Mon 17 Feb
🟥🍏🟥Grand opening🟥🍏🟥858-585-3213🟥🍏🟥New girl🟥🍏🟥Sweet and cute🟥🟥🍏🟥🟥Professional🟥🟥First class service
(1027 Greenfield Dr #1 El Cajon)
Mon 10 Feb
sweet n sexy busty independent!! ready to have me over tonight? don't miss out!!
(Encinitas, DTSD, Coronado)
Sat 08 Feb
🟥🍏🟥Grand opening🟥🍏🟥858-585-3213🟥🍏🟥New girl🟥🍏🟥Sweet and cute🟥🟥🍏🟥🟥Professional🟥🟥First class service
(1027 Greenfield Dr #1 El Cajon)
Wed 05 Feb
🟥🍏🟥Grand opening🟥🍏🟥858-585-3213🟥🍏🟥New girl🟥🍏🟥Sweet and cute🟥🟥🍏🟥🟥Professional🟥🟥First class service
(1027 Greenfield Dr #1 El Cajon)
Sun 02 Feb
🟥🍏🟥Grand opening🟥🍏🟥858-585-3213🟥🍏🟥New girl🟥🍏🟥Sweet and cute🟥🟥🍏🟥🟥Professional🟥🟥First class service
(1027 Greenfield Dr #1 El Cajon)
Mon 27 Jan
•❣• *New In TOWN!!!💯 REAL 💋Let Me BL℺W💣💣 YOUR MIND💟 - 23
(City of San Diego, National city and surrounding, San Diego)
+*//*+ UnBeLivAble SPECIALS +*//*+ TiGhT{{ P * * * * }}On YouR HaRD {{C * * * }} - 21
(Private ChULA VISTA I/C O/C 2 U)
STOP! Sexy ❤Hot ❤ Gorgeous Head 2 Toe ❤ Open Minded Fun! ❤ I come to you! outcal independ - 23
(East SD County, I come to you, San Diego)
MASSiVe ( . )( . )🍭NATURAL [G] CUPs SWEET n SLIPPERY🍭[5🌟] 💦F R E A K Y💦 100% REAL🌴🌺 - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego, Where you NEED ME to BE 24hrs)
◆—◆——◆—◆——◆—◆— College BABE ◆—◆——◆—◆——◆—◆—exquisitely SENSOUS ◆—◆——◆—◆——◆—◆— - 25
(Massage at YOUR PLACE. home or hotel, San Diego)
Wet £aG£r AnD aVaiLaBl£ tO aCcOmMoDa£ yOu Mira Mesa ✾ UNMATCHED!! - 23
(Mira Mesa/Kearny Mesa Rd. 15/Fwy Incall)
~ SwEeT * jUiCy ~ TiGhT * KiTtY ~~ CuM * MaKe ~ iT *PuRrRr {100} Military Specials {80} - 22
《▪°°▪Sexy and Sensual! Super Specials to Satisfy All Your Needs! Let's Play! ▪°▪》 - 26
(Central San Diego, City of San Diego, San Diego)
Sexual Intelligence Looking for a Gentlemen to spoil! The Needle in the Haystack Goddess here.XO! - 32
(Del Mar)
____ REady 4 An Experienced BLONDE You CAN only DREAM ABout ...... No RuSH SerVice _____ - 21
(South SD County)
.::*☆°o* ☆ NONE OF MY TALENTS ☆ CAN BE PUT IN A RESUME ☆ *o°☆*::. - 18
(Hotel Circle/Mission Valley)
Highly reviewed Freya Fantasia... treat yourself to something special today... - 35
(East SD County, el cajon)
"BREAKING NEWS" East Cost Heat Here in Cali BREAKING NEWS" @619 942 2765 - 30
(central,college,lamesa,east county,north)
AmAzInGLy StUnNiNg PeRsIaN PrInCeSs ReAdY To PlEaSe YoU 100% rEaL & AvAiLaBlE - 22
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley)
Sun 26 Jan
Mon 13 Jan
xoxo ===== ((NEW & Visiting)) SEXY Mixed ASIAN Delight!! I'm Ready Baby ;) ===== xoxo - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
:¦:-•So ADoRABLE•-:¦:-• AMAZiNG SKiLLS•-:¦:-• VeRY ADDiCTiVE •--:¦:-• - Call NoW - 26
(City of San Diego, I-8 and qualcomm way exit)
Sun 12 Jan
"BREAKING NEWS" East Cost Heat Here in Cali BREAKING NEWS" @619 942 2765 - 30
