Wed 08 Jan
Sexy Blonde*¨¨*:. ღ *** Hot Blonde *¨¨*:. ღ *** Sweet Blonde - 37
(City of San Diego, Downtown in/ outcall)
— _S_U_P_E_R__ ————— *H_O_T_T_I_E_!* -———— _C_L_I_C_K————— * H_E_R_E_* ——— 4————T_H_E————* - 22
(City of San Diego, OLDTOWN/AIRPORT (Incalls&Outcalls;))
S M O K I N__H*O*T__B L O N D E S___2 G I R L___S P E C I A L S___I N C A L L S__&__O U T C A L L S! - 19
S w e e t__P e t i t e__U p s c a l e__B l o n d e__P l a y m a t e!!!.....100% ME if not it's FREE! - 19
(Rancho Bernardo In & Outcalls all over!!)
╔════☆ ° ☆[ Âb§OLut€Ly ]══ ☆° ══[ ÂmÂzInG LATiNA & LEBANESE ]══ °☆ ══[ PLÂ¥MÂT€]══ ☆° ☆ [ 1OOO% REAL - 22
(City of San Diego, All Over San Diego / Outcalls / INcalls)
🍭EXOTIC VIXXEN✨ A P E R F E C T 🔟 Foriegn✔️ 1OO% REAL 💕 BubblyBrunette💛 KillerBody MustSee! 😋 - 20
(City of San Diego, Incalls/Outcalls 6193197487 Specials!!)
***$$$Beautiful Blonde Bombshell looking for fun and help with bills$$$**** - 21
(San Diego, oceanside/incalls and outcalls)
*~Thick & Sexy (40DD) Beautiful °o♥° E B O N Y °o♥° PLAYMATE °o♥° - 18
(City of San Diego, San Diego incalls and outcalls)
THicK THighS with a BiiG BOOTY °° ° ★And All For you - 22
(City of San Diego, InCalls/OutCalls)
*~Thick 40DD Beautiful Ebony :) ready to play !!! - 18
(City of San Diego, San Diego incalls and outcalls)
((( SPECIALS ))) point - - -loma --- --- brunette --- (( SPECIALS )) - 24
!NW GIRL![ UNFoRGTTABL ] SpcLS ☆° EXOTiC ✈2 G!RL (¯` °SATiSFACTiON° ´¯)70,100 - 23
(City of San Diego, InCalls @ MY PLACE/OutCalls AlL Over S.D)
**NEW** ((( ✰ SMOKIN' HOT KOREAN ✰))) **NEW** - 21
(( = N.E.W =)) (( G.I.R.L )) ° ((= V.I.S.I.T.I.N.G )) *((= 5 *STAR* CUTTIE_Up All Nite - 21
*NEW IN TOWN Ayana The Panamanian Princess *Ask About The Specials*😘 - 22
(City of San Diego, * INCALLS AND OUTCALLS)
•:*• NEW NEW NEW •:*• #1 playmate, sexy, independent and available now •:*• •:*• - 24
(City of San Diego, san diego incalls and Outcalls)
New .*¨¨*. Blazin .*¨¨*. HOT .*¨¨*EBONY --- *** Real pics * Indepedent **Well REVIEWED - 19
(EL CAJON city)
___ ° ___ Need A Treat ___ ° ° ___ Curvy Cutie ___ ° ° ° ___ Filipina & Hawaiian _______ ___________ - 23
(City of San Diego, el cajon incalls-outcalls)
-NEW ➡️ 100hhr⬅️ --- [ Thick BUSTY BL0NDE Bunny ] 👸 1OO% REAL 💋 Ready N0W 📞 - 24
MelisSa iS here cHeCk mE ouT Ready to Have Fun!!! - 23
(City of San Diego, incalls & outcalls /Everywhere)
Exotic playmates ready and waiting.Your wish is our command.AMAZING SPECIALS! - 19
(City of San Diego, North Park(Incalls)/Outcalls)
D's Please! ... ... Come To The Pants Party!... ... Excellent Reviews... ... Number Has Been Changed - 25
100% REAL!Specials All Night! Top Notch Snow bunny** military Specials**Call Now - 25
(City of San Diego, san diego la mesa)
💚💚💚100% REaL NeW MIXED💚💚💚 ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ 💋💖ExOTiC BaBE💖💋 ▃ ▅ ▆ █ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ 🎀💄🎀 - 23
(South SD County, San Diego incalls / outcalls)
》》_ _ 》[100 % REAL !] 》》_ _ 》》[ THE PERFECT TREAT! ♥] 》》_ _ 》》[SEXY AND SWEET] 》》_ _ 》》 - 26
(City of San Diego, incalls/outcalls all over san diego)
100—•— ( CaRaMeL ) —•— ( MiXeD) —•— ( HOTTiE ) —•--100 - 20
(City of San Diego, grossmont incalls/Sd outcalls)
Tue 07 Jan
₪₪₪Arabic HOTTIE【SPECIALS! ₪₪₪ ██▄▄██▄▄█ ♔♕♖♗♘♙Check Mate ██▄▄██▄▄█ ♚♛♜♝♞♟YOU WIN ██▄▄██▄▄█ - 20
(City of San Diego, 8Fwy On Rosecrans/ Pointloma In&Out;)
█ █ X♥X INsANE CUrVes!! ((LaTiNa w/BOOTY)) *(1OO% SEXY!!;) Xϖ - 22
(City of San Diego, CHULA VISTA IN/OUT $100 SPECIALS!!)
