Fri 03 Jan
__________ The Hottest BLONDE White Girl in EAST COUNTY avail. NOW with *100* SPECIALS! __________ - 18
(El Cajon)
~!~SUPER SEXY Petite Puerto Rican/Indian BoMBsHELL ((New Pics)) 100 SPECIAL CATCH ME WHILE U CAN~!~ - 22
~*~SUPER SEXXI SUPER FIRM~*~ Petite Puerto Rican Bombshell ~*~100 SPECIAL Catch ME While U CAN~*~ - 22
Super CuTe & SuPer SEXY & SmaLL Waist & Super SweeT % - 18
(City of San Diego, San Diego incall Sea World)
♥♥. ★☆+Skinny big busted BlonDe-'+♥. ♥ " .(760)829-2503 "When You Need Me 24/7"IN or OUTCALL - 43
(City of San Diego, Downtown east village, San Diego)
sexy Petite Latina Incalls Mira Mesa *100 for 20 mins* Real pics or free - 21
(North SD County, Mira Mesa/Poway area. off the I-15)
satisfy your sweet tooth incall 40/20mins 50/30mins45/65 100% real pics - 24
(City of San Diego, mission valley/Qualcomm/15/8freeways)
~!!* Seductivee S.H.A.N.A.Y ,Comee && Get Meeh (: *~!! - 19 - 19
(all san diego incalls/outcalls avalible)
Sensual Prostate Massage * Strap On * AssPlay * Toys * Stunning Blonde!! MILITARY DISCOUNTS!!! - 37
(Del Mar)
Thu 02 Jan
(Y_O_U_R ) °°•★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°•★•°° (L_O_V_E_) °°•★•°° (M_E_) - 22
(City of San Diego, Marriott mission vlly incall&outcalls; to)
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Well Reviewed ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ San Diego ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Discreet ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ COMIC SPECIALS ▀▀▀ Hosting▀▀ - 22
(East SD County, San Diego Area/INCALL/OUTCALL)
▇♥▇♥▇Sexy Blonde Sultry Petite College student 100% Real and Classy ▇♥▇♥▇ Carlsbad - 21
(City of San Diego, Carlsbad incall and outcall)
❤🌹Red Head Hottie🔥🔥 With A Body Back In Town🌹❤ - 22
Gentleman 🚹 Your Perfect 👌 Choice. My Private Location💋💎 Lets Play.. - 32
(City of San Diego, East SD County, El Cajon, Private Location, San Diego)
CLaSSy, SeDUcTiVe, BiG BoOTy cENtRAL AmERiCAN bOMbsHeLL! >>>OutCalls Only
(San Diego, All of San Diego)
🕋ASIAN&LATINA;🕋▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ Busty& petite lovely▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▐╠╣OT▐ YOUNG INTERNATIONAL GIRLS▐ ╠╣OT▐ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego, ⬛❤️💙⬛Pacific Beach/SEAWORLD ⬛❤️💙⬛)
█ — ★ — █ Your Best Choice-- I LOVE TO PLEASE;) HOT PLAYMATE 100 SPECIAL █ — ★ — █ - 23
(North SD County, La jolla)
Your Asain doll. IN SD if you looking for top Quality Asian girl just arrived ❤️ 804-298-1234 - 24
(City of San Diego, Last day in SD)
^^^^ YoU WaNt me 2 be ur DIRTY lil secret CALL nOtHiNg bUT the BeSt ^^^^ - 22
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO)
*~*__ Y__O__U __R __*~*__E__X__ O__T__I __C_ *~* __L__I__T__ T__L__E__ *~*__ S__E__C __R__E__T __$~ - 21
(City of San Diego, san diego /point loma/ in and out calls)
V. I . P. > > > S p eci a l s°° N A T I V E B E A U T Y 1 2 0 H H 1 6 0H R - (All - 21
(Mission Valley-Clairemont)
Vanessa Grey is Visiting SD! Slender and Sweet...looking for fun! - 32
(City of San Diego, Downtown San Diego)
U Will C(u)MMM 1st =>ThE W E T T E S T ___ PUssY__ On BACKPAGE =>C(u)MMM FEEL HoW WeT I ReALLy GeT!
