Sun 26 Jan
🔥🔥🔥sweet、sexy busty、petite!! ☎️626-366-2368☎️🔥full service🔥amazing skills🔥don't miss out!!here is where you want it🔥🔥🔥
(San Diego)
Mon 13 Jan
🍬🍨Sinful Desires..Sticky Like 🍯Juicy & Temptin as A 🍑Exotic Nubian💄👠Freak!! - 26
(Chula Vista/incall/Tasty Ride/🚙fun, City of San Diego, East SD County, San Diego, South SD County)
Sun 12 Jan
BEAUTIFUL day!! ImGorgeous brunette 34/24/34 2Meet NOW 90 SPECIAL only - 21
(East SD County, SD lamesa)
💦Moring 2Girl SpeCials 💦TaSty Mixed BomBshells 😍😘💕💦 - 19
(City of San Diego, incalls(ChulaVista)Outcalls(everywhere))
Don't Call The Girl that will Say NO, When u Can Have a girl That says YES!!!! - 23
(City of San Diego, san diego)
♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋♡ 💋 ♡ ——💋▐ ► SUPER HOT BLONDE ❤️ BARBIE IN VISTA💋 —▐ ►* ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 - - 24
(North SD County, San Diego, Vista - in calls only)
Any Provider need to get their computer repaired or want it faster & more - 35
(North County Inland)
Military special 80Roses!!!== * Super * Sexy * Gorgeous * Petite * Mixxed *Bombshell * == - 20
(where you want me to be)
Sat 11 Jan
#❶ Top cHoicE!! best piCk--> (( MOST WANTED)) BlOnDe BuNnY AMY
(mISSiOn ValLeY ** HoteL CirCle Area 1OO)
Brunette Asian/White Ready for special $75 or 150/hr NOW slim sexy sweet 34/24/34 petite - 24
(East SD County, all)
Escondido *For a Limited Tyme Only * godess* 80 Kiss In Call Special* Latina Hottie - 22
(Escondido (hosting))
Fri 10 Jan
Craving Something Wild Adventrous And Sweet ? 100HHr ( * ( * - 24
(MIssion Valley - In Call- Out Calls All)
Busty Bubbly Ebony ALISE ready for the fun available in chula vista/national city - 28
..^....**BUBble Booty super CUTIE ***....^... openminded CUTIE WANTS to !!!!! @@***!!!! - 21
Looking for office/ personal assistant - Take Home CASH $600+ a week - 50
(San Diego, Del Cerro/Allied Gardens)
Thu 09 Jan
🔥🔥Your FAVORITE is AVAILABLE🔥🔥 👍🏻✅ 💎💎GIRL nextdoor 💎💎5️⃣⭐️🌹 - 21
(del mar, gaslamp, hotel circle, San Diego, South SD County)
--{ I Can Be Ur -~+D I R T Y+~- LiL' SeCr Et } _*_*_S H H H H H ! _*_*_ { I - WoN't - TeLL ! } - 26
(City of San Diego, -[mIssIoN~vAllEy/SDSU aReA]-by(I-8, I-15)
Adult Model Brittany Hot Blonde Beach Babe 34D 5'7 125LBS 100% Real Pics - 25
(national city off 5 frwy)
****ErotiC ExperienceD EsquisitE ItaliaN**** - 41
(North County (Oceanside), North SD County, San Diego)
Can I Be Your Naughty Little Play Mate French Canadian With A Huge Bag FULL Of Tricks 2 Show U! - 23
(pacific hwy)
♡~ avail NOW☆~ 4 my EARLY Birds!! ☆ ♡~♡ lets P l A Y~♡ - 27
(City of San Diego, point loma incalls / or / Your Place, San Diego)
Wed 08 Jan
Party Girl **((NEW)) Caramel Thick Puerto-Rican Chick ((100 Specials))** - 20
(City of San Diego, Outcall ALL Over SD)
100% freak Beautiful NYMPHO NO DISAPOINMENTS 180H Specials CALL NOW BLONDE Babe - 20
(Mission Valley)
~NO UPSELLING~ 100% Real • 100% InterActive • 100% Satisfied> SPECIAL $140hhr - 18
(East SD County, La Mesa)
💖❤❤❤♥╠╣E╚╚O♥❤❤❤🎯 New ✤ Young # 1 C H O I CE —:¦:S T O P HERE~💗~ SUPER CUTiE ! - 21
(City of San Diego, Where do you want me?)
Tue 07 Jan
*~TotalK Freak Busty Blonde Big Booty Italian & Irish NYC
(miss val/sports arena/hotel cir/down twn)
PeRsIAn & pOrTuGuEsE hoT sexY eRoTiC mAMI ~SPECIALS~ - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego CA incall/outcalls)
Last chance to see This mature experienced lady will be gone dont miss out. - 43
(North SD County, San Diego, San Diego incall)
♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋♡ 💋 ♡ ——💋▐ ► SUPER HOT BLONDE ❤️ BARBIE IN VISTA💋 —▐ ►* ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 ♡ 💋 - - 24
(North SD County, San Diego, Vista - in calls only)
I'm coming to you..... Hope you can let me leave! - 36
(City of San Diego, Where Ever you Want Me to be!)
------ B00TY FuLL ~ PERFECT P A R T Y G I R L ------- Up NoW Early Bird!!! - 22
(North SD County, La Mesa IN/ OUT All of SD)
#❶ Top cHoicE!! best piCk--> (( MOST WANTED)) BlOnDe BuNnY AMY
(mISSiOn ValLeY ** HoteL CirCle Area 1OO)
♥( SuP€r • S€x ¥ ) ♥DoLL ~ FaC€d ~ CuT¡€ ♥( 1oO% R €AL) dOubLe the FuN - 22
(San Diego, East County)
(( ★SiMPLy ★)) __*1OO% REAL*__ (( ★ HiGHLy ADDiCTiVe ★)) Freaky As U Like - 22
(City of San Diego, national city -Call Now 1OO Special)
( ( ** M r S. RIGHT FoR TONIGHT ** ) ) {{~ Late Night DD-Lite ! ! ~}} -5'10" -CuRvAcIoUs -ITALIANA - 25
(City of San Diego, Miramar _ Mira Mesa _ near I-15 & 163)
Work for the "#1 Camsite of the Year"! WEBCAM MODELS WANTED! CONFIDENTIAL - WKLY PAY - 100
(San Diego, San Diego & Surrounding)
Rent is due in 2 days :-( Make $450/day from webcamming and get the landlord of your back. - 40
(San Diego)
Mon 06 Jan
Take a break from your stressful lifestyle and enjoy a fun-filled relaxing time with me - 28
(Escondido, north sd, North SD County, San Diego)