Sat 04 Jan
(Avail.NOW) I WANT 2 PLAY. _VIP 5* SERVICE- Elegant & Sensual _ POINT LOMA*Incall -- S.D/NC[OUTCALL] - 23
(POINT LOMA/Incall ** Outcall/SD-NC)
-----B U S T Y ----G O R G E O U S -----B R U N E T T E-----R E A D Y ----T O-----P L A Y - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
🌟760🌟576🌟7835 ♥ EXOTiC ♥ FuN petite ★asian ★ 1oo special ♥ 🌟🌟 - 28
(78 vista oceanside carlsbad outcall, City of San Diego, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, South SD County)
200hr 100 hhr New to the industry and ready to Explore Fit Young Model Body - 20
(North SD County, InClairemontOceansideOut SD tO Oceanside)
♥♡♥♡ YOUNG Petite & Wild 100% Real w / PERFECT BODY♥♡♥♡ PERKY TITS , SMALL WAIST & Nice Plump A.S.S - 23
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO * OUTCALL ALL NIGHT *)
XoXo Amber Feoras Xoxo It CaN Be OUr A Lil SeCret OuTCall availaBle Discreet - 34
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
❤ ❤•• ❤███ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂Upscale BLONDE treat ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ ███ ❤•• ❤• .▅ ▆ █ ❤ - 24
Gorgeous Blond Girl Next Door Hottie with a Smokin Hot Body! - 25
(North SD County, Mission Valley/ Outcall all over)
(~(~(~(~( Busty _ Goddess __ & Girl _ Next __ Door _ Type! __ ONLY _ 1-5-0-__ )~)~)~)~) - 27
(North SD County, Downtown)
•*♥AVAILABLE NOW!!! P E T I T E ❤️❤️ EXxotIC Brunette BARBIE Doll READY 2 Play!! ❤️❤️✨ - 22
(City of San Diego, With You!!)
*♥* WhY FLY CoAcH ♥ WheN FirST ClaSS Is AvAilAblE NoW ♥ 60 $peciaL *♥* - 25
(North SD County, OceanSide INcalls/OUTcalls)
Up Late For Your Pleasures! Come Get Naughty With Me! Drama Free Fun! - 41
(Del Mar, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
@@@@@@@ THE Everything'S INCLUDED MassagE by Bunny @@@@@@@ - 27
(City of San Diego, san diego/chula vista/national city)
** tHe BeSt Of ThE bEsT*! ThIcK eBonY BeAUTy aVaLiBlE nOW!! OUtCaLlS!* NORTH COUNTY! - 20
(north county * outcalls)
THE all american **BLONDE*** (( (BOMBSHELLY!!) ) visiting from LA QUEEn - 23
(City of San Diego, Incall/Outcall)
Specialâ¢WISHES ೋ ♛ ೋ COME TRUE w/ FENDI - 21
(North SD County, SanDiegoOceansideCarlsbadVistaSurrounden)
SpECialS!! SpeciALs!!! DONT miss OuT!! HOTTEST bomb ShEll Guaranteed!! XOXO :) - 22
👄❤💋💌☆ sexy REAL beauty☆ 💌💋❤👄 specials 💓💓❤💓 - 26
(City of San Diego, outcall specials & incall Chula vista)
Sensual Asian massage ,100%real picture, real deal - 28
(City of San Diego, utc , downtown ,san diego, la jolla)
San Diego Verified Adult Entertainer! Upscale! Fetish Friendly! SinSational Skills - 39
(carlsbad village dr @ 5 freeway, North SD County, San Diego)
_______________________ ♥ S e x y ♥ Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y ♥ A d d i c t i v e - 24
(encinitas carlsbad escondido del mar out, North SD County, San Diego)
Relax & Release wth an Irresistible Playful Hottie Wth Great Reviews! - 37
(City of San Diego, 8Fwy/805fwy/163fwy)
NAUGHTY Girl INCALL/OUTCALL👌💯💋👑❤ 70qk 100hhr KiNKy💞 ☆TREAT☆ ♛💚♛YoU HAvEN'T HaD 💖ThE BeST YeT - 22
(North SD County, Vista,Oceanside,Carlsbad, San Marcos)
★ NeW 💕 HoTTie WiTh A BoDy ThaT WaNts To GeT NauGhTy 💕 100 SPECIAL$ - 24
(City of San Diego, IN/ OUT San Diego)
█ — NEW !!! ♥——█ ♥ S_U_P_E_R - S_E_X_Y ♥ E_X_O_T_I_C ♥ █ ——♥ HOTT BODY——█ - 23
(City of San Diego, Upscale Downtown Incall - Outcall)
Yum Yum Come get You Sum of Jackie the Sexist Ebony MILF! - 48
(City of San Diego, Downtown San Diego, Hosting)
What More Could You Ask For Incall/Outcalls SDSU Mission Valley - 22
(In/Outcall Mission Valley Area)
•Upscαlε Plαγmαtε• Well Reviewed ---IF IT'S NOT M€ IT'S FR€€--- ((Up Late )) SPECIAL'S - 23
(North SD County, San Diego, San Diego, East County, Coastal OUTCALL)
Visiting ______ _____ Sexy Lil' Raven Haired Vixen _____ ______ Fetish Friendly - 27
(San Diego ** INCALL/OUTCALL** 24/7)
Sweet As Pie & Absolutely Naughty Too! Top Rated Blonde Cutie On Duty Boys! - 26
(N County & Sd...Incall/Out)
@@@ SWEET " " AS " " HEAVEN " " HOT " " AS " " HE'LL @@@ SPECIAL - 27
(City of San Diego, point loma)
