Mon 27 Jan
★—ULTIMATE girl NEXT door!! ——★ —SExy LATINA MIXED BOMBSHELL!! ★ —100HH 150 FULL HR ---★ - 21
Up All Night🎉🎉 SeXy lil Cat 🐯 FUN exOtiC pLayFuL 😏& Discreet👅😷 LETS PLAY😍😈 - - 22
(City of San Diego, San Marcos incalls/Outcalls all over SD)
(City of San Diego, 15FWY Incalls .. Outcalls all over)
** tHe BeSt Of ThE bEsT*! ThIcK eBonY BeAUTy aVaLiBlE nOW! InCALLS* NatIonAl Cit* Up N WAItIN...24HR - 20
(national city.ncalls)
Thanksgiving Mouth Hugs 💦 Indian An Black Morning Specials❤️️👠 Get It While Its Hot An Steamy For You - 24
(City of San Diego, Mission gorge, San Diego)
S💖W💛E💖E💛T* ═╗╔═ 💖H💛A💖W💛A💖II💛A💖N ═╗ PARTYGIRL ╔═ P💖L💛A💖Y💛M💖A💛T💖E - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego Incalls/outcalls All Around!)
Sweet 🍭 petite treat avail now .. ROMANTIC candle lit location ✨ well (( R E V I E W E D )) - 21
(North SD County, Allied Gardens-NearQualcomm-San Carlos)
💗SeXieSt 💗➖ BBW ITALiAN & SPANiSh BEAuTy ➖💗 BiG BoOty 💗 NiCe DDDs 💗➖ A+ REVIEWS ➖💗 SPECIALS ➖💗💗 - 26
S W E E T___P E T I T E___B L O N D E___*100*___I N C A L L___I N___R A N C H O___B E R N A R D O!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
♥ Can U Cup these CAKES ° ♥ ° Ebony PlayMate♥ - 20
(San Diego, (Incalls/Outcalls NationalCity/All Areas)
[★ █ ★]M a i n°►A t t r a c t i o n [★] SwEeT & SeXy MiXed BeAuTy!!.; - 22
█ ██ SuNdAy FuNdAy!!° LATINA MiX PRiNCESS JASSMINE! $$60 SPECIALS!!*Hablo Espanol ██ █ - 21
Smokin Hot New Blonde * * * 100% Real & Independent * * * After Work Specials in Rancho Bernardo!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo 2 Girl Specials)
•°★•° _ S•E•X•y °★•° _MOUTH • .WATERiNG • .DELiCiOUS •°★•° BELiZEAN HOTTiE - 21
(City of San Diego, iNCALLS & OUTCALLS ALL OVER S.D)
~~~ SeXY BrAZilIAN BomBsHELL JuST FoR YoU ~~~ @ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcalls,incall downtown)
______ ____________ _ SEXY _ FILIPINA _ HAWAIIAN _ SPECIALS _______________ ____ - 22
(City of San Diego, el cajon city incalls- outcalls all over)
*SEXY* ASIAN *MIX* (* Pic's 1OO% Me Or It's Free *) *Satisfaction* GUARANTEED * AvAiLABLe NOW * - 21
(Incall & outcall)
(°° ♥°° Sexy ★ 36H ♥ Beautiful ★ Booty ♥ Babe °°♥ °°) - 24
(City of San Diego, All over San Diego Outcalls and Incalls)
SeXy & CharMing ___ Your ___ Sexy ___ New ___ Addiction ___ AVAILABLE NOW - 21
(City of San Diego, MV Incalls/outcalls-All over SD NC+)
[✔] Sexy & Sensual[✔] VERY ADDICTIVE [✔] Top notch Pleaser ❤100% ME ❤ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego All Over Outcalls/incalls)
:-* Seductive Hotties with body :-* 80$ specalis:-* - 23
(City of San Diego, All over san deigo/ incalls and outcalls)
~!!* Seductivee S.H.A.N.A.Y ,Comee && Get Meeh (: *~!! - 19 - 19
(all san diego incalls/outcalls avalible)
---------SD! --------- ,, LOok At Me! Mixed Creole booty --------- ! Call Me---------- - - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego| Mission Valley incalls &)
💗SeXieSt 💗➖ BBW ITALiAN & SPANiSh BEAuTy ➖💗 BiG BoOty 💗 NiCe DDDs 💗➖ A+ REVIEWS ➖💗 SPECIALS ➖💗💗 - 26
-:¦: S -:¦:- U -:¦:- P -:¦:- E -:¦:- R -:¦:- S -:¦:- E -:¦:- X -:¦:- Y -:¦: - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Mission Valley, PB OB)
S W E E T__P E T I T E__B L O N D E__M U S T__ S E E__*100*__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L__N O W!!!!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
S e x y ♥Sk i l l e d ~ & ~ E x t r e m e l y Hotttt ♥-- - 23
(City of San Diego, misson valley in/outcall)
S M O K I N___H O T___P E T I T E___B L O N D E___IN___R A N C H O___B E R N A R D O___T O D A Y!!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
☎ S-P-E-C-I-A-L-S ☎Gorgeous face PHATass ☎☎ INcalls ☎FREAKY☎ Specials Specials SPECIALS☎☎ - 18
(North SD County, MIRAMESA IN's/ All of NC 206 552 4768)
~*~ S E X Y__P E T I T__B L O N D E__M E M O R I A L__W E E K E N D__S P E C I A L S!!! ~*~
(Rancho Bernardo Incalls & Outcalls!!!!)
