💋Me or FREE🔊 - 22
(City of San Diego, clairemont/mira mesa incalls, San Diego)
______ Cuban Mixxed_____ Back In My Hometown! *Lets Hang Out* - 19
(Mission Valley/Downtown Outcalls)
BACK IN TOWN! ۰•●♡●•۰ Sweet ۰•●♡●•۰ Beauty ۰•●♡●•۰ Curvy ۰•●♡●• Español ۰•●♡●•۰ Incall ۰•●♡●•۰ - 19
(North SD County, Vista, INCALL ONLY)
available now! SPECIALS CHECK ME OUT LATINA ____ - 24
(Hotel Circle/Mission Valley Incall)
ASIAN Princess ---- Addicting And BEAUTIFUL ----- Everything YOU NEED ----- 100 SPECIAL ----------- - 19
(Incall - Outcall)
♥ (100 Special) ♥ Trisha Is Back In Town! ♥ (100 Special) ♥ - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad - Palomar Airport - In/outcall)
▐🔯🔯▐💟💟▐😋😋 GRAND OPENING 🔯🔯 NEW 😋😋 Arrived Sweet Asian Girls▐💟💟▐ CALL:858-565-1261 💟▃🍎▃🍎▃💟▃🍎 ▃💟▃🍎▃💟▃🍎 - 23
(8252 Clairemont Mesa Blvd,#A2, San Diego, City of San Diego, San Diego)
___ U ___ N ___ F ___ O ___R ___ G ___ E ___ T ___ T ___ A ___ B ___ L ___ E ___ ~¤~ Special - 23
(Carlsbad area incalls!)
SUPER SEXXI SUPER FIRM** Puerto Rican Vixxen Avail **100 Special CATCH Me IF u CAN - 22
💁💄💥💥SEXY NINA🎀SI HABLO ESPANOL💄🔝Provider💥💥New booty💥💥💥💕 - 26
(East SD County, San Diego, SanMarcos,Escondido,Vista,Oceanside,Carl)
Sexy mix of a Native n Asian... 1 Hott Mamma ... Come Tear These Panties Off call NOw!!! Specials!!!
█ ❤ █ SEXY LATIN MAMI with a Nice Butt █ ❤ █ - 22
(City of San Diego, and Downtown San Diego Incall/ Outcall)
(( NEW & VISITING )___ Gorgeous Fun Blonde __ NOR-CAL KNOCKOUT ___ The BEST is BACK! Don't Miss!!! - 24
(North SD County, Carlsbad / Oceanside / Vista In &Outcall;)
Last Chance💋 🐰 Seductive Brunette Bunny ® The Ultimate Playmate 💦 Specials - 18
(North SD County, Oceanside)
*LaSt DaY iN tOwN* ===== tHE _ULtiMATE _E X X X PERiENCE ===== *bRaZiliAn MiX*==== d0N't _MiSS _0Ut* - 23
(( (NaTiOnAl cItY InCaLL sPeCiAL) ))
L O O K ! ! ! ► SO SEXY (( **B L O N D E** )) ◄◄ ===== (DONT MiSS OUT ) - 23
(City of San Diego, Encinitas)
- - - ⬆ 🆙 ⬆ _____ 🕛 L A T E 🕐 _____ &____ feeling _______ 👍 G R E A T 👍❗❗❗ - 27
(City of San Diego, incalls or your place, San Diego)
~~~~~ aSiAn MiXeD ~~~~~ BoOtY LiCiOuS ~~~~PETITE & SoFt ~~~~~ 100 SpeciAL ~~~~~~ - 19
(Incall - Outcall)
ASIAN Princess ---- Addicting And BEAUTIFUL ----- Everything YOU NEED ----- 100 SPECIAL ----------- - 20
(san diego)
° °★° °ATF Smoking Hot Asian Ready To Play ° °★° ° - 21
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista 5 fwy in/out)
— 4 You 4 You 4 U !!! ————— █ ————— We Are Waiting For U ———THE BEST ————Massage Wating For U - 25
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach, Balboa - 858-490-6277)
!*!*! 2hot Barbies Ebony&Ivory; Come have A Blast *!*!*! 702-637-5952 last Day - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission Vally incall Specials Call Us)
👭2 Girl 😻😻 💥💣Just What You've Been Looking For 💥💣😻😻Sexy Bombshell 👭 - 18
(City of San Diego, Escondido, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
100real! New pics!!★ .•*¨ ¨*• :☆YOUR SEXY LITTLE SECRET ☆ ★ *¨¨*•★• ◕❥• special!! I'm waiting;) - 23
(North SD County, La jolla)
140hh/200hr Divorced? Lonely? Need Some Special Attention? HUGE Boobs 40H, Curly Hair, Brown Eyes - 33
(City of San Diego, Gaslamp/ Downtown INCALL)
W O W ! ! ! eXXXquisite seXXXy Playful Mexican BEAUTY **** 34D *** 118 lbs 100% Real Pics Cum Play - 28
(Lemon Grove)
why pay for A escort tonight You will have more fun at our Fantasy Tuesday swingers bash tonight ! - 24
(mission valley)