Mon 27 Jan
SEXXXXY * SUPERBOWL * SWEETIE *** No. County / B.Gate / San Diego - 27
(San Diego, North County/Camp P Backgate/Orange Coun)
💗💕 T R U L Y 💗💕 E X O T I C 💗💕M I X E D __ H O T T I E💗💕 U N F O R G E T A B L E 💗💕DOWNTOWN SD - 21
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE/vista/all SD. /IN&OUT; CALLS)
💗💕 T R U L Y 💗💕 E X O T I C 💗💕M I X E D __ H O T T I E💗💕 U N F O R G E T A B L E 💗💕DOWNTOWN SD - 21
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE/vista/all SD. /IN&OUT; CALLS)
💋⭐🎁SeXy BlOnD 2 SaTisFy YoUr LaTe NiTe CrAvInGs🎁⭐💋 - 24
(North SD County, Carlsbad,Oceanside,Encinitas,Del Mar)
(¯`'•.¸✦ _SAY _° MY _NAME _¸.•'´¯) IN/Out CALLs - 24
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley IN Call ... Out Call)
*¨¨* SATISFACTION *¨¨*IS*¨¨* MY*¨* BEST *¨¨* QUALITY! *¨¨* O*P*E*N* M*I*N*D*E*D* LATINA - 19
s——► █60$ 60$ 60$SPECIAL !! ☆ DON'T ☆ MISS █☆ OUT !!! ☆█ - - 23
(North SD County, sanmarcos in/out calls all over)
❤ PETITE ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ BLONDE❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ BARBIE ❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ BOMBSHELL❤ ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ❤ - 22
(North SD County, north county out calls call me now .)
✅💚 OpEN MiNDeD ✅💚 SWeeT ✅💚PeTiTE✅💚REaDY ✅LeTS PLaY💚NeW ✅ cOMe pLAy - 21
(ALL SAN DIEGO/in-out calls, North SD County, San Diego)
HAPPY FATHERS DAY!!! Treat Yourself to Madalyne. Read a review. - 43
(North SD County, Oceanside, (out call or in calls))
HiGH Class Companion ❤1OO% ReAL NeWw PiCxX, YOU wont FoRGET ME!! - 22
(North SD County, In & Out Calls Now.)
--[ GORGEOUS * * FACE ] --[ SEXY * * --[ 1OO% * * REAL PICS ] --[ EXoTiC MiX ] - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission valley/hotel cir incall/outcalls)
☰* ❤.•=gtgt;--gt;S U G A R & S P I C E>-gt;E V E R Y T H I N G N i C E
(North SD County, North County IN/OUT CALLS)
🎀 ~ COTTON 💙 CANDY 💖K 💜 CLOUD$ 💚 & DREAM$ ...~ 🎀 - 29
(North SD County, *NORTH COUNTY * IN/OUT CALLS * 24/7*)
•*¨¨*• ❤ C O T T O N • C A N D Y ❤ D E S S E R T ? ❤ •*¨¨*• - 30
♥°💋 🔥🔥🍭° C_Õ_M_P _£_€_T_€_£_Y❀ ♥💋 🔥🔥🍭💋 _§_Â_T_I_ §_F_Y_I_Ñ_G ❀ 💋 °•♥- 🔥🔥🔥 - 22
(North SD County, out calls motels ok)
•*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __B__R __ E__A__T__H __T__A__ K__ I__N__G__ *·-:¦:-·*¨¨*• - 19
(North SD County, out calls all over san diego)
☰* ❤.•* >& = = &T; H E>;== = >G E N T L E M E N ' S >C H O I C E ☰ - 30
(North SD County, North County IN/OUT CALLS)
:*• ☆ ¨*:• All Americn Indian :*• ☆ ¨*:• UPSCALE Playmate avail NOW:*• ☆ ¨*:• NEW## - 21
(North SD County, Out calls)
Sun 12 Jan
Sexy Mixed Beauty, I'm Only A Phone Call Away Gentlemen!! - 99
(North SD County, N. County In Calls/Out Calls)
( ( jAZziE) ) Pretty Face, Soft Skin, Curvy Body. Sexy Mature treat Jus 4 U. $160hr - 21
(in call :mission valley, Out Call All SD)
TWO slim MiXEd bestie's 👯❤️ To YOUR place👯😝 - 21
(North SD County, Out calls all over north sd, San Diego)
Sat 11 Jan
ASIAN PERSUASION KAI 20 yr old ~ only in town for a few days! *120 SPECIAL* 😘😍💗💕 - 20
(North SD County, San Diego/ out calls only)