S M O K I N__H*O*T__B L O N D E S___2 G I R L___S P E C I A L S___I N C A L L S__&__O U T C A L L S! - 19
S w e e t__P e t i t e__U p s c a l e__B l o n d e__P l a y m a t e!!!.....100% ME if not it's FREE! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo In & Outcalls all over!!)
S W E E T___P E T I T E___B L O N D E___*100*___I N C A L L___I N___R A N C H O___B E R N A R D O!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
💦➡💯REAL⬅💋🍍SeXy Bombshell 4 U🌴🍍. HiGHLY SkiLLEd UPSCALE Treat 🍉🆙 All Night🍍🔥$80✔👅 - 22
(City of San Diego, Mission valley /Hotel circle Right Now)
_________ REAL PHOTOS _________ SMOKIN HOT ___________ SEXY LATINA ____________ (CALL NOW!) - 21
(North SD County, Oceansid / In Call)
[ ✔ ] REAL PIC __________ [ sexiest ASIAN 1OO specials ] ____________ CALL NOW _____________ - 22
(City of San Diego, el cajon incalls/san diego outs)
S e ⓧ ⓨ BBW• ♥ Sweet personality♡•❣ ♥•❣ ✌AwEsOme Booty ➓ ✌* Amaz!n ☆Fun!!!! - 29
(City of San Diego, East SD County, San Diego, South SD County, Upscale incalls/Outcalls all of SD)
*~*RISE & SHINE*~* Time 2 PLAY! -}}_StArT your MoRnInG_RiGhT {{- LET_ TESSA's _DDs FILL YOUR CUP< - 26
(City of San Diego, old town/ downtown/ pt. loma)
💯%REAL✔ ▬【Hot 🔥】✓▬▬ 【PetiTe】✓▬▬ 【BOMBSHELL💣Up All NIGHT🌠】 ✔️▬▬ 【Sexy❤️& Hot🔥】 ✔️ ▬▬【Must See - 22
(City of San Diego, OLdTown Incalls/OUTCALLS ALL OVER SD, San Diego)
right now in SAN CARLOS near QUALCOMM - highly REVIEWED companion - 21
(City of San Diego, 8 freeway-Near QUALCOMM - Allied Gardens)
RED HEAD CUTIE🍒 The PERFECT TREAT 🍒 💕 Only in town for a LIMITED time 💕 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 💄❤ - 22
(Chula Vista Incalls/outcalls all over sd, City of San Diego, San Diego)
Real East Coast New Jersey Italian Hottie No Bait an Switch Games Authentic 100% East Coast Bea - 30
(Carlsbad,San Marcos,Del Mar)
Petite NEW Latina Bombshell Available NOW w/ SPECIALS! - 19
(City of San Diego, Downtown/ Little Italy-Outcalls all over)
PeRSoNaL .. P%^N .. PrinCeSS .. PaRTY .. N .. My .. PaNTS & YouR .. INViTeD! .. .. Highly Reviewed - 24
(Mission Valley)
______ Petite And Cute Latina _____ Come And Get What You Deserve!!! - 18
(City of San Diego, La Mesa incall)
o°•♥o°• E.V.E.R.Y. •°o°• M.A.N.'.S. •°o°• F.A.N.T.A.S.Y. •°o♥•° BBW - 32
(City of San Diego, All Of San Diego Area/Incalls~Outcalls)
(¯`'O N E '´¯)* _of_ *(( _O_F_ ))* _A _*(¯`'K I N D '´¯) COME PUNISH ME ... - 19
•o° •TURN YOUR ♥ FANTASY →IN2 ☆ °•°•*• REALiTY ☆ °•°•*• R U READY - 22 - 19
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
~~~ No Rush! 100% Satisfaction Guranteed! * Incalls And Outcalls* (ALL AREAS!) *** - 24
(City of San Diego, Incalls And Outcalls All Counties)
_____ Hot BLONDE New in TOWN_____ *Military Specials NOW!*! _____ Don't Miss Out! _____ (100 incall) - 18
(San Diego Incalls & Out)
____ Hot BLONDE New in TOWN____ *Military Specials NOW!* ____ Don't Miss Out ____*100 Incalls* NOW!! - 18
(San Diego, Mission Valley *100 Incalls* all night !)