(central,college,lamesa,east county,north)
Sat 11 Jan
%%%ThE LoVe DoCtOr iS iN CoMe HaVe yOur SessIoN tOnIgHt wItH a SeXy tHiCk mIxEd ChIcK%%% - 24
(North SD County)
✨NEW UPSCALE EXOTIC TIGHT ASIAN✨💦Your INTIMATE Fantasy💦✨80 Special Available Now✨ - 22
(North SD County, DelMar/5Fwy/SolanaBeach/Encinitas/LaJoll)
EVERYTHING ur WIFE wont DO ~!~Erotic Puerto Rican Avail*Come Over Lets Play~!~ INCALL OUTCALL AVAIL - 22
☰ ❤ ☰ ★★★ ▬▬▬▬ ☰ ❤ ☰ ★★★ ★ 🍒 Unforgettable BABE 🍒 ★ ▬▬▬▬ ☰ ❤ ☰ ★★★ - 21
(East SD County, La Mesa / Hwy 8, San Diego)
█ ♥ ♥ ASIAN ♥GODDESS ♥ █▒。☆。 ▒▒█ ♥ ♥ ♥ SIMPLY ♥ ♥ ♥THE BEST College Girl !█▒ 。☆Dec 21th Arrival ☆。。 - 24
(North SD County, oceanside carlsbad encinitas760-537-0220)
((AVAILABLE NOW)) 100/30Min. RoCk YouR WoRlD SpEciALs Military*Marine (Point Loma) 8/Fwy - 23
(8/Fwy (((Point Loma))) Incalls)
~New2Town Caramel Ju:)cy Booty College Cutie Eager 2 Play EarlyBird Specials!!!~ - 24
(South SD County, *La Mesa/San Diego*)
Treat Yourself To San Diego's #1 SuperSensual, Sexy and Skilled Provider! - 40
(City of San Diego, Prefer yours, but mine is also available)
_1oOSpeciaL( ! )( DL¡C¡OUs )( MeXiCaN)(DuO )(BusTy) - - 23
(South SD County, imperial beach)
100 SPECIALS! ** WOW! ** mixed HOTTIE! Out calls all over San Diego - 22
(City of San Diego, Outcalls all over San Diego)
Fri 10 Jan
★[[ExOtic b.O.o.t.y. fReak] UnFoRgEttAbLe EPeRiEnCe [ ★ $100 military special - 25
(La Mesa _ In CAll-Out Call(80,100,180))
100% REAL _______ Reliable & Reviewed ________ 2 Incalls= Rancho Bernardo or Downtown SD Inall
(rancho bernardo)
Goood Morning ♥ 100% Real pictures♥ CALL NOW!♥ - 21
Admit it... you crave a #SexyGorgeousFun Blonde *PROSTATE * STRAP ON! Upscale Private Home! - 41
(La Costa Encinitas Carlsbad * Priv Home, North SD County, San Diego)
•-:¦:-•Sexy MILF!!! •-:¦:-• The BEST thing YOU will do all night!! ¦:-• - 28
Are you looking for something hot erotic, smooth ,pleasing AND very TASTY well i'm that girl - 30
(City of San Diego, Chula Vista)
Bombshell Big BOOTY Amazing Queen! 😍😍Clean & CLASSY** (Special Video Available) !! - 22
(City of San Diego, MIRA MESA (incal))
Thu 09 Jan
********** Non Pro ******* Single Mom ******* Non Pro ********** Single Mom ******** - 29
(all san diego)
Fire Works with a Bang*** A Salute to Flag*** A Holiday Weekend to Rember@942 2765 - 30
(central,college,lemesa,mission val,)
NaUgHtY ..*.. sInFulL ..*.. dRiPpInG wEt ..*.. PlAyMaTe ..*.. MiXeD bEaUtY ..*.. (( CLICK HERE )) - 19
(chula vista / n.c /in/out)
-:¦:Naughty Blonde Nympho~*~In Call/ Out Call Specials* -:¦:-of :- Unrushed QualityTime! - - - - 22
(Central San Diego In/Out Call)
Naughty Little Slut For Your Entertainment!! busty blonde big booty originally from NYC 619 634 2291
(miss val/sports arena/hotel cir/down twn)