@#$%!!!!! Gorgeous Babes!!! Top Choice Petite playmate!!! Ready for Fun NOW!!! - 23
(All of San Diego out calls ONLY, North SD County, San Diego)
___ {E}X{O}T{I}C ______ {E}X{O}T{I}C ___ (N)e(W) {E}X{O}T{I}C __ OPEN MINDED LATINA - 19
MaMaSita liSta PaRa DiVeRtiRSe..80 EsPeCiaLeS!!* GrEat 80 FoR yOuR lAtIn fAnTaSy ClIcK hErE - - 21
(North SD County, EsCo iN&OUt; CaLlS iN NORtH COUNtY)
100%ReaL fUn☆☆☆☆☆ 5 sTaR, Treatment☆☆ AVAILABLE NOW!!! - 23
(North SD County, All of San Diego out calls)
Fri 10 Jan
⇨♡ 100%real pixx ▒★ Open 24/7 ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【SpecialS 】⇨ ★▒【SiMpℓy* THE * BEST - 22
(North SD County, Open 24/7 incalls out calls)
(NEW Pics) Stunning, Sweet, Sexy & Upscale Brunette California Dream Girl, Bella Love.... - 22
(North SD County, San Diego In & Out Calls)
◢◤ 💖♥💖♥💖◢◤ ••○°● ____ 💖SUMMER💖 ____ ●°○•• ◢◤ 💖 ♥💖♥💖 ◢◤ - 23
(North SD County, oceanside Incalls and out calls availabl)
- - - N - @ - u - G - H - + - Y - - - 😈LiL😈 - - - (|-|) o TT I E - - 27
(North SD County, Point Loma incalls+ out calls ALL OVER)
Sexy New Bombshell Awaiting You!!!! ;) UtP LiAnTEaE! - 19
(City of San Diego, IN-calls, north county/OUT-calls,SD!)
Beautiful ((1 Of A KiND)) ❤ Sexy ((Exotic BarBie)) ❤ Avail Now PLEASURE PRINCESS• - 23
Just Visiting... Limited Time ..☂ GeT OuT oF THe rAiN WiTh mE ToDaY☂-- - 20
(Oceanside//Your Place)
Thu 09 Jan
95 SPECIALS 95 SPECIALS **EXOTIC Beauty is waiting for you!!!** - 26
(san marcos san elijo hills la costa enci)
100% Specials Come Play Hide And Seek :)~:)*:)~ - 18
(North SD County, In&Out; Calls Carlsbad,Sandiego)
TWO slim MiXEd bestie's 👯❤️ To YOUR place👯😝 - 21
(North SD County, Out calls all over north sd, San Diego)
StArT YuR dAy OfF RIGHT!;) INDEPENDENT!!&& im sweet as sugar;) - 19
(City of San Diego, IN CALLs, North County** OUT CALLs,SD.)
-°•`EARlY M0RNiNG SPECiALS ;* `•°`ReeynaHawk$ AVAiLAbLe N0W `°•` - 20
(North SD County, OUT CALLS in NATiONAl CiTY)
100%REAL••• A ▓ B ▓ S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y▓ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓ G - 22
(North SD County, SanDiegO IN/OUT Calls)
•:* ¨¨*•- :¦:-•* SeXy¨¨*•- :¦:-•* Latina¨¨*•- :¦:-•* HoT¨¨*•- :¦:-•* N *¨¨*:• ReAdY•:* - 19
(North SD County, Escondido in/out calls)
💕 NORTH COUNTY💕{SoOo SEXxY}💕🎀💕 {SoOo SWEET} 💕🎀💕{SoOo PiNk}💕🎀💕{All PiNk Everything}💕🎀💕 - - 21
×❤×(( ✰ MOUTHWATERING ✰ )) ×❤× (( ✰ DREAM ✰ GIRL ✰ )) ×❤× ⇨Classy ⇨Cutie ⇨ ☎ Available Now - 21
(North SD County, Down Town San Diego Out Calls as well)
* ° * ° * D E S I R E S * Y O U * W A N T * P L E A S U R E S ° Y O U ° N E E D ° * ° * ° - 29
(North SD County, *NORTH COUNTY * IN/OUT CALLS * 24/7*)
s——► █60$ 60$ 60$SPECIAL !! ☆ DON'T ☆ MISS █☆ OUT !!! ☆█ - - 23
(North SD County, sanmarcos in/out calls all over)
S E X Y__B R U N E T T E__H O T T I E__M U S T__S E E__*1 0 0*__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L__N O W!!! - 19
A Sweet and Sexy Mixed Beauty, When ONLY the BEST will Do! (80 IN CALL) - 29
(North SD County, North County IN CALLS/OUT CALLS)
Wed 08 Jan
• ☆ *• LaST DaY SPeciAL $$ 36DD*ALL NATURAL ⎷ •[Click • ♥ •For The• ♥ •Best] - 25
(North SD County, Carlsbad in-out calls(Last DaY))