____ Hot BLONDE New in TOWN____ *Military Specials NOW!* ____ Don't Miss Out! ____in Mission Valley! - 18
(San Diego, Mission Valley Incalls & Out)
***** _ HOT ___ HOT ___ PRETTiEST __ __BLONDE ___2 GiRL SHOWS!!__ **** HOTEL FRiENDLY OUTCALLS! **** - 19
🎀🎀HIgH CLaSS♚HoTt NeW PHOtOS🌡 📸W/ ReVieWs💋UPScAlE HoTEL In La Jolla📍AvAILabLe NoW❤🎀🎀 - 20
(City of San Diego, La'Jolla, San Diego)
***** _ HOT ___ HOT ___ PRETTiEST __ __BLONDE ___ GiRL __ _ ONLiNE _ ***** Military Special's Now!! - 18
(San Diego Incalls & Out)
✅Here Ur 🅾ne&🅾nly 🅿etite bunNNy👯Special 🆕Real📷 - 23
(All over San Diego in call/out call, North SD County, San Diego)
hello new in town great weekend specials. in sd, carlsbad and clairmont area. - 21
(City of San Diego, clairmont mesa, san diego, oceanside.)
GUARANTEE you Marine/Military Men COME back FOR more..NO, games, NO rushing, Pure PlEaSuRe ! ! !
(hotel circle (hwy 8))
**H**0**T** exotic ***** NEWBIE ***** 100 S P E C I A L S - 20
Great Specials. I Can Be To U Im 40minutes or Less! 100% Real Photos! - 22
(City of San Diego, La Jolla)
H O T__B L O N D E__F U L L__B O D Y__R U B__D O W N__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L S__N O W!!!! - 19
* * * * * Great Service! Better Specials in A Beautiful Location. Let me Treat You Like Royalty* * - 22
(City of San Diego, La Jolla)
Gorgeous 💋 Blonde! ✈️🚗💳 4/6 - 4/13 - 23
(City of San Diego, Mission valley upscale incalls/ outcalls, San Diego)
*° *° * GORGEOUS ~ BUSTY ~ BRUNETTE ~*° *° * NEW IN TOWN!!! *° *° * - 19
° · ° Gorgeous Asain Treat ° · ° Sweet & & Spicy ° · ° Quick 90 Specials! ° · ° - 21
(City of San Diego, La Mesa Incalls & All over Outcalls)
Come Have Fun With A Wild Puerto Rican And Russian Girl! Your Place Or Mine! - 22
(City of San Diego, La Jolla)
🍫💦 ⭐️😘Come Play 🍭I'm the Sweetest Ask About My First of the Month Specials🍫🍦 - 23
(City of San Diego, Incalls 24/7 🏠 Outcalls All Over🚘, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
*****Classy Independent Sexy Blonde Playmate ****** Military Friendly Special's ****** Must See!! - - 18
(San Diego Incalls & Out)
CHERRY IS IN TOWN 🍒 The PERFECT TREAT 🍒 💕 Only in town for a LIMITED time 💕 ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ 💄❤ - 22
(Chula Vista Incall/ outcalls all over sd, San Diego, South SD County)
*¨¨*-:¦: CAUTION *-:¦:-* YOUR NEW *-:¦:-* ADDICTION*¨¨* U WILL -:¦:- NEVER -:¦:- FORGET ME - 19
(City of San Diego, Incalls Outcalls all over san diego.)
Carlsbad Incall/outcall all Night! Great Service! Safe and Clean Girl, Real Photos. Great Reviews! - 22
(North SD County, carlsbad)
Busty+Curves_More of WhatYou Deserve __•| Promise|•__Exotic Pleaser Private| SPECIALS√√ - 21
(City of San Diego, In|Downtown.Outcall.CityofSD.allOfSD•••, San Diego)