* WHITE GIRL WITH TOO MUCH AZZ* willing to share that w/you & more.. specials & military discounts.. - 25
(¯`★´¯) WHY Settle For Less ★ When You Can Have The BEST?!? - 21
(City of San Diego, Incalls.Mission Valley.Outcalls AllOver)
_ THICK _ _ _ _ CURVY _ _ _ _ YUMMY _ _ _ _ BUSTY DREAM GIRL _ SpEcIaLs AlL dAy Baby .. - 22
(ALL OVER San Diego- Incalls & Outcalls)
SMaLL WAiStE HUgE BOoTy EBony PLaYMate !!* ~*PLEaSureS*~ *Im CRuVy, and FeTiSh fRIeNdly!! Im THa One - 21
(City of San Diego, city of san diego incalls, outcalls)
•★• ———• ★SEXY • VERY DISCREET ★• ——— CLASSY ———•★ CALL NOW !!!! - 23 - 22
(City of San Diego, Incalls/Outcalls)
💞💋*No1 ReQUESTED (BlonDe HOTTiE)*BluE EyEd DoLL*CoMpLeTe KnOcKOuT**Don't MisS Out On Me**💋💞 - 22
(North SD County, Outcalls All Over)
New 💎UpScaLe💎Puerto Rican PlaYmaTe💋💋oNce in A liFeTimE eXPerienCe - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
LeTS .. CaPTuRe .. YouR .. DeePeST .. DeSiReRS & TuRN .. THeM .. INTo .. ReaLiTY !!! .. ..pArty Girl - 25
(Old Town)
°♥█ ██ LATiNA MiXED PRiNCESS ♛ JASSMiNE FRiDAy SPECIALS!! $60 $80hh $160FH *Hablo Espanol ██ █♥°• - 21
LATE Nite Action....True HOTTIE at its FINEST - 22
(City of San Diego, Downtown Incalls/Outcalls all over)
♬ ∘ ∷ ∘ IM__ UP__ NOW__ WAITING__ FOR__ YOU ∘∷ ∘♬ - 22
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley incall/outcall)
*^%*^% HuNgRy 4 C*Ck & CuM *^%*^% aVaIlAbLe 24/7* ^% nIcE n WeT jUsT 4 u *^%619*756*4466
I LOVE IT IN THE BACK Its soo good you will want it twice... 100$ BACK INSERT SPECIALS ALL DAY - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego incalls & outcalls)
💋 Fhilipina 👑Princess👑 Come&Play; With 😍 KEIRA LUV........😘 - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San diego ca (Incalls/Outcalls))
♥:: • [ FLaWL€SS ] • ::♥ • [ S€DuCTIV€ ] • ♥:: • [ PERSAiN] ♥:: - 22
(City of San Diego, POiNT LOMA/incalls&&outcalls;)
==== Chula Vista Incalls === Available Now & For Outcalls In the Late Evening === - 23
(South SD County, chula vista)
🎀BEAUTIFUL 💋 💋Gorgeous💎💄 💋MIXED GIRL💋 🎀 READY Milatary Special 🎀 - 23
(City of San Diego, Incalls/Outcalls)
*B::a::D:: G::I::R::£* M_A_D_E __ o★o° _ F_O_R_ °o★o° _Y_O_U_R_ °o★o° _P_L_E_A _ S_U_R_E!!! - 28
(City of San Diego, North County Incalls/San Diego Outcalls)
bbb specialist at ur service wit the best service - 27
(South SD County, san diego incalls and outcalls)
♥ ( ASiAN ) ( iNCALL - OUTCaLL ) ( SPECiAL ) ♥ - 23
(City of San Diego, el cajon 8*fwy* incalls - sd outs)
((A_m_A_z_I_n_G & Exotic DOMINICAN) ((AVAILABLE NOW!!)) ((So Hot!! ))(((GREAT 1-0-0 SPECIALS))) - 21
💞💜 In/Outcalls 💞💜Yonnis back💞6198215010💞💋Private Incall💞💜 - 21
(City of San Diego, Private inca sd Outcalls allover)
Bombshell Barbie💕❤You Won't be Disappointed! Clean & Classy 💯💕 - 21
(City of San Diego, Mira Mesa . Outcalls & Incalls 💨)
****~~ Come visit this beauty (RED) ready 4 wateva ~*~ 50$ specials !!!!!!!! ~~**** - 22
(City of San Diego, InCalls/OutCalls)
Bombshell Barbie💕❤You Won't be Disappointed! Clean & Classy 💯💕 - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley Incalls && Outcalls 💕)
