Fri 03 Jan
The Sexiest REDHEAD in East County ..Samantha. (619)3578152 - 46
(East County, East SD County, San Diego)
Thu 02 Jan
VIP *~*~*~*Gorgeous and Sweet, Classy but eXXtremely Naughty ~*~*~*~*~*~ BUSTY PLAYMATE ~*~*~ VIP - 25
(City of San Diego, incall old town & outcalls)
❤ GLAMOUR GIRLS SD Now Hiring! Start working tonight ladies CASH PAY GUARANTEED $$$$$ - 18
(San Diego, San Diego So.CAL Orange County)
(~(~( TANTRIC **** EXOTIC ***** PLAYFUL SIENNA ***** UPSCALE***** BUSTY ~)~)~) - 26
(North SD County, incall outcall Rancho Benardo)
[ DROP ] __ •❤• __ [ DEAD ] __ •❤• __ [ GORGEOUS ] __ •❤• __ 2 GiRL SPECiALS - 24
(City of San Diego, downtown !! Call ME)
★★★•:*:• *VIP COMPANION •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *BomBSHELL•:*:• - 22
(City of San Diego, your home or hotel)
* TaStY** EyE CaNdY* SiMpLy THE BesT *MiXxEd CuTiE* 916*502*one*759 - 27
(City of San Diego, SanDiego/Mission Valley In & Out)