Sat 04 Jan
★◆♥◆ Visiting ★◆♥◆ LATINA Treat★◆♥◆ IRISH Hottie - 23
(City of San Diego, POINT LOMA (INCALLS ONLY))
💕💋💕Visiting from the Desert & We have THE BEST 150$ 2 GIRL AD IN TOWN 80$ 1Girl Special 💕💋💕 - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
*:•.♥ •Us ...YOU ... PLaYinG ... ❤ 2 FreaKs !! *:•.♥ • - 21
♥ T W 0 __ G I R L __ S P E C I A L__ 2 DA Y♥ - 20
(City of San Diego)
-♛T° °O° °P° _ °O° °F° _°T° H °E° __ °L °I° °N° °E 2GirlSpecial - 21
(City of San Diego, LA MESA incall outcalls)
🚦🚧🚦 $T0P✋RiGHT✋THΞRΞ‼️ 🍀♻️✅💚--->PLATiNUM PL3ASUR3
(5Fwy Oceanside Vista Carlsbad Escondido, North SD County, San Diego)
~~ Specials! (( ___i WILL get U r i g h t! LATE NIGHTS___early Mornings! im UP )) - 21
(CARLSBAD / OCEANSIDE 347.331.9618)
SmoKin Hot Blue Eyed Busty BomBsheLL with HoT BlonDe GirLFrienD **ChecK Us OuT** SpeCialS - 21
(North SD County, carlsbad in/out)
SeXy CHoCoLiC BuNnY AvAiLaBle NOW & LATER ♥1OO INCALL $pecials~ OUTCALLS by the HR~ ALL OF SD - 24
(City of San Diego, ElCajonCity In/ Outcalls 24/7! 2OO/up hr)
__ {S}(E){X}(Y) _ {&} _ (Y){O}(U){N}(G) _ {G}{I}{R}{L} _ (4) {U} (2) _ {P}(L){A}(Y) __ - 23
Sensual Busty Chinese BodyRub specialists - 32
(black mountain,mira mesa blvd,15FWY, North SD County, San Diego)
👄Welcome to all men's fantasies 😘 come play with hazel and Anna ❤ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, South bay)
*★ TwIcE The PLeaSuRe DoUbLe The FuN {{_ExOtiC PLayMateS_}} SpeciaLs !!** - 20
(North SD County, IN/OUT... SAN DIEGO- NORTH COUNTY Areas)
🔥👭Two Girl OutCall Specials👭👅🌹Double The Trouble Double The FUN👅🌹🔥 - 21
(City of San Diego, OutCalls all over SD!)
💋 ____ 🎀 --- white --- 🎀 --- TIGHT --- 🎀 & avail TONIGHT --- 🎀 ____💋 - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego, SHELTER ISLAND - pt loma INS/or/ Outs)
Visting SAN DiEGO? Make your time MEMORABLE ! Highly Rated & Well Reviewed. IN or OUT - 40
(City of San Diego, Clairemont)
Welcome to my world. Where a thousand little moments will make up a single unforgettable experience
SUPER HOT Leila. VISITING ☆.San diego.250 special..Outcall KNOCK OUT 213💝5704855★text is ok - 28
(City of San Diego, East SD County, North SD County, Oceanside / Carlsbad, Outcall all over SD, San Diego, South SD County)
**# IRISH Slender Natural Redhead TANTRA Understudy to take you ~HIGHER~ REDEFINING THE INDUSTRY #** - 23
(East SD County, San diego, los angeles ins sand hotelcir)
*INCALL-OUTCALL SPECIALS* Spend some time with 2 gorgeous [[Barbiiies]] ____ DONT PASS US UP !! - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
Get your delicious massage right now! If u like exotic then you'll luv us! - 23
(North SD County, Carlsbad downtown)
fullfill your "MOTHER &DAUGHTER;" fantascy TONiTE!!!! ==》click HERE - 21
(City of San Diego, El CAJON CITY)
+++++ __________ D_O_U_B_L_E __________ T_ H_ E ___________ ((F)) _ ((U))_ ((N)) _____________ +++++ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego Area)
Come and see!!! The Best Asian Massage !!! Shamrock Oriental Spa!! (619)-284-1266 - 28
(Near Stadium)
////// COCO SPA ///// are you want relax..... visit us 858-621-6369 - 23
(City of San Diego, MIRAMAR RD)
(`'•.¸ ❤ ¸.•'´) BAD GIRL ❤ INCALL ☑36 G's (`'•.¸ ❤ ¸.•'´) - 21
(City of San Diego, MY HOUSE SAN DIEGO)
BACK!!!!! but not for to long ..TWO for one call US now 💋💋crazy Specials💋 - 22
(City of San Diego, Outcalls all over Sd In call downtown sd, San Diego)
