Mon 27 Jan
*_+_* CALL*_+_* ME*_+_* ~ NeW PiCs ~Puerto Rican/ Filipina Mix - 21
💋C0ME N0W💋 AlL REAl✔️ Bl0NDE ✔️SEXY ✔️ DRAMA frEe ✔️ $60 $100 sPeciAl 💋💦 AVAILABLE 24hrs 💋� - 24
(South SD County, Chula Vista (INCALL))
BustyBlonde Milf/Mature Asian/French Cougar.. Highly Reviewed - 40
(City of San Diego, East SD County, mission Valley San diego, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, South SD County)
Busty [✔] Curvy [✔] Exotic [✔] U ♥ BOOBIES I got EM' - 25
(South SD County, Chula Vista Incall $pecials)
Busty 34F Beauty █ ♡ █ SPECiALS SPECiALS SPECiALS █ ♡ █ Lets Play Baby - 18
(South SD County, Chula Vista)
BUS TY °★° B*L*O* N*D* E °★° BARBIE ** - 27
(South SD County, Incall Out all Sd)
♥♡★ #❶B€TTËR THAN H€R ⇧ÄND HÊR⇩ #❶ - - - - -【 *TOe CurLer* 】- - 6O speciaL -(New Number)‼♥♡★ - 25
(imperial beach, San Diego, South SD County)
★★★C0ME tAKE A Riide ON THE WiiLD Siide WiiTH THiiS iiSLAND SPLaSH★★★ - 23
(South SD County, chula vista)
BUSTYGoddess _100%Real_Pretty Is My Kitty •√ Seductive|Unrushed Desires 2 PleaseYOU!_[•Specials•] - 20
(Incalls•OutCall.ChulaVista,NationalCity, San Diego, South SD County)
B€TTËR TH@N H€R⇧ ÄND HÊR⇩★-:¦:- ★I Am ÄLWA ¥§ !N TH€ MØÖD!! ♛* - VIP *°*° UpscalE Tr€@t*°*$60Special - 25
(South SD County, Chula Vista/5Fwy/Incall)
buenos dias sweet sexi candi is hot and ready for u papi ! - 19
(South SD County, chula vista incalls only)
Brown Sugar Here And Ready 💖💋💖💋😘 - 25
(National city/chula vista/san diego, San Diego, South SD County)
💜 (( BrEAThTAkING ExOTiC CoMPaNiON )) 💜 SWEET & SEX Y 💜 (( AvAilABLE NoW )) 💜 - 22
(South SD County, (Chula Vista Ins))
_________ __________ _________ __________ ___________ __________ _________ ____________ BUSINESS MEN - 29
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley/5mins from DowntonS.D.)
💖💖💖💖 BRiNg ThE fUn tO U !! 💖💖💖💖 HaLF Hr. $e$$ioN $PeCiaLS 💖💖💖💖 1oo% ReaL & PuRe SaTiSFaCTioN 💖💖💖💖 - 23
★ BRanD *SPaNkiNG* NeW! ★ BeauTifUL SeXy PLaymATE ★ - 19
(South SD County, Chula Vista💋National City)
😍 BuSTyy AnD ADDicTinG 😍 Make me your first choice!!! 😘😘 - 21
(South SD County, National city // Chula Vista)
__( BusTy! )( DL¡C¡OUs )( MeXiCaNa)( )( 6ospecial ) - - 23
(South SD County, imperial beach)
:.♥ :☏ BrUnEtTe~ CuT!e / w... B ! G B oOTy;) ☏:. ♥ :1oO% ReAL - 25
(South SD County, South Bay OutCall)
█ ▓ ▒ ★ Brand New Sexy LATINA *** 100% Satisfation ☂ ☆☂ - 19
(South SD County, south bay - national city)
♥ Be AuTiFuL ♥ ExOtic PLaY m aTe ♥ 21 - 21
(South SD County, (IN CALL) Hotel circle)
AVAILABLE NOW❤️❤️❤️Sexy LATINA babe / Playful / Athletic / Crazy / Stunning/ 😍😍😍 - 23
(South SD County, San diego)
B E A U T i F U L THiCK & sexy B!G BOOTY real pics - 24
