Tue 07 Jan
QV Special 😘😘😘😘 🌴🌴 Incall Only ✔️ specials 💎😁😁😁🌴🌴. Incalls only 💎💎💎 - 19
(City of San Diego, North SD County, San Diego, San Diego (south ) 6196539869, South SD County)
█♛ LaTe NiGHt TREAT 4 you 2 MeeT! *Exotic Eye Candy~~INCALL SPECIALS All Day!!*ೋ - 22
I know what you want. Play with me tonight in downtown !!!!?,?♡♡♡♡ (619)313-0057 - 30
(City of San Diego, downtown, East SD County, North SD County, San Diego, South SD County)
I Provide 5 Star Service * Puerto Rican/ Phillippino Mix Absolutely Stunning & Very Horney* - 22
*^%*^% HuNgRy 4 C*Ck & CuM *^%*^% aVaIlAbLe 24/7* ^% nIcE n WeT jUsT 4 u *^%619*756*4466
I WiLL b Ur DiRtY LiTTle SeCrET !!SeXy BomBSheLL! Call ME XOXO!!! InCaLL/OuTCaLL - 22
**I Have Something You Definately Will Be Thankful For !** $$80/hr$$ Special ** Beach Area - 40
(City of San Diego, PACIFIC BEACH)
Classy Lady ReAdY FoR SoMe FuN WiTh YoU (( InDePenDenT / ClAsSy / FuN)) - 29
*:*:* Available Now *:*:* Super Hot and Sexy Playmate Ready To Party With You! - 25
😍❤️Every Mans Dream, The Malaysian Princess😘❤️ - 23
(City of San Diego, San diego, mission valley, hotel circle)
TRAFFIC or TEAL! (Seems like a NO-BRAINER to me! ) TAKE a BREAK ~ off I-15 & Miramar Rd. - 40
(City of San Diego, Miramar Rd., San Diego)
poway Allow this HOT Petite playmate 2 treat YOU LIKE HER KING - Lunch SPECIAL 100 120 200 15n/s 163 - 25
(East SD County, Mira Mesa/Rancho Bernardo/Poway/La Jolla, San Diego)
NAUGHTY -☆-* SWEET *☆**-☆- *☆*B*☆*U* ☆*S *☆*T*☆*Y*☆* * SEDUCTIVE *☆*B*☆*L*☆*O*☆*N *☆*D*☆ E *!!!☆ - 20
(North SD County, Mira Mesa Poway Encinitas In or Out)
Latina Bombshell Available Now * 80 Rose IC Special* Point Loma/Mission Bay - 22
(Point Loma Off I-5 (near seaworld))
. . . {L . e . t . s} . {e . x . p . L . o . r . e} . {m . y} . {t . a . L . e . n . t . s} . . . - 21
(East County)
~*~EVERYTHING Your WIFE Wont DO~*~ SeXXi Erotic Puerto Rican ViXXeN ~*~100 UnRushed INCALL ~*~ - 22
(Hotel Circle)
!*! Anyone interested in a NORMAL, MATURE, down to earth THICK & CURVY blonde woman? !*! - 41
♥ BrAnD NeW mIXxed GoErGeOuS vIsItInG SaN DiEgO WaNtS tO pLeAsE yOu ♥ - 19
(escondido incall- San marcos-san diego o)
👯 2 💋 is ALWAYS Better Then One 👯 Outcalls All over 🌺🌺 CALL NOW - 22
(15 freeway / Kearny Mesa / Clare, North SD County, San Diego)
*****Voluptuous, Hot & Naughty Milf 38DD***"* - 41
(Incall 78 & San Marcos, North SD County, San Diego)
~*~ SUPER SEXXI SUPER FIRM ~*~ Petite Puerto Rican Bombshell 100 Special ~*~ CATCH ME IF U CAN ~*~ - 22
{☆} ▶▶Ms.Sweets ◀◀{☆}▶▶ ╠╣o t ◀◀ {☆} ~^~ THiCK ▒ Big BooTy ▒ ~DD's ^~ ≡{☆} - 23
((KiLLER B0DY BR0WN H0TTiE) ___ AVAilAbLE 24 H0URS ___ [NiCE && SWEET] __ ((SPECiALS!!)) - 21
(City of San Diego, Point Loma Incall/Outcalls)
💋Barbie Wants To Play! Want To Be Her New Fun Toy!? Great Specials.! Call Now!!💋 - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego Ins and Outs Available)
💖💕 XoXo 💖 The BeSt ChOice 💖💕 ExPeRiEnCed , ErOTiC PlAyMaTe 💕💓 BeAutY At iT's BeSt 💞💖 - 27
:¦:XOTiC *JaPaNeSe M i X x :¦: W E L L (R E V I E W E D) ::M i L i T A r Y S p E C i A L S - 19
(My Place Mission Valley)
