Fri 07 Mar
Tue 25 Feb
Mon 24 Feb
Sat 22 Feb
Wed 19 Feb
** available now! ** ** the perfect sweet n sexy treat ** ** available now! **
( Del Mar Oceanside )
Mon 17 Feb
Sat 15 Feb
** available now! ** ** the perfect sweet n sexy treat ** ** available now! **
(Del Mar Oceanside DTSD)
Wed 12 Feb
Tue 11 Feb
Sun 09 Feb
Fri 07 Feb
Thu 06 Feb
The Amazing, Stacy! Up All Night! Call or Text and have me over now!!!
(Del Mar, Oceanside, Escondido, Coronado)
Mon 27 Jan
Always freshly showered & dressed to impress; stockings, lingerie, heels Incall Central San Diego - 25
upscale bombshell brunette ready for you now!!! *specials all night* incalls & outcalls - 20
(chula vista national city incall/outcall)
____Towns SWEETHEARTS ; Brazilian & Italian/ PuertO Rican BombshellS ; ~ OUTCALLS 24/7 - 20
(North SD County, ESCO Area Outcalls & Surrounding AREAS ;)
THE ------------- THICKEST ------------- BLONDE ------------- IN ----------- THE ------------- WEST!
Top Noch Latina Bombshel l* Sessions Startin At 80 Kisses Call Now * Freak * 100 % Real - 22
(Point Loma / Mission Bay)
** tHe BeSt Of ThE bEsT*! ThIcK eBonY BeAUTy aVaLiBlE nOW! InCALLS* NatIonAl Cit* Up N WAItIN...24HR - 20
(national city.ncalls)
¥ Sweet * Sexy * Satisfying ¥ ~~> BÀDÀ§§ Brunette Bombshell --) $100hhr OUTCALLS ONLY - 18
(City of San Diego, OutCalls ONLY!!! $100/30min ALL NITE)
SWEET CARMEL DELIGHT Available CALL NOW Gorgeous College Beauty your ATF SAN DIEGO La Mesa Incall - 22
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY Incall Outcall)
Seductive, sexy,and best time u will have best specials in town... - 21
(North SD County, san marcos,vista,carlsbad and oceanside.)
Seductive Latina BombShell*** Exxxclusive Location *** Military Special *** Oceanside / Camp Pend - 22
(Oceanside (I-5 and Coast Hwy))
S W E E T__P E T I T E__B L O N D E__M U S T__ S E E__*100*__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L__N O W!!!!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
Seductive PeTiTe AfRiCaN BombShell* GFE *sessions starting @ 100 Kisses* - 22
(Hotel Circle / Mission Valley)
S W E E T___P E T I T E___B L O N D E___*100*___I N C A L L___I N___R A N C H O___B E R N A R D O!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
OUTCALLS ONLY!! P € R S i A N B € A U T ¥ 💋 F U L L B O D Y R U B D O W N ✖️⭕️✖️⭕️ CURVY - 20
(San Diego, All over SAN DIEGO❗️❗️)
Wanna play ? Can you handle me ? Dirty BLONDE Party girl - 24
(City of San Diego, San Diego Mission Valley Pacific Beach)
«» White Sensation What You ve Been Waiting For Is Right Here «» Available Now «» - 20
(El Cajon / 8 Fwy)
!!! WATCH MY VIDEO !!! Sexy Creole Mommie😍🔥🔥😘 Tight & Creamy💦💦😉 - 19
(North SD County, Carlsbad 🏪 Vista 🙌 Oceanside 🙌)
__________ The Hottest BLONDE White Girl in EAST COUNTY Up Late with 100 SPECIALS! __________ - 18
(El Cajon)
*** THE BEST YOU NEVER HAD! ** YES ALL ! ** Specials And Military Discounts! - 25
________* TaKe A PeEk* @ ThE ★___MAiN ATTRACTiON___ ★ AmAZiNg __*QUALiTY PROViDER* _____ - 20
SWEET & NICE girl •Ready & waiting for a good time (Grace) 🚫NO explicit talk CHEERFUL & Fun session - 23
(15/freeway INCALL INCALL 130/HH, North SD County, San Diego)
********** Super Friendly,Super Cute,Stunning Girl Next Door Brown Eyed Beauty ********* - 23
(outcalls/san diego/N.county/la jolla)
♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☆ SeXy BlOnDe SwEeThEaRt♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☆JuIcY MilLItaRy SPeCiAlS♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☆ AlL nIgHt♥Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ☆ - 26
# * # * # Sexy * And * Ready * With * A * Big * Juicy * Booty! # * # * # - 21
(South SD County, Incalls/Outcall NationalCity/Surrounding)
*SEXY* ASIAN *MIX* (* Pic's 1OO% Me Or It's Free *) *Satisfaction* GUARANTEED * AvAiLABLe NOW * - 21
(Incall & outcall)
**** Sexy And Ready!! Exotic Mixed Beauty With A Soft Big Booty! **** - 21
(East SD County, ElCajon,Santee,Lakeside,Ramona,SD)
Seductive, sexy,and best time u will have best specials in town... - 21
(North SD County, san marcos,vista,carlsbad and oceanside.)
