Mon 27 Jan
****** Wild and Outgoing ****** 100 Incall Special ****** Islander Bombshell ****** - 19
(mission valley - Incall - Oucall)
^~^~^~^ aSiAn DeLiGhT ~^~^~^~^ PeTiTe WiTh CuRvEs ~^~^~^~^ WoW ~^~^~^ - 19
(Clairemont - Incall - Oucall)
Are you feeling Lonely & Craving a Sensual Woman to Fulfill all your Desires Incall POWAY RD Oucall - 25
(North SD County, POWAY RD Incall off 15/fwy OUTCALL, San Diego)
Sat 11 Jan
north county finest ms. royal hinest $70 incall specials off the 78 fwy - 19
(North SD County, vista incall/oucall north county)
Beautiful G0dde$$ With Azz 0ut 0F ThI$ World... C0me Get a taste 0f this magic 70 specials 78/15 fwy - 19
(North SD County, escondido incall/oucall north county)
Fri 10 Jan
Smokin Hott Filipina Mixed Beauty ****** 100 Incall Special **** Bombshell ****** - 19
(San Diego - Incall - Oucall)
HoTTeST BlOnDe In SaN DiEgo DowNTowN (¯` ♥ ´¯) Blue Eyes Long Blond Hair Busty - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego DownTown Incall/Oucall)
****** Wild and Outgoing ****** 100 Incall Special ****** Filipina Bombshell ****** - 19
(mission valley - Incall - Oucall)
Wed 08 Jan
****** Wild and Outgoing ****** 100 Incall Special **** Bombshell ****** - 19
(mission valley - Incall - Oucall)
****** Wild and Outgoing ****** 100 Incall Special ****** Filipina Bombshell ****** - 19
(mission valley - Incall - Oucall)
Tue 07 Jan
2 gorgeous ladie waiting for you, AZZ so phat need a lap dance!!! - 19
(North SD County, escondido incall/oucall north county)
****** Wild and Outgoing ****** 100 Incall Special **** Bombshell ****** - 19
(mission valley - Incall - Oucall)
****** Wild and Outgoing ****** 100 Incall Special ****** Islander Bombshell ****** - 19
(mission valley - Incall - Oucall)
Mon 06 Jan
oceanside's finest ms. royal hinest $70 military incall specials off the 5 fwy - 19
(North SD County, oceanside incall/oucall north county)
^^^^^ GoDdEsS ^^^^ IrReSiStiBLe ^^^^ PeTiTe ^^^^ 100 SpeCiAL ^^^^^ ( BUSTY ) ( BODY ) ^^^^^^^ - 20
(San Diego, San Diego - Incall - Oucall)
100% real, lingerie, lingerie, lingerie AZZ so phat need a lap dance!!! early morning $70 specials - 19
(North SD County, escondido incall/oucall north county)
Sun 05 Jan
**** LooKn4 FuN_2NitE ?**80** Specials *** 38D** DoNT Miss__ OuT****** % All Me - 27
(Mission Valley/ College incall/oucall)
oceanside's finest ms. royal hinest $70 military incall specials off the 5 fwy - 19
(North SD County, oceanside incall/oucall north county)
Sat 04 Jan
Smokin Hott Filipina Mixed Beauty ****** 100 Incall Special **** Bombshell ****** - 19
(San Diego - Incall - Oucall)
Fri 03 Jan
***** NeW PiCs ***** DowNtoWn SaN DieGo BuSty PeTiTe BlOndE ***** DoNt MiSS OuT On THe BeSt !!!! - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego Downtown Incall/Oucall)
;;;;;;;; ExTrEmELy AdDiCtiNg ;;;;;;; BeAuTiFuL MoDeL ;;;;;;;;; PeTiTe WiTh aLL ThE RiGhT CuRvEs ;;; - 19
(Incall - Oucall)
..-:¦:- ExOtiC ..-:¦:-ASiAN PRiNCeSS ..-:¦:- WAitiNg 4 U..-:¦:- - 20
(mission valley - Incall - Oucall)
Thu 02 Jan