Si PaPi🎸👅Clairemont IN60/80hhr 🎍OUT 150hr Film🎥StarDD CurvyLatina - 32
(City of San Diego, INClairemontOutOceanside SD PbDowntow, San Diego)
‿ ↗🔥⁀ ↘{SmOkiN HOT BrUnEtte} ‿ ↗🔥⁀ ↘{eXcePtioNallY ReviEweD}‿ ↗🔥⁀ ↘{SPECIALS}‿ ↗🔥 - 25
♡ *¨¨*•-:¦:-• SiMpLy SiNFullY ASiAn PlAYMate •*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* ♡ - 24
(City of San Diego, ♡ San Diego Outcall ♡)
Si papi Outcall 160hr IN80hhrXXX Film Star DDDLatina No Games 24HRS - 28
(North SD County, InClairemont Out SD Ocensd Downtown utc)
Si PaPi👅Oceanside IN60/80hhr OUT 150hr Film🎥Star🌟DD👙 Latina🍸 NOGames🎉24hrs - 30
(IN OceansideIN ClairemontOutsd PbDowntow, North SD County, San Diego)
New to SD Highly reviewed sugar baby & cam model Looking for a few new regulars Upscale only - 27
(City of San Diego, Carlsbad or Downtown or outcall anywhere)
NEW! SeXy 1OO% REAL! °★ ( NO GAMES! ) CALiFORNiA Brazil+Asian BoMBSHLL° ♥~ - 22
(City of San Diego, Hosting Chula Vista/Outcall All SD)
**** NEW NEW NEW Gentlemens Choice 2 Gorgeous Sexy Girls **** 100$ Specials **** - 22
(City of San Diego, Hotel Circle In/Out)
}~Lets Have Fun To Tonight, Anything You Want To Do}~~Sweet & Sexy Brunette Bombshell $Specials - 18
(City of San Diego, La Mesa)
^*^* IN A LEAGUE of My OWN ^@^@ Sexy & Addictive Companion for Your FaTaSiEs & PLEASURES !! - - 33
(City of San Diego, College Area/ALl San Diego)
IN 60hhr 24hrSpecial Papi Outcall 140hr Film Star DDLatina No Games 24HRS - 29
(North SD County, In Claiermont Out Oceanside pb Downtown)
Incall Car Fun Now / Outcall Special 🚗 Shorty Princess, Incall Special, 4'11 Goddess, 👅🌹😘💕 - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
(¯`'. iNdEpEnDeNt (¯`'.¸ ♥ BuSTy LatIN ♥ ¸.'´¯) P L a Y M a T e ¸.'´¯) - 26
(City of San Diego, Eastlake, Otay Ranch, San Diego)
♥Im Back__ ms. Michelle SWEETS __ WISER **WILDER** SEXIER ♥ - 22
* * i'M BriNGiNG SeXY BaCK! HoW CoULD YoU ReSiST ThiS? * All NaTuRaL BuSTY ExoTiC BeauTy! * * - 25
(North SD County, Carlsbad Incall/ outcall)
IN80hhr Out100,150hr Adult Film Star Busty Blonde Latina NOGames No upsell - 29
(North SD County, InClairemont Out sd pb Downtown Oceansid)
CuM GeT ToPPeD Off... InCaLL SpEcIaL... **** Im Waitin 4 YoU **** .... 619.701.2490 - 19
Come One Come All...Big or Small.. 760.383.1573 - 40
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, your place or mine)
*** Creme De La Creme ~ The BEST in Town ~ Petite EBONY Doll *** 80 Specials ~ soft, sensual, curvy - 24
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach Incall/Outcalls all of SD)
[CLiCK---> $80 *¨¨*-: ✦ :-*__B __R __A __Z__i__L__i __A __N__*-: ✦ :-*¨¨* - 21
(San diego & Surroundings)
________ BLUE EYED PLAYMATE _________ SMOKIN HOT ______NEW______ SEXY BLONDE __________ (CALL NOW!) - 19
(City of San Diego, 2 GIRL OUTCALL SPECIAL all day!)
Are you looking for Something A Step Above The Rest? Delightful Exotic Playmate !!!! - 24
(Mission Valley)
ASiaN // ASiaN //ASiaN _____ DriPpiNg WET *** GORGEOUS *** CuM NOw _____ - 22
(Mission Valley- Incall/Outcall)
_________ $50 special _______ all nite!!!!.4.. island beauty - 24
(City of San Diego, san diego/ chula vista)
5'7 * 13Olbs * 36b-24-36 * Vivacious Exotic Brunette Playmate * Exotic Erotic Explosions Waiting.. - 21
(San Diego In/Out)
☀️ Upscale ☀️ Blonde ☀️ Incall ☀️ Outcall ☀️ - 19
(City of San Diego, East SD County, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, South SD County)
3 young pretty ladies wanted/ new escort company in sd/ must have a nice - 22
(San Diego, san diego and adjoining areas)
Ready 2 Serve u & ur Needs! EXOTIC Brazilian/Asian STUNNER! COME Indulge In NaUgH†Y In†€n†iOn§ - 23
(South SD County, LA MESA (INCALL) *Fletcher PKWY (8E/125))
LOTS OF FUN! What are you waiting for? Call Me! (858)752-3728 La Mesa San Diego 200h SPECIAL BABY - 21
(City of San Diego, INCALL 100hh OUTCALL OUTCALL 200/HR)
Experienced sugar baby seeking long term arrangements .. is that YOU ? - 22
(Point loma incall, San Diego)
°•★©•° (= YOUR _N A U G H T Y_ ADD!CT!ON =) °•★©•° (= IN & OUTCALLS =) •°o©• A L L _HOUR_ FUN °o©• - 25
(North SD County, i15 Scripps Poway MiraMesa Surrounding)