💎Upscale 💋 Amazing _ Fun _ Sexy _ Petite _ Blonde 💋💋 - 42
(North SD County, Oceanside number txt 44*22*64*92*93)
Upscale Blonde Vixen.. MUST SEE... Outcalls N,Co - 25
(North SD County, N.County/Rancho Bernardo/Poway)
[.T.] [.H.] [.E.] * [.U.] [.L.] [.T.] [.I.] [.M.] [.A.] [.T.] [.E.] * [.T.] [.R.] [.E.] [.A.] [.T.] - 21
(City of San Diego, City Heights PRIVATE LOCATION)
@@@- SpEcIaLs 80* sexy babe 18year old BeSt lovehw around come get itt -@@@@ - 18
(City of San Diego, point Loma sportsarina Blvd in call)
SEXY} :* ☆ ¨*: {GORGEOUS} :*★¨*: {INTOXICATING} :* PETITE ☆ ¨*:{___ DOLL - 21
(North SD County, CARLSBAD)
~`Sexy Classy Model with SpEcIaLs 35= 20mins 45=30mins from (8am to 12noon - 24
(City of San Diego, friars rd 15 freeway mission valley)
(City of San Diego, point loma/pacific beach/old town/8frwy)
~!~! SEXY * EROTIC * HOT * Puerto Rican/Indian Playmate * 100 * INCALL * SPECIALS !~!~ - 22
only 3 spots left for our massive jacuzzi suite swingers party Tonight RSVP NOW - 24
(mission valley)
Only 2 Spots leftAct Out Your Fantasy at our Fantasy Tuesday Swingers Party Tonight Come Get Wild!!! - 24
(mission valley)
▐ NEW▐▃▃▃▃▃▃▃💥HOT BABY DOLLS💥 ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▐💖▐GREAT TIME GUARANTEED▐💖▐ ▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▐💖▐NEW LINE UP▐💖▐▃▃▃▃▃ - 23
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach, Balboa/ 858-490-6277, San Diego)
NEW Colombiana GIRL ON DUTY Com Get A Bite👅💦s3xy latina - 26
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley.Privated location., San Diego)
NeW► █ █ ► BuStY FiLiPinA/EbOnY MiX ► █ █ ► InCall SpeCials ► █ █ ► AVAILABLE NOW - 22
(East SD County, San Diego, East County IN/OUTCALL)
ly 18!!!! 80.. ..special!!! 80... .special!!! .Memorial day weekend super discount!!!! - 18
☆ LooKiNg 4 the BesT You'LL EvEr HaVe?? ☆ I'm RIgHt HERE in OceaNsiDe & AvAiLaBLe NOW! - 30
(North SD County, OceanSide/Vista/carlsBad)
Its Tuesday Nite! ❤ Avail NOW in FALLBROOK❤Mature Hot blond ❤ InSaTiAbLe! TXT OK! age - 54
(FALLBROOK 7six0 5four6 9zero5seven, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
((JU!CY))mixed EXOTIC== * SPECIALS 100 iNDepENdeNt* SEXY ((TREAT!))== MMMmuah♥ - 21
(City of San Diego, coronado outcall pb, ib,downtown surro.)
It's1OO with Sweet Beautiful petite in Gaslamp District - 19
(Mission valley/SouthBay/Downtown/Gaslamp)
Its Sunday! Lets Play! * * Mature * * HOT* * BLONDE* *InSaTiAbLe! * *TXT OK age - 52
(North SD County, 🌸760 5four6 9zero57 TEMECULA)
* * * * *Incall and OutCall All Day! All Night! Best Service in Town - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown, Little Italy INcall and Out)
🍑 HoT 🍇 SeXy 🍉 SwEeT 🍌 DiScReEt 🍓 TrEaT 🍈 WaItInG 🍐 FOr 🍍 YoU 🍏 ReAdY 🍒 NoW🌽 - 25
(North SD County, Rancho bernardo/Poway /Mira mesa)
G O R G E O U S DoLL NEW 2 AREA*.* UP All NiTe iAiM SaTiSfy PaPi *.* VERY ADDiCTiVE *.* AVAiLbLe NOW - 21
(City of San Diego, ChULa ViSta // Bonita Rd ALL NiTE Baby)
💥💥💥 Firecracker!! 🙋🏻💣💣 In Kearny Mesa Now! 😇 🌹🌹🌹_Lovely combination of Asian & Caucasian. - 22
(Kearny Mesa, San Diego)
DOMINICAN MIX 📕WELL REVIEWED📃📓😍😍😍😍 😀😀😀😀 😘😘😍 😘😍😉😜😜😜 😘😘 😘😘😘 😀😀 😀😀😀😀😀 😍😍😍😍 😘 😍😍😍😍 😘😍 😘 - 24
(City of San Diego, DOMINICAN MIX 📕WELL REVIEWED📃📓😍😍😍😍 😀😀😀😀, San Diego)
^^^^^ BeAuTiFuL ^^^^ IrReSiStiBLe ^^^^ PeTiTe ^^^^ - 18
(City of San Diego, Downtown/Fashion Island)
70 SpeCiaL ♥ N A U G H T Y Platinum BLONDE with BIG BooTY!!!!!!!! ♥ 70 SPECIALS ♥ - 21
(North SD County, Carlsbad INCALLS/ i-5♥)
8 O_ HiGHLy R e Q U e S T e d * SeDuCTiVe n V e R y BoMBSHeLL_ Japanese & HAWAIIAN SWEETIE - 20
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista ;8O5)
Adult Empoiurm (Fantasy Booths) 1-858-874-2317 $$$$$$$$$$$$ - 18
(San Diego, Kearny Mesa, San Diego)