Sun 12 Jan
RaDiAnT! 5'6 11Olbs DDs(Sexy & Fun) # ❶ ToP NotCh Blonde - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad incall Gentlemen)
Thu 09 Jan
~~ BeAuTiFuL ExOtIc HaWaiiAn bOmBsHeLL ~~ EuRoPeAn LaTiNa MIX~~ - 20
Tue 07 Jan
StuNNiNg! tiny Blonde Cutie -PERFECT ➓- Dds w/aNice Booty - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad Incall Gentlemen)
. . . {L . e . t . s} . {e . x . p . L . o . r . e} . {m . y} . {t . a . L . e . n . t . s} . . . - 21
(East County)
I am Sexy and Petite and Sweet enough to Eat! Now Serving Full Lunch Menu! Real - 99
(North SD County, carlsbad @ 5 my private residence)
Mon 06 Jan
I am Sexy and Petite and Sweet enough to Eat! Now Serving Full Lunch Menu! Real - 99
(North SD County, carlsbad @ 5 my private residence)
Sun 05 Jan
StuNNiNg! tiny Blonde Cutie -PERFECT ➓- Dds w/aNice Booty - 22
(North SD County, Carlsbad Incall Gentlemen)
Fri 03 Jan