Thu 09 Jan
°* L A T E *NIGHT* T R E A T *° = ( ( STUNNING PLayMaTE ) ) < = R E A D Y - 2 - P L A Y ++ - 25
💦**THROW it BACK && BUST it 💦💦OPEN Desiré is Here ! 💦WIGGLES**💦💦 - - 21
(City of San Diego, La Mesa, MV, Mira Mes, San Diego)
► TRUE BREAST LOVERS 40DDD ✖ Ultimate Fantasy ★ Busty Brunette ✖ - 24
(SD Clairemont Mission Bay)
Come start your week of with a THICK SOUTHERN WHITE GIRL ready to fulfill your needs~~60/80$ SPECIAL - 23
(City of San Diego)
💫TIGHT KINKY ASIAN💫💦Intimate Fantasy💦💫Come Play Available Now💫80 Special 💫 - 22
(City of San Diego, MissionValley/15Fwy/Miramar/KearnyMesa)
TEXAS Finest *Petite & Sweet* Blonde Co-ed Treat 1OO special Boys - 19
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO *HWY 5* IN-CALL ONLY YA'LL)
SPECIALS w/ your FAV [ (J A P A N E S E) & HAWAIIAN M i x E d BEAuTy_ALLday - 20
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista ;8O5)
📞 NOW 8 O $ specials 💖 exOtiC bOMbshELL JAWdroppn'NAKdbOOty (CREO CACAUASIAN PACiFiC-isLANdER) - 21
(City of San Diego, OUTCALL ALL OVER SAN DIEGO , 📞 me NOW)
MIllitary Special 🎀💕Every Married Mans Secert 🎀INCALLS!!💋Available NOW!!! - 22
(City of San Diego, INCALL- Chula Vista)
▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▇ █ ❤▄▀▄ ❤100% Real 2Exotic Hotties ! ❤ Outcalls Now 1 or 2 You Pick!❤▄▀▄ ❤█ ▇ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂ - 19
(North SD County, Outcalls All SD)
Wed 08 Jan
***ThE>> qUeEn< BeE ++ lOoKiNg ** FoR *** hEr ^^ KiNg%% CALL MYA (619)796-0091 - 27
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO/I WILL TRAVEL)
PuertO RicaN Angel💝100% Satisfaction🍭 BOMBshell🎀 Military Specials ! - 21
(City of San Diego, Location Flexible! OutCalls Available;*)
Latina Trades...* Plasmas / ipad/ ipod/ laptop/ electronics/ PC's etc... * - 21
(North SD County, North County and SD Outcalls)
First timer friendly - Military friendly I'M ALWAYS Independent - safe - clean - discreet la mesa - 21
(East SD County, La Mesa Mission Gorge San Carlos 8/west)
°°★°° A SPECIAL TREAT... °°★°° JUST FOR YOU °°★°° 80 - 21
(City of San Diego, all around san diego POINT LOMA INCALL)
A Married Mans Best Kept Secret & EverY Mans Beautiful Sweet SexY FantasY 💝 - 21
(North SD County, Oceanside / Incall & Outcall)
```!!! $100 morning & lunch SPECIALS !!!!`` you DONT wanna MISS out on ME!!`` =__ 6464881433 - 23
(CHULA VISTA 646*488*1433)
$100 LAST DAY - Arab Princess $100★LEBANESE★beauty - 24
(City of San Diego, old town(military friendly), San Diego)
Hosting Incall & Outcall to Hardworking, Unappreciated & Older Men let me PAMPER U Happy 200.120.80 - 21
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO Incall Outcall 8 fwy LA MESA)
(City of San Diego, NATIONAL CITY)
*~* Treat Yourself *~* Pure Pampering & Pleasure Late Night Specials*~* 24/7 .. - 24
(City of San Diego, Old Town/Downtown)
💖💛💖💛✋💢STOP 💢✋If you LOVE ASS & TITTIES👙Sexy😍&KINKY;😘 Get 100%Satisfaction NOW LATENIGHT SCP - 23
(South SD County, Spring Valley(619)251 1846 In /Out call)
{•* PuRFECT CurVEs & kiLLeR boDy*•} {•* k i N k Y SeXxy FREAk *•}100% REAL PiCS! SPECiALs ALL DAy - 20
(City of San Diego, roscrans/ point loma incall specialss!)
Point Loma ExPeRiEnCe NoTHiNg BuT ThE bEsTSTUNNING Playmate (200/100/80) I'm Dripping Wet. - 23
(8/Fwy ROSECRANS ST. Point Loma)
OUTCALL Incall/100 _ Petite/Perky boobs_Brown skin hottie_ NICE & SWEET* __OUTCALL 200/hr SPECIAL - 21
(City of San Diego, Incall / OUTCALLS ALL OVER SAN DIEGO)
KRISTEN *»- (¯♥¯)-»* (¯♥¯) 509 (¯♥¯) 720(¯♥¯) 1594 (¯♥¯) - 22
(Downtown Upscale Incall All Night!!!!)