🌈💝🎎 C O T T O N C A N D Y *🍦* F A N T A S Y 🎎💝🌈 - 26
(North SD County, *NORTH COUNTY * IN/OUT CALLS * 24/7*)
BeAuTiFuL BluE EyEd BruNeTTe !!! NeW PICS!!! AmaZiNg BoDY, GReaT PerSoNaliTy In CAll/ OuT CAll 60/80 - 23
(North SD County, sanmarcos in/out calls all over)
☆... ☆ ...BEAUTIFUL... ☆ ... B L O N D E ... ☆ ... CALIFORNIA BARBIE... ☆ - 69
(North SD County, san diego out calls)
NEW ☆[ JUICY & SWEET ]═ ☆° ═[ YUMMY treat !! ]══ °☆ ══[ CHARMING 💋 GORGEOUS - 22
(North SD County, Downtown OUT CALLS as well)
🌟 🌟 NEW 🌟 ● ● ● 🌟 NEW 🌟 ● ● ● 🌟 SEXY 🌟 ● ● ● 🌟 Mixed 🌟 🌟 OPEN MINDED - 21
(North SD County, oceanside/in&out; calls)
★:•: I WANNA :•: ★:•: MAKE YOUR :•: ★:•: :•: ★DREAMS COME TRUE - - 19
(North SD County, vista in calls & out)
★ (¯`¸ ☆ • ° After Dark TREAT Up ALL NiTe ° • ☆¸´¯) ★Best deals - - 24
(North SD County, North county/ San Diego in/out calls)
Tue 07 Jan
**💋💋•** {{Let me Be the ONE you DReAM of}} **•💋💋* - 23
(North SD County, san marcos vista carlsbad poway outcalls)
█ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★F ☆ i ★ V ☆ E★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇★S ☆ T ★ A ☆ R★▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂★H ☆ O ★ T ☆ T ★ I ☆ E ★▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ - 19
(North SD County, San diego /IN AND OUT CALLS)
💋Naughty Lil Snow Bunny 💋▓ ❤With Hazel Eyes❤ Guaranteed To Keep U Wanting More▓ ( ๏人 ๏ ) 36C%™ - 24
(North SD County, Escondido INCALLS /OUT CALLS)
⇨♡ 100%real pixx ▒★ Open 24/7 ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【SpecialS 】⇨ ★▒【SiMpℓy* THE * BEST - 22
(North SD County, Open 24/7 incalls out calls)
💠🌴 Specials with Exotic Lala 🌴 60 ♥80♥180🌴Call Me🌴💠 - 21
(North SD County, OCEANSIDE Vista Carlsbad Esco)
⇨♡ 100%real pixx ▒★ Open 24/7 ⇨【 F®∈AⓚY°】★【pRetTy FαCє】♡【SpecialS 】⇨ ★▒【SiMpℓy* THE * BEST - 22
(North SD County, Open 24/7 incalls out calls)
×❤×(( ✰ MOUTHWATERING ✰ )) ×❤× (( ✰ DREAM ✰ GIRL ✰ )) ×❤× ⇨Classy ⇨Cutie ⇨ ☎ Available Now - 21
(North SD County, Down Town San Diego Out Calls as well)
(¯`'·. ¸☆NEW¸. ·'´¯) EXOTIC HoTT _PETITE_ CLASSY _ CUTIE ~! - 22
(North SD County, Down Town SD Out Calls as well)
** the GENTLEMENS CLUB ** sweet, classy, discrete and sincere ** V.NESSA** - 21
*** V.NE$$A *** exotic face, classy taste, kinky ways {{ available now !! }} - 21
(North SD County, SAN MARCOS/ VISTA / out calls too!)
SEXY .•*¨¨*•-:¦:-•* ===> SWEET & FUN{{ *VERY BuSTy & * }}OoO{{ *Available NoW *}} - 26
(City of San Diego, 15 or 805 fwy @ University ave.)
Mon 06 Jan
✘ uℓtiℳαtε✨✴SKiLLŞ CLASSY👄 ρυRε💎 ρℓ℮αδυRε 🎆SEXY Juicγ 💦 AvAilABle 📞NoW - 22
(North SD County, Out Calls ALL Over SAN DIEGO)
◢◤ 💖♥💖♥💖◢◤ ••○°● ____ 💖SUMMER💖 ____ ●°○•• ◢◤ 💖 ♥💖♥💖 ◢◤ - 23
(North SD County, oceanside Incalls and out calls availabl)
Young, Sexy & Classy Brunette Bella, California Dream Girl offering Addictive Experience... - 22
(North SD County, San Diego In & Out Calls)
G E N T L E M E N S _❶_ C H O I C E Sweet✔ Pretty✔ Curvy✔ 100% REAL✔ - 22
(North SD County, Oceanside,la jolla,San Marcos,out calls)
EBONY____** S U P E R ** ❤ ** B E A U T Y **_ 80H¡GHL¥ ReViEWÐ - 21
(North SD County, All san diego/ out calls only)