(South SD County, san diego // Chula Vista //South Bay)
💖💞‼️Available ALL Day/Night‼️ Amazing Experience💗💞 P U R E Pleasure, don't wait CALL Now‼️💗💕💞 - 25
(City of San Diego, East SD County, San Diego, Sexy Outcalls All Day & Night, South SD County)
ATF no lifejacket.. redhead Princess ...incall only - 24
(South SD County, Chula Vista incall -outcall everywhere)
(((Available ))) ♥ SEXY & WILD ♥ CoMe PlaY wiTh ME (( $70 SPECIAL ♥ - 23
(South SD County, national city incall NICE... outcalls)
Australian Beauty & Irish Barbie - 28
(City of San Diego, East SD County, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, South SD County)
~ππ~> NeW hOLiDaY iNCaLL $pECiaLs ! ©oMe eXPLoRe mY wOrLD LiKe CoLuMBuS !! *MiLiTaRy Di$©ouNT - 22
(South SD County, CHuLa ViSTa iNCaLL)
> L{☆} {☆}K! > *SuPeR PlEaSurE* special starting 100> L{☆} {☆}K! - 23
(South SD County, IN OR OUT CALLs)
&@&@& Sexy Ebony Bombshell &@&*& Available for you &@&@ - 25
(South SD County, National City / Southbay)
💧💫🌟💧🌟💫✨💫---- > > > > > - - - HoTTiE- - - WiTh An AmaZiNg BoDy - - - - -💧🌟💫💧 - 23
(South SD County, , City of San Diego, Del Mar, Gaslamp)
AMaZiNg BoDy ★★★ StUnNiNg ★★★ NeW PiCs!!!★★★ ★★★ ★★★GoRgEoUs SuPeRsTaR ★★★ - 23
(Chula Vista, Coronado, Imperial Beach,, San Diego, South SD County)
** *** * **... .. Amazing native american/mexican Bbw ** outcall only/specials ** (6)3392221 - 23
(South SD County, all over san diego)
~>~> SeNSuaL SeDUcTiVe $60 SPeCiiAL @LL NiTe !! ** 100% SaTiSFaCTioN & PLeaSUrE !
(South SD County, NATIONAL CITY)
***** And Nice Knockout Mixed Beauty! ***** - 23
(South SD County, incalls/outcall NationalCity/Surroundin)
💎💎ω¡ℓ∂ & kiηkγ🎇🎆🎆🎇💖💕 💯💯⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐†ħεGεn†ℓεmαη's B€§t °°°❤️°°° Tasty §pecials⭐️ - 25
(South SD County, National City)
AMAZING Taste GORGEOUS Body FREAKY Naughty BUSTY ebony60/100/180 Specials Available Now 619 251 1846 - 23
(South SD County, Spring Valley - In call/ Out call)
~(( ★ AMAZiNG SKiLLS ★ )) $1OO Specials (( ★ SEXY MiXED dOll ★)) - 20
(South SD County, Chula vista 5 frwy .)
😊 💗 All ★❤★New 🔴 Sweet Beautiful ★❤★ Playful ★❤★SEXY ASIAN GIRL - InCall 💗 💗 💗619-346-3089 !! - 22
(2511 CORONADO ave San Diego, San Diego, South SD County)
💞✨ All American Girl Next Door 🍦 REAL & READY 🍦 New Blonde Treat ✨💞 - 23
(Chula Vista Incall Outcall, San Diego, South SD County)
ᴾᴿᴱᵀᵀᵞ ᴮᴸᴼᴺᴰᴱ 🌟💕 ᴴᴼˢᵀᴵᴺᴳ ᴵᴺ ᶜᴴᵁᴸᴬ ᵛᴵˢᵀᴬ 🎀 ᶜᵁᴿᵛᵞ & ᴷᴵᴺᴷᵞ ᵀᴿᴱᴬᵀ 🌟💕 - 23
(Available Now in Chula Vista, San Diego, South SD County)
Allison is BaCk! °â¢★â¢Â° Busty Beauty Ready To Play °â¢★â¢Â° - 24
(North SD County, South Bay Incall and San Diego Outcalls)
~>~> WiLd WeDNeSDaY $$60 sPEcIaLs !! @LL NiTe !! ** 100 SaTiSFaCTioN & PLeaSUrE !