The lights are low and the candles are lit 😍 flawless ebony beauty avail (( NOW )) - 21
(City of San Diego, San Carlos - Allied Gardens - Del Cerro)
*!*¡TeeNy TiNy BloNDe AvAil All NiGht w/ ToE CuRliNg SpeCiaLs - 24
(City of San Diego, San Marcos Incall/outcalls anywhere)
♡♥♡♥ SeDuCtive $♡$ MiXeD $♡$ BeAuTy ♥♡♥♡ AvAilaBlE $♡$ 24/7 $♡$ SpEcIaLs ♥♡♥♡ - 24
(City of San Diego, (city heights )INCALL /OUTCALL)
I am Sexy and Petite and Sweet enough to Eat! Now Serving Full Lunch Menu! Real - 99
(North SD County, carlsbad @ 5 my private residence)
____ V.I.P____ BLONDE____ MODEL ____ (( $100 HOUR ))____ AFTER ____ WORK ____ INCALL ____ SPECIALS!' - 18
New In Town ❄⛄ its COLD OUTSIDE but Its 🔥WARM🔥 in HERE!!! 👈💋Mixed Latina Ready for a HaRd 0Ne! - 21
(North SD County, MIRA MESA INCALL 💚)
~~ NEW EXxotic ☆° BruNeTTe LaTiNa NYMPHo ☆° FuN FreaK ☆° tHe bEsT In Town - 22
(Spring Valley/ La Mesa (off 125 frwy.))
Incall - Outcall [ U= N= R= U= S= H= E= D= ] kearny mesa clairemont K•!•N•k•Y• EXoT!C• C•u•T•!•E - 25
(City of San Diego, Incall Outcall 56/15 freeway, San Diego)
Incall 80/100/200 Outcall 150/200 Girl Next Door *Friendly Unrushed LA MESA SAN DIEGO ALPINE/SANTEE - 23
(East SD County, La Mesa/S.D.S.U/ El Cajon/East County 8w)
★ ✪ ★ ✪""LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY"" ★ ✪ ★ ✪ ★ ✪ ★ ✪ ""LIFETIME OPPORTUNITY"" ★ ✪ ★ ✪ - 19
(San Diego, Beverly Hills)
" Simply IRrEsiStiBle" " SAvAnnAH " "PRovaCATive YeT DiisCrEet " SinFUllY SUbmiSSive" $ SI - 33
(North SD County, La Jolla Utc)
Small waist , cute face , BIG natural Dcups ♥ 100% ME - 22
(City of San Diego, san marcos incall / 0utcall all over)
♡♡ Seductive Sasha& Sensual Monica♡(INCALL& Out) - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego/ SSD/ NSD/ E SD)
Mon 06 Jan
Your Favorite Military Companion ~ SpEciAliZiNg in UlTiMaTe ReLaXaTioN ~ Curvy Natural RedH3ad - 29
(OCEANSIDE/Carlsbad/San Marcos/San Diego)
SEXY Brazilian/Asian *I'm Q_U_A_L_I _F_I_E_D (To Leave U ) S_A_T_I_S _F_I_E_D 100/130/200 SAN DIEGO - 25
(City of San Diego, Incall - Outcall, San Diego)
OMG You won't STOP saying WOW! Enjoy A REAL Woman * Passionate, GFE MEXICAN Alluring Bombshell - 27
(Lemon Grove)
Hot asian Maggie & Eva -- 10/20 New arrival -- don't miss out - 25
(North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad / Vista)
*:.♥ :*¨¨*::* Visiting ... EUROPEAN ... Cutie ...- Ultimate GFE *:.♥ :*¨¨*::* - 22
(hotel circle)
Smokin Hot Blonde ___ 100 Massage ___ Cozy Incall ___ Rancho Bernardo ___ 100% Me or its Free!!* - 19
(City of San Diego, RANCHO ♥ BERNARDO)
♥ SeXy ———————BLONDE———————— AVAILABLE —————♥ Visiting - 23
(INCALL/ Oceanside, Vista, San Marcos, North SD County, San Diego)
👑 αvαiℓabℓε ➜➋➍/➆ 💋 №➊ 🔟BoMbShEll👸♥👄•Specials ✓HiGhLy Skilled👅✨ ☎ 6195381851 - 21
(City of San Diego, Pacific Beach, La Jolla,)
█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ SWEET CLASSY SEXY BLUE EYED BLONDE BEAUTY █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ - - 23
_________ * Super Cute Petite Blonde * __________ * 100 Incall Massage Ready Now! * _________ - 18
(City of San Diego, Poway Incalls & Outcalls Up Late!)