..LasT Day In T0wn!!..((NEW T0 THE AREA))CH0C0LATE * B 0 M B S H E L L * * B A B E! - 23
(North SD County, Incall Carlsbad..24/7//Don'T Be SHY!)
[ HUGE RACK ] 40DDD [★]M a i n°° ►A t t r a c t i o n [★] BUSTY BRUNETTE - 24
(South Bay/ Chula Vista)
JAPANESE MiXX Come & take a on the WILD SIDE & play where the sun ALWAYS shines - 21
(North SD County, SAN DIEGO)
♥ * SeXy & READy fOr SOME FUN*.,.° 100% aVaIlAbLe AlL tHe TiMe * ♥ * - 19 - 19
(San Diego, El cajon)
❤️▄❤Sexy P e t i t e Japanese & Hawaiian ▄_Mixed BOMBshell ▀ ▄1OO% R E A L PICS❤▀ - 19
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley In & Out)
MARINE/MILITARY Welcome, (NEW) Erotic Explosion Hott Mixed Beauty Intoxicating Play Treat $100-24/7- - 23
(Point Loma)
§ Õ MÅNY ChÕiC§ B U T NÕN Lik M ► JaPaNeSe & H a W a i i A n_1OO - 20
(North SD County, Mira Mesa; 8O5)
*** Busty Blond Bombshell!! **** Start the weekend Proper end it even better $60……….. InCall SpeCia - 38
(City of San Diego, Incall Only - E-San Diego)
Seductive & SwEet EBony TrEat HigHly aDDictive MiliTary $pecials - 24
(East SD County, El cajon city InCall near East Main St.)
Hot! Kinky! Sensual! Real! "Puerto Rican Freak" In call & Outcall - 21
(North SD County, vista. oceanside. Esco. SM)
{_SPECIALS I N C A L L S -JaPaNeSe (&) HaWaIiAn H 0 t S e X y & f U N S P E C I A L S] - 20
(North SD County, Clairemont Mesa Blvd / 8O5)
Specials☆ OutCalls ☆Incall☆ Exotic Mix Hottie Round Booty Perfect Smile with All the right curves ☆★ - 23
(North SD County, North county incall/ outs to all areas)
-*-* Im everything your looking for *-*-seductive college chick! - 19 - 19
(City of San Diego, All Over San Diego)
╚» *THiCK* _ XOTiC : ♥: NATURAL BEAUTY _ aVaiLaBLe NoW «╝ - 21 - 21
(City of San Diego, Golden Hills area)
100/200 Playmate Excellent Service ❤ Military Boys ✫READY & EAGER 2 PLEASE✫100$ LA MESA SAN DIEGO - 23
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO LA MESA SDSU Incall Outcall)
Tue 07 Jan
( .. 36dd Asian mix ..) ★ ( SwT _____ L!k _____ HoNy SPECIALS ! : ) ★ - 22
(City of San Diego, Outcalls Only, all of SD)
[[ ___ 0UTCAll SPECiAL *** ((killER B0dY SATiSfACti0N GUARANTEEd)) ***___ 0UTCAll SPECiAL]] - 21
TEXAS Finest *Petite & Sweet* Blonde Co-ed. Treat Hurry Boys AM special - 19
New ✰ SuPeR HoTtie AlErT ✰ Exotic ✰ Peitite ✰ Busty✰ Asian Doll✰100$ Specials! - 23
(City of San Diego, I Travel / Outcalls Only)
NEWPICS SEXY ASIAN▄Mi i x e d BOMBshell 😘💋💎Up ALL NiGHt▀ ▄▀ CAPTIVATING ❤▀▄ Specials❤😘💋💎 - 19
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
* M--a--T--u--r--e * S-e-X-y * -N- VoLuP_TuouS * BruNeTTe * BeauTy * InCall SpeCiaLs * Escondido - 44
(North SD County, Escondido)
***MilitARy SPECiAL__ Perky boobs_Brown skin hottie_ NICE & SWEET* __(80) OUTCALL SPECIAL*** - 21
(South SD County, National City,Chula Vista incall/outcall)
FrESH*ExotiC KiTTy AwaiTs YOU! Itty Bitty Asian American Tabby & blonde Paris - 22
First Timer friendly - Military MARINE Friendly (petite/slender) INCALL OUTCALL La Mesa San Diego - 21
(City of San Diego, 100$ 8e freeway INCALL OUTCALL La Mesa)
(Avail.NOW) 5*Petite Barbie! Come On Over -POINT LOMA- Unrushed Experience Incall 180/100/80 - 23
(Incall-POINT LOMA--Rosecrans St.)
