Mon 06 Jan
****CurVy PuErTo RiCaN MaMitA AvAilAble NoW!!**** - 34
(City of San Diego, san diego/ mission valley)
Custom Experience ~Truly Taylor Made~ All Smiles - 24
(North SD County, North SD, Del Mar, Cardiff, Down Town)
🏆 Extra {THICK} Exotic BIG Booty CUTIE ready 2 CuDDLE {U} So H@RD!🆙 - 25
(City of San Diego, Your Place)
100 ☆Safe Independant ☆ Incalls poway NoHassle ✔NO Drama ✔NO Games just Pure Pleasure mira mesa - 25
(City of San Diego, INCALL Poway 15 - Carmel Mountain, SD, San Diego)
▐🌸💟🌸💟🌸▐ N—E—W▐🌸💟🌸💟🌸▐ YOUNG SWEET ASIAN▐🌸💟🌸💟🌸▐TWO PLACE🌸💟858-581-6699/ 619-906-1798🌸💟 - 23
(4722 Clairemont Mesa Blvd,San Diego,Ca, City of San Diego, San Diego)
xoxo ♥ ———— EarlyBird * Specials * Busty fReAky DOminiCan Mixed PLAYMATE xox ♥ xox ♥ - 19
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley :8 fWy)
🍭 {{ Y0UR LiPS L00K L0NeLY }} 🍭 U SH0ULD LeT THeM MeeT MiNE 🍭 {{ a ReFReSHiNG GERMAN DReAM }} 🍭 - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego, ❤SORRENTO VALLEY/LA JOLLA INS & OUTS ❤)
*:. .:* ¨¨*:. *. Xtra Thick Vanilla Shake .. .:* ¨¨*:. * BBW Girl Show - 19
(San Diego, hotel circle)
TWO for 1 💕👭 Exotic Mixed beauties❤️ Dressed& Ready💃🏽 - 21
(Out calls all over SD, San Diego, South SD County)
THE perfect PACkAGE with TROPhy SkiLLS .. goegeous MIXED beauty avail now - 23
(City of San Diego, Incalls & OUTCALLS - Mission Valley, San Diego)
~~ Sugar ~~ Spice ~~ Everything NicE ~~ and ~~ SeXy ~~23 ~~ - 23
💄👙SexY 👙🔥🔥🔥YoUnG BiG BoOtY EbOnY🍓🍑🍭 HaVinG Early 👅👅🍆🍆🍆BiRd SpEciAl's 4⃣ OuT CaLLs - 21
(City of San Diego, San DieGO (MISSION VALLEY))
°★° Sexy °★° Latina °★° Playmate °★° Outcall °★° - 28
(City of San Diego, Greater San Diego Outcall)
Sexy mixed chick inCall special _available NOW - 21
(City of San Diego, Mira mesa /San Diego, San Diego)
% % % SAN DIEGO - PRE-BOOKING 8/30 - 8/31: Young, Smokin, Fit = UNIQUE EXPERIENCE ($300/90min) % % % - 30
(Hotel Circle)
Sassy Lil' Brunette ____________ ***** HAILEY-JADE ***** ____________ (( New Pics)) - 27
(Incall: La Mesa ** Outcall: All Over SD)
🍓________ S w e e t _____ N e w _________ 🔥H o t _____ 🐰______Farrah🐰 - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego, With You!)
💥💋sEXy.DAYANA 858-752-2793Bad ASS! 💋💥 💋💋💥💥CURVY 💋💥EXOTIC 💥💋BRUNETTE💋 - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Upscale Condo in MISSION VALLEY)
Sexy, explicit, ebony, Princess!!! (N.G.R) - 26
(San Diego, el cajon city(in calls only)NO BLK GUYS!)