(¯`·.♥.·´¯) (¯`·.♥.·´¯) (¯`·.♥.·´¯) Gorgeous Busty Blonde Babe (¯`·.♥.·´¯) (¯`·.♥.·´¯) (¯`·.♥.·´¯) - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
✨✨✨✨ 🌟 BEAUTIFUL 🌟 Brunette 🌟 ( BoMBSHELL) 🌟🌟 ✨✨ Playful, Pretty ✨ (DREAM GIRL) ✨ 60 Special - 25
(East SD County, El Cajon LaMesa Sante Alpine)
__________ The Hottest BLONDE White Girl in EAST COUNTY *100* Holiday SPECIALS! __________ - 18
(El Cajon)
★ SEXY ❤ Lil❤ HoTie❤ BlOnDe ( 1OO % ReAL )INCALL/ OUTCALL ★ - 24
(City of San Diego, Incall San Marcos/ Outcall 2 U, San Diego)
____ V.I.P____ BLONDE____ MODEL ____ (( $100 HOUR ))____ AFTER ___WORK ____ INCALL ____ SPECIALS!!!! - 18
Small waist , cute face , BIG natural Dcups ♥ 100% ME - 22
(City of San Diego, san marcos incall / 0utcall all over)
💘Sexy💘Beautiful, 💘Talented 💕 - SeXy, BlONde M.I.L.F. BeST sErVice evER! 6198226851 incall - 40
(North SD County, downtown, airport, little Italy, gas lam)
~~ NEW GoRGeouS ☆°MixXxED AfRiCaN NYMPHo ☆° FuN FreaK ☆° tHe bEsT In Town - 22
(Hotel Circle (Hosting))
MID-DAY SESSion •°• U & I = FUN •°• UN-Rushed & ENJOYable Incall - La Mesa FLETCHER PARKWAY 8fwy - 20
(City of San Diego, La Mesa / San Diego INCALL OUTCALL)
F_i_L_i_P_i_N_A /mIx ( _L°_E _°T°_° S° ► ($80 Special/ Fetish) ◄°P °L °A °Y) - 21
Exotic Nevada BABE new to San Diego Sweet, Sensual & Sexxy with a Passion To Please! La Mesa Incall - 24
(East SD County, San Diego La Mesa SDSU Incall Outcall)
★☆♡♥bubblebutt exotic ebony 19 ♡seductive MISTRESS***fetish friendly***90 special ♥♡♥ - 19
(City of San Diego, san Diego, mission valley, hotel circle)
Your Favorite Military Companion ~ SpEciAliZiNg in UlTiMaTe ReLaXaTioN ~ Curvy Natural RedH3ad - 29
(OCEANSIDE/Carlsbad/San Marcos/San Diego)
*****Voluptuous, Hot & Naughty Milf 38DD***"* - 41
(Incall 78 & San Marcos, North SD County, San Diego)
~* SUPER YOUNG SUPER FIRM * Puerto Rican BELLA Back N NC * Catch Me WHILE You CAN *~ - 22
(Mira Mesa)
Sun 05 Jan