- Post ID : 4203471
- Poster's age : 23
- City : San Diego
- Address : Del Cerro
*!* B0yS PLAy WiTH T0yS *!* ((REAL MEN PLAy WiTH ME)) - 25
Posted : Tuesday, January 07, 2025 09:36 AM | 2 views
I love to r!de if you know what I mean, I'm vErY , So if yoU Like what you see don't hesitate to caLL me I'll be sUre to do aLLLLLLLLL the thing yOur girlfr!end wOn't do. I seem to connect best with profess!0nal bus!ness men wHo are d!screet & respectful.... SeXy ChOcOLaTe iS JusT A PhOnE CaLL aWaY....... I have a tight body, with two sets of delicious L*I*P*S . I stay W*E*T & promise never to rush. so you can continue inviting me over again & again... YOU WILL GET ADDICTED... I pr0v!de pr0FesS!On@l n0 rU$h s3rv!cE, I'm less than 30 minutes away... I'm independent reliable and fun..ONLY SERIOUS CALLERS WILL BE ENTERT@INED!!!!1000% IndEpEnDeNt fReAk On tHe pRoWL AVAILABLE NOW!!!! I'M w@rM & w3t !ns!de.. 24/7!Call nOw to schedule an appOintment ExCeLLent rAtes... 100% Real Pics .....150 specials......HH
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