★ 100【KiLLєR 💋 CuRvEs】★【niCє 💋 bѺѺb's】★【cUτє 💋 FαCє】★【jUicY spaNKaBℓε 💋 αSS】150 - 19
(City of San Diego, Your Front door, San Diego)
100% REAL ...Perfect Body ...Bite Size hottie!!! Your Mistress - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego / Outcalls all over)
✨EXOTIC TIGHT ASIAN✨100 Special✨💦Your INTIMATE Fantasyy💦✨Available Now✨ - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad/5Fwy/Oceanside/Encinitas /Vista)
SeXy * MaTure * BusTy * BruNeTTe * BeauTy w/ Nice BooTy * / Escondido - 44
(North SD County, escondido)
late night SpeCiALs.... ASIAN HOTTIE READY TO PLEASE!! incalls and outcalls.. dont miss OUT! - 22
(City of San Diego, chula vista)
✨KINKY TIGHT ASIAN ✨💦Your INTIMATE Fantasty💦✨Available Now✨80 Special✨ - 22
(City of San Diego, KearnyMesa/15FWY/MissionValley/Miramar)
*Caution! Complete Sexy "BABE" Ahead Escape To EXTASY w/ a Very PRETTY/PETITE HOTTIE Marine/Military - 23
(((POINT LOMA) Incall 8-5/Fwy 100/Special)
ASIAN▄Mi i x e d BOMBshell 😘💋💎COME see ME ▀ ▄▀ CAPTIVATING ❤▀▄ ( Specials❤)😘💋💎 - 19
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista; 5 Fwy)
Everyday Is Christmas When Its Snow In Town 😘😘😘💦💦💦👍 Call Me Now For Your Gift - 20
(North SD County, Escondido)
...SweeT En0ugh T0 BiTe..((NEW T0 THE AREA)) End The Day With The BEST! - 23
(North SD County, Incall Carlsbad..24/7//Don'T Be SHY!)
••★¸o*•°o°☆ ALL NATURAL ☆°o*• °o 100% real pictures ••★¸o*•°o°☆ ALL NATURAL ☆°o*• °lets play o - 19 - 19
(City of San Diego, la mesa)
•° MiXed Baby DoLl •°o♥o°• $8O S p e c i a l s •°o♥o°• Availible NOW ; • - 18
(North SD County, Chula Vista / 8O5)
((KiLLER B0DY BR0WN H0TTiE) ___ AVAilAbLE 24 H0URS ___ [NiCE && SWEET] __ ((SPECiALS!!)) - 21
(City of San Diego, Point Loma Incall/Outcalls)
**g0Od MOrNinG fELLaS - - 1o0 [[AM sPeCiaL]] CERTiFiED PLAyMATE 100% satisfaction - 19
(City of San Diego, city of SD _8 freeway_college area)
*~CoMe SpeNd YoUr EveNiNg WitH a SeXy SpaNiSh HoTT GiRl~* - 21
(North SD County, OUTCALLS ALL OVER!!!!)
♥ CoMe aNd ☆ YuMMy ** ♥ SeduCtive LaTiNa BOMBsheLL-- 24HoUr SpeCiaLs >> - 25
°60$° °S°E °X° Y° °C°U°R°V°Y° °B°U°S°T°Y° °A°S°I°A°N° ° S°P°E°C°I°A°L°S° - 23
(South SD County, South Bay OutCall)
2 Girl Special!!GentleMen Choice👌🎀💕Every Married Mans Secret 🎀!!💋Available NOW!!! - 22
(City of San Diego, Incall- Point Loma , Downtown)
TEXAS Finest *Petite & Sweet* Blonde Co-ed Treat 1OO special Boys - 19
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO *HWY 5* IN-CALL ONLY YA'LL)
°° T h E _____ E v E n T_____ Y o U ___H a V e __ A L L__ B e En ___W a i T i N g___ 4 °° - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
✿•*¨♥¨*• NEW KINKY D✪LL (¯`'• ★•'´¯) THE B✪MB (¯`'• ★•'´¯) DR✪P DEAD G✪RGE✪US PUERT♡RICAN •*¨♥¨*•✿ - - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
visiting █ ▇ ▄ ▃ ▂★S★ E☆ X★Y ☆La★Ur☆en ▂ ▃ ▄ ▆ ▇★New ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ visiting .. AvAlLaBlE NOW... - 19
(East SD County, outcall allover sd)
Very friendly & I NEVER rush Incall Outcall San Diego MILITARY & FETISH fun LA MESA petite strapplay - 23
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO / l00 Private Incall Outcall)
TeLL mE wHat U sEe wHen U tHinK Of Me 1.o0% FaNtASiEs(x0xOx) cHoiCe Is All Urs - 19
(City of San Diego, city of SD _ el cajon)
(City of San Diego, golden hills/north park/your place)
Exotic / Seductive Playmate -- Let Me Entice You! Incall-LA MESA/SAN DIEGO 42O & MILITARY FRIENDLY - 22
(City of San Diego, INCALL La Mesa OUTCALL San Diego (Now))
*¨¨* COME SEE ME LASt NiGHT INCALL SpEciAls¨* SEXY & DEFiNITELY 1 of a KiNd *100% REAl *¨¨* - 20
(North SD County, Clairemont ((incalls & outcalls))
$50 ♡ 【lOOK nO fUrther ,YOU found her 】 【 FiLipinO & CauCaSian hOttie - 20
( .. 36dd Asian mixl ..) ★ ( SwT _____ L!k _____ HoNy! : ) ★ - 22
(City of San Diego, Outcalls Only, all of SD)