*_*_* Available ALL Day *_*_* { InCaLL / OuTcALL } -5'10"- -Brunette- -36DD- { SeXy ITALIANA } - 25
(City of San Diego, MiRaMar _ MiRa MeSa _ aReA _ NeAr I-15)
°°A °LiTtLe °Of °ThIs, °A °LiTtLe °Of °ThAt, °AnD °A °HaNdFuL °Of °Me°° - 34
(North Park)
60☆· WaRNING!!!! ·.♥ ¯*CauTiON WatcH ouT FoR ThiS SexY FreaK CauTIoN!» (¯`60´ - 20
(South SD County, nationalcity/anywhere you want me to be)
2 Girl 180 SPecials (Exotic Islander Treat) **Tung Tasty** (Incall) - 20
(City of San Diego, North Park)
💥 34DDD!!! 💥 👀____________ SUPER 🔥🔥🔥 _____ 💥STUNNING 💥 BEAUTY 👄 😋 STELLER REVIEWS 👼 ________📞📞📞 - 26
(City of San Diego, Miramar / Mira Mesa 15 FWY)
❤ 2 girls for you gentlemen ❤ ALL DAY SPECIAL ❤ PReTty SeXy and YoUnG - 22
(City of San Diego, outcalls to you)
♥ 5'6", 120lbs, Blonde Hair, 34DD, Flawless Skin, Manicured, Perfect Body! ♥ - 23
(City of San Diego, ♥ MISSON VALLEY ♥)
YoUr NaUgHtY LiTtLe SeCrEtS...*** 2girl Specials..***.-INCALLS ONLY - 22
(City of San Diego, chula vista INCALLS ONLY)
Visiting new couple to the scene seeking a guy that can host, preferably in a hotel - 27
(City of San Diego, san diego)
° °•★•° ° { TRY} •:*• ☆ ¨*:• {SOMETHING} • :*★¨*: •{NEW}•: *¨;*:• Us hERo SpECiaLS - 21
(City of San Diego, incall specials)
Come let US MeLt your IcE .. brrrrr!!!!!!***Your Blonde ICE QUEENs*Mina*Lauren - 22
(North SD County, San Marcos)
█▓ ███ █ ⎷⎛——Gentlemen CHOICE, Nice and Pretty Asian girls just Arrived, ...Unforgettable..! - 25
(North SD County, Escondido / San Marcos / Vista / Poway)
{0UTCALLS}____ {BIG }_______ {BOOTY} _______ { EX0TIC BEAUTY } _______ { WELL REV!EWED } 2 G!RL FUN - 25
(City of San Diego, Your Place)
💟 ℃@L! 💋 Do££s 🍹 ℉o® 🌴 ¥⊙U 💕 Sωe3T 🍭 B€@UT!e§ 🍒 ®e@L 💘 T®€@T§ 💘 Mu§t 🍓 Se€ - 20
Its SUNDAY, I'M Available for A Special Time to Spend With You GENTLEMAN, all Day Into Evening... - 51
(CENTRAL SD, City of San Diego, San Diego)
—— (¯`'•.¸ 💗💓*💗💓*💗💓 ¸.•'´¯ )— WONDERFUL. AMAZING 💓*💗- Nice Asian girls / Amazing Relaxation - 26
(Escondido / San Marcos / Vista / Poway, North SD County, San Diego)
Xmas SpeCialS ! >>> 2 for 1 >>> GIRL on GIRL come watch us be ... If you CALL you can JOIN US - 20
(Rancho Penosquitos / Poway)
.¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ *U P* * A L L* *N IG h T* 3*girls * .¸¸.·´¯☆ ·.¸¸.·´¯☆ -
(sD Incall all sd & north county outcalls)
*★ TwIcE The PLeaSuRe DoUbLe The FuN {{_ExOtiC PLayMateS_}} Up LaTe!!** - 20
(North SD County, Mission valley.... Incall/Outcall)
Up ALL Night *Asian Jamie & Cuban Melissa* Incall Specials - 19
(Hotel Circle Incall/Downtown Outcall)
TOP NOTCH Brazilian & FilipinO TWINS ~ Very Limited - 20
(North SD County, Esco/ Sm / Vista Outcalls perferably)
Start the Week with us. Enjoy Sweet Friendly Asian >>>>> - 26
(North SD County, Temecula, Escondido, Fallbrook)
stunning blonde and smoking hot brunnette///$$$$double the pleasure double the fun 2 girl - 21
(City of San Diego, two or 1)
💦👅 Stop Looking We Are All You Need 100 % Real Pics Come Play With Us - 20
(City of San Diego, Point Loma InCall, San Diego)
💚💚...Spend quality time for yourself! ...sensual full body massage 💑👫... - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
SEXY MEXICAN BBW *¨¨*:. ★.:*¨¨* 50SPECIAL*¨¨*:. ★ .:*¨¨* BUSTY - 23
(City of San Diego, imperial beach)
💜💗San Diego's Best Duo💗💜 Petite Brunette & Sexy Blonde - 21
(City of San Diego, Downtown San Diego Gaslamp -outcall)