Thu 02 Jan
*%%* SeXy 19 YeAr OlD AsiAn EbOny & PoRtUgUsE MiXeD BaBe specials*80* BeSt girl ArOuNd *%%* - 19 - 19
(City of San Diego, impearl beach off the 5/south bay N call)
SEXIEST Hour Glass shaped body!! 34DDDs with a BIG ROUND BOOTY and beautiful face! PROOF VIDEO!!!!!! - 21
(City of San Diego)
*»* =~Sexy Azz NaTiVe AmEriCaN Big BOOTY BeAuTy.. Rare deals!!! Have some SeXy NeSs... - 26
(City of San Diego, point loma old town mission valley)
*-:¦:-* SeXi ஐ PuErToriCaN LaTiNa ஐ NON STOP THRILLS & LIMITLESS SKILLS *-:¦:-* - 20
(City of San Diego, Chula vista incall/out call to all sd)
~*Sexy Blnd Bombshell {soccormom} ~ Do U Think U Can Handle Me?*~ - 37
(City of San Diego, In Your Dreams(Your Place))
Sexy Blonde and Brunette...I t _ ♥ _ D o e s n 't _ ♥ _ g e t _ ♥ _ A n y _ ♥Better Than This! - 21
SeXy As F@#K!!!!! ~ GrEaT REvIeWs ~ All NaTUrAl ~ ReAdY NoW ~ CoME & PlAy WiTh Me ~ - 39
(City of San Diego, HOTEL CIRCLE)
_ _ _ _ _ _ *Sexy* _ _ _ *Sweet* _ _ _ *Petite* _ _ _ *Treat* _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 25
(City of San Diego, Clairemont)
-*- [ ___ *SeXy* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *SaSsY* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *AlWaYs* ___ ] -*- [ ___ *ClAsSy* ___ ] - 22
❤ ★ ❤ Sexy, All-Natural Latina Booking Today and Tomorrow in San Diego ❤ ★ ❤ - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
Sexy And Sweet!!!! Discreet Fun!!! You Won't Be Disappointed I Promise!!! - 21
(City of San Diego, North County/Carlsbad/Oceanside)
SEXy. BEAUTIFUL & siLLy MANIYAH. 5'6". 113lbs. PETITE. HAWAIIAN beauty. - 24
Sexy & cute ($80 special) all day and night call me - 28
(City of San Diego, north county incall/san diego outcalls)
💜 Sexxy Savannah avail NOW in ENCINITAS 💜 Last Day Here !! KiNKy LiL BARBiE - 19
(North SD County, Encinitas InCalls *Last Day*)
SEXY & Ready , Freak Of The WEEK, Don't miss out !Great specials!!❤❤.. ★☆★ - 19
(North SD County, Oceanside/Carlsbad and surrounding area)
•~•~•Sexxy Blonde Just Got Into Town...Make Your Appt With Me NOW!! •~•~• - 25
(North SD County, Oceanside)