Seductive Latina BombShell*** Exxxclusive Location *** Military Special *** Oceanside / Camp Pend - 22
(Oceanside (I-5 and Coast Hwy))
S W E E T__P E T I T E__B L O N D E__*100*__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L__N O W__D O N T__M I S S__OUT - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
S W E E T__P E T I T E__B L O N D E__M U S T__ S E E__*100*__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L__N O W!!!!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
Seductive Latina BombShell*** Ms. Freak **sessions starting @ 100 Kisses* - 22
(Spring Valley (Hosting))
_S_U_P_E_R__ — *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* -—— _C_L_I_C_K—— * H_E_R_E_* ——— 4————T_H_E————* B_E_S_T - - - 20
(North SD County, Vista/ NC/ Incalls)
~*~ S E X Y__P E T I T__B L O N D E__M E M O R I A L__W E E K E N D__S P E C I A L S!!! ~*~
(Rancho Bernardo Incalls & Outcalls!!!!)
Seductive PeTiTe AfRiCaN BombShell* GFE *sessions starting @ 100 Kisses* - 22
(Hotel Circle / Mission Valley)
S M O K I N__H*O*T__B L O N D E S___2 G I R L___S P E C I A L S___I N C A L L S__&__O U T C A L L S! - 19
S W E E T__P E T I T E__B L O N D E__*100*__I N C A L L__S P E C I A L__A L L__D A Y__I N__RB!!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
S U P E R___S E X Y___S W E E T___P E T I T E___B L O N D E___IN___R A N C H O___B E R N A R D O!!!! - 19
S M O K I N___H O T___P E T I T E___B L O N D E___*100*___S P E C I A L___A L L___N I T E!!!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
S W E E T___P E T I T E___B L O N D E___*100*___I N C A L L___I N___R A N C H O___B E R N A R D O!!! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
►►► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ► ►► ► ★ S_E_X_X_X_Y ★2Girl ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄◄ ◄◄ ◄ - 21
(City of San Diego, outcalls all night)
_________ REAL PHOTOS _________ SMOKIN HOT ___________ SEXY LATINA ____________ (CALL NOW!) - 21
(North SD County, Oceansid / In Call)
S M O K I N__H O T__B L U E__E Y E D__B L O N D E__*100*__I N C A LL__N O W__D O N T__M I S S__O U T - 19
(Rancho Bernardo)
➜➜💜➜➜PLATINUM BLONDE BOMBSHELL💟💟Green Eyes & Cokebottle Curves Await💟💟AVAILABLE NOW & ALL NIGHT➜➜💜➜➜ - 23
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego Outcalls)
= = = P = = = R = = = O = = = V = = = A = = = C = = = A = = = T = = = I = = = V = = = E = = = - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown,Hotel Circle,MissionBay,Valley)
Outcalls Recieve A 20% Discount All Night Long - 40
(City of San Diego, San Diego and Surrounding or Mine)
OUTCALLS &%% sexy blonde bombshell availible all night for outcalls - 20
(North SD County, RB, Poway, Escondido (outcalls tonight))
OUTCALLS 🔥SmOking HoT VideO🔥【 †ħε Gεn†ℓεmαη's #❶ Cho¡cε】❤️【 up ALL night 】❤️【√¡ρ Tяεα†mεη†】💋💋💋 - 23
(City of San Diego, sD outcall__24/7( I'm the real deal!))
OUTCALLS ALL NIGHT💦💙😇______💎_______x EXoTiC LATINA Mami X KinKy BomBShELL x______💎 - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego, SD OUTCALLS)
______ Petite And Cute Latina _____ Come And Get What You Deserve!!! - 18
(City of San Diego, La Mesa incall)