(South SD County, CHuLa ViStA iNCaLL)
🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 All American Girls next door 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 2 girls outcall - 22
(City of San Diego, OUTCALLS only hotel friendly, San Diego)
An { •Unforgettable Moment• } With >ME< Is *EXACTLY* what •••U••• [[ NEED!!]] - 23
(City of San Diego, East SD County, San Diego, South SD County, YOUR PLACE IN 30mins or LESS)
💎allUNeed [•gORGeous_ ; LiPsz•] 💋;{ sEXy CuRVy-BoDY} 💗💕TaStyBabe💋 •^ *^• 💎🎀 - 24
(South SD County, National City.Downtown.OUTCALL)
😊 💗 All ★❤★New 🔴 Sweet Beautiful ★❤★ Playful ★❤★SEXY ASIAN GIRL - InCall 💗 💗 💗619-395-7865!! - 22
(2511 CORONADO ave San Diego, San Diego, South SD County)
AGE 40+ DiSCOUNT!! »——» ♥ {100% R£AL } »——» { £GYPTiAN } »——» { BOMBSH£LL } ♥ »——» - 24
(South SD County, Chula Vista ★ INCALLS ONLY!!)
💸🍦🍭Addictive Treat🍭🍦🍫Yummy & GorgEoUS💋🍦🍭Irresistible 💲pecials!!🍭Curvy W/ SpaNkAblE AsS🍦🍭💸 - - 21
(South SD County, Chula Vista/ Imperial Beach Incall)
Allow yourself to get lost in me ** True Submissive ** Outcalls Only - 23
(City of San Diego, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, Outcall Only, San Diego, South SD County)
aMaZING BoDY ★★★ StUnNiNg ★★★ NEW PICS!!!★★★ ★★★ ★★★GoRGEoUS SUPERSTaR ★★★ - 23
(Chula Vista, Coronado, Imperial Beach,, San Diego, South SD County)
AfTeRnOOn SpECiaLs W// @ F_L_I_R_T_Y= ★ =E_X_O_T_I_C = ★ L_A_T_I_N A= B_E_A_U_T_Y_ -HABlO ESPANOl - 19
•°•°•° ◆◇◆[(8O$) ▌▌○● ▌R0UND B00TY ◤★◢B u s t y & B e a u t i F u L ⓛ ⓞ ⓥ ⓔ ◆◇◆ •°•°•° ((80$) - 21
(South SD County, ❙Chula Vista❙5 FWY ❙E Street❙)
$99 SpEc.! 'Till 11A.M! 19 Yr. OLd MeXicAnA...South CoUnTy ArEa! - 19
( (♥ ♥ ✅✅ A V A i L A B L E ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) ::EXOTIC HOT PLAYMATE :: ( ( ♥ ♥ ✅✅ N O W ✅✅ ♥ ♥ ) ) - 24
(City of San Diego, East SD County, OUTCALLS only, San Diego, South SD County)
(A) (L) (L) * (Y) (O) (U) (R) (S) *-* AvAiLaBlE nOw !!! :) - 24
(South SD County, chula vista/ san ysidro)
A 5"0 latina looking for a good time ..our time spent will never be unfinished!! - 20
(South SD County, all over sunny san diego ,national city)
~*~ $ 85 SPECIALS all night ~*~ ThA MistRess ~*~ ExotIc ~*~ bEauTy - CALL NOW!!! - 22
(South SD County, San Diego and surrounding cites (incalls)