👑😍BiG BOOtY LaTiNa Fetish Friendly😘 GoDDeSs😍👑Friendly Hot Curvy READY 24\7 💯 SPECIALS💯5 Frwy - 23
(City of San Diego, IMPERIAL BEACH incalls& OutCalls)
Unrushed & Unforgettable ✅ JUiCy 34DDs and BUBBlE butt 2 MATCh - 🍭🍭🍭 I can make this NEW year BANG - 22
(City of San Diego, Hotel circle - 8 freeway - Mission Vly, San Diego)
try something NEW!°°°quench your thir$t $100 specials - 21
(City of San Diego, oldtown incalls/all sandiego outcalls)
*:::*:::*:::* Super Hot Brunette Bombshell *:::*:::*:::* - 24
(North SD County, Encinitas, Carlsbad, Oceanside)
!!!!!! !!!!!!! SEXY SENSUAL busty Playmate!!!!! !!!!!!!! INCALL-OUT - 22
(City of San Diego, san diego incalls outcalls)
private incall / outs too .. THE ultimate exp. 34DD ,24 , 27 a total DOLL FIGIRE - 21
(North SD County, Allied Gardens-NearQualcomm-Del Cerro)
***$pank Me*** Bite Me*** Kiss Me*** Lick Me*** Like Me*** 100$pecials - 19
(North SD County, All of S.D)
NEW! ********** 619*339*2216* * * Hot** Blonde ** Goddess ** Incall and Outcall** Available Now!! - 18
(San Diego Incalls & Outcalls)
N.a.u.g.h.t.y. 💋Lil Snow Bunny💋 UP LATE!! - 25
(City of San Diego, Point Loma INCALLS OUTCALLS, San Diego)
L O O K====* SwEEt * __ &__* SeXy *______* EX0TiC *_______ ♥ ASiAN ♥ HoTTiE - 22
(City of San Diego, el cajon incalls/sd outcalls)
{ KiLLER BoDY }::► GeRMaN & iTALiAN GoDDeSS ::► CeRTiFiED To PLeASE YoUR NeeDS - 20
(Mission Valley/Hotel Circle)
KINKY •★ °•P•° __ °•L•° __ °•A•° __ °•Y•° _ °•T•° __°•I•° __ °•M•° __ °•E•°★ - BLONDE - 21
LAST CHANCE🔷🔷 BBW WHITEGIRL 🔷🔷➖ BIG BOOTY ➖➖💜💜 BUSTY DDDs ➖➖💚💚 SPECIALS ➖➖♥️♥️ A➕Reviews ✔️✔️➖➖💜💚♥️💜💚♥️ - 25
(City of San Diego, ‼️‼️ HOTEL CIRCLE INCALLS/OUTCALLS 24/7‼)
💋 Hurry! Specials!! Armenian! VIDEO PROOF COME See 👀 HUGE Booty ★YoU WiLL ThAnK⇨{ME ♡⇨ LaTeR} - 24
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley Incalls and Outcalls, San Diego)
( .. Exotic PlaymateS 80special ..) ★ ( SwT _____ L!k _____ HoNy! : ) ★ - 22
(City of San Diego, OutCalls- incalls)
Escodidio💦JUICY Apple Booty LATINA🍎 Thick hips,lips and All you Crave💦🍑🍎🍑🍎💦JUiCY SPECIALS💦 - 23
(City of San Diego, Incalls Escodidio outcalls, San Diego)
$ensual Healing $7O $pecial$ With 100% Real Authentic Busty Redheaded Freak - 23
(North SD County, Oceanside/Carlsbad)
EVRy mans DREAM. PETITE w/ PERKy TiiTs. exotic BODy/LOOKs. MIXed LATINA/ HAWAIIAN. willing&READy.; - 24
ⓔⓧⓣⓡⓔⓜⓔⓛⓨ 💎 ⓣⓐⓛⓔⓝⓣⓔⓓ👍 🔥💕 δe∂uctive 👉A∂∂ictive💉💊 Avαiℓαbℓe➜ ⓝⓞⓦ 📲 - 22
(Chula vista, City of San Diego, San Diego, South SD County)
★ bRaZiLiAn bOMbshELL FoR YouR PLeAsurE ★ SeXy ★ cLaSSy&DISCRete; ★ 100% REAL - 22
(City of San Diego, OFF ROSECRANS 5 FRWY/ incalls&outcalls;)
Asain/Brazilian Blonde BARBIE 🔥 Available NOW & Up ALL NiGHT ~COME PLAY!!!★★★★★ - 20
(North SD County, Escondido INCALL & OUTCALL)
***** 2 ~ Girls ~ To ~Choose ~ From! ~ 100% ~ Satisfaction ~ Guranteed! ********* - 21
(City of San Diego, IncallsOutcalls Call For More Info)
--- ___ 1OO --- ___ --- I N C A L L --- ___ O U T C A L L ___ --- ___ S P E C I A L S ___ --- - 22
(mission valley in & out)