slim ✈️♋️Tight 🍌🌟 Wonderful service. 🌟🌟asian super Hott sexy girl 100% rea l. 50 fwy & Escondido - 21
(50 fwy Escondido, North SD County, San Diego)
Slender Blonde Bombshell Fulfilling Your Every Desire! NEW IN TOWN TODAY!!! - 25
(San Diego, Mission Valley)
★ (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) VIP Fun With AnGeLiCa FoXx ★ (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) - 31
(City of San Diego, Downtown Out Calls / HOTEL Friendly)
)) TaKe UR StResS OuT ===ExOtIc CaRaMeL BeAuTy== SeReNiTy))) 60 Special CaLL Me NOW!!!!!! - 22
(South SD County, Qualcom Incalls)
{*} {*} .ShoRt SeXiii 4'11 PlayBunny .. Ready 2 Play WiTh UUuuuu!!~!.. All NatUral @!@! - - - 28
(San Diego)
*♥Simply STUNNING BOMBshell!! *♥ ~ BLONDE ~ BEAUTIFUL ~up ALL nite !! - 22
♥ Sm0kiN HoTT LaTiNa BlACK-BaByD0LL {{ I'm BaCk BoYs}} B00Ty L♥VeRs #1 Ch0iCe ♥ - - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego AREAS)
SimplyTheBest Exotic Girl ((30-Mins/100)) Avail. Now 619 307 9175 ((POINT LOMA)) Slutry Hottie150 - 22
(INCALL Only!! Point Loma)
☆★°•Lollipop Lala Sweet Candy Specials •°★☆ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego and Surrounding Cities)
°•\°•\ INFAMOUS Mouth Skills You Won't Wanna Miss On! Early Bird Specials!!°•\°•\ - 29
(Central San Diego/ college area, City of San Diego, San Diego)
IM READY RIGHT NOW! **** 619-779-8832 **** GUARANTEED TO BE GOOD! *** 100 Specials and Military Disc - 35
InDePeNdeNt PLATINUM BLONDE #1(11olbs Sexy & FuN) w/a BuBbLe BuN! i AM & KNoW what ReaL Men WanT! - 21
(Carlsbad Incalls GeNtLeMen)
Im leaving in the morning.. hurry and come to my luxurious hotel - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
____Exotic Hot Girlz Waitin On You.. 2 Girl Special Available_____ - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
♥ ________ Beautiful Busty LATiNA B O M B S H E L L by The AiRPORT !! ________ ♥ - 25
(City of San Diego, AiRPORT/DOWNTOWN)
562-351-7873 tight grip daddy can I ride your banana national city chula vista incalls outcalls - 19
(Chula vista national city outcalls incal, City of San Diego, San Diego)
😍2FOR1 special😍 - 23
(City of San Diego, East SD County, Incall/outcall, North SD County, San Diego, South SD County)
2/Hottie SpECiALs Jaelynn Paris & Melissa 2/Girl SpECiALs (200/Hhr 300/Hr)
(Mira Mesa MIramar Rd.)
❤️ _________ You Only Live Once ___________ ❤️ - 25
(City of San Diego, Downtown Pacific Beach La Jolla, San Diego)
JuiCy 🍯💋Thick🍯💋 & Just So Gorgeous 🍯💋💋 There Will Never Be Another Like Me🍯💋 - 20
(South SD County, Chula vista)
Hosting SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY LA MESA areas I offer an amazing clean unrushed companionship🌟200/100 - 21
(City of San Diego, Incall Outcall San Diego North County)
HEAD to Carlsbad. You know why. ( Carlsbad, Incall only - 44
(North SD County, Carlsbad INCALL ONLY)
Your Asain doll. IN SD if you looking for top Quality Asian girl just arrived ❤️ 804-298-1234 - 24
(City of San Diego, Last day in SD)
YOUR *NAUGHTY *ESCAPE y Candi () * $wT lip$* CuMm w/ Curvy Exxotic Brazilian Mix - 23
(Incall {8*Fwy} ROSECRANS ST)
☆★.•*¨ ¨*• ☆Y0uR Newe$t Spanish&White; H0TT H0TTlE☆★.•*¨ ¨*• ☆ - 20
(City of San Diego, Oceanside/Escondido/vista)
White Brunette with stunning green eyes. All American Bombshell 32DD-25-35 Midway Dist WITH REVIEWS - 26
(City of San Diego, Midway , Point Loma Incall, San Diego)
Welcome to my world. Where a thousand little moments will make up a single unforgettable experience
StAr KaNdiCe KaVeLLi Is AvAiLaBlE NOW 80 $pecials Rite Now!!!!! - 19
(City of San Diego, in/ out Countywide)
💦Slippery Tight Young💦 👑Petite Princess👑 👅Ready To Play👅 - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley💋Mission George Rd)
Sexy skilled latin/white.text is ok.. sophia 619.218.1980 visiting downtown SD. Incall or outcall - 28
(City of San Diego, Incall downtown San Diego or outcall, San Diego)
( ( ( SEXY & PETITE ) ) )_ _ _ _ * SUPER BUSTY HAWAIIAN MiX*_ _ _(AvAiLaBlE NoW) - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego INCALLS !!)
Sun 05 Jan
Upscale *[FLiGHT]*✈ {TOO} 💋🌴☀ *[PARADiSE]* ☀🌴 BOARDiNG NOW ✨CALL📲 NOW✨ - 26
(City of San Diego, INCALL is AVAILABLE point loma & Outcall)