Tue 07 Jan
( ( ** M r S. RIGHT FoR TONIGHT ** ) ) {{~ Late Night DD-Lite ! ! ~}} -5'10" -CuRvAcIoUs -ITALIANA - 25
(City of San Diego, Miramar _ Mira Mesa _ near I-15 & 163)
💕🌟LeTs PlAy🌟💕 [ E X O T i C ] 💋💎WhiTe BlUe EyeD BeAuTy💎💋 - 24
(City of San Diego, Point loma ( incalls/outcalls), San Diego)
* INCALL*100% 3BONy * ADDiCTiON ready ---> NOW! *INCALL* - 19
(City of San Diego, sd county (INcalls & OUTcalls))
incaLL SpEciAls _____ SmOkIn HoT ___________ SExY LaTiNA __________ (CaLL NoW!) - 21
(City of San Diego, MIRA MESA/INCALL)
! EXOTIC SEXY BOMBSHELL ! Outcalls available to San Diego - 23
(South SD County, Chula Vista national city mission valley)
ExOtiC MiXeD LaTinA GoDde$$ HotT & ReAdY 2 PlaY NoW!!!OUT CALLS ONLY - 24
~☆ ☆ CoMe XsCaPe WiTh A Ur SeXy CoLuMbIaN KnOcKoUt! ☆ ☆ ☆~ - 21
(sandiego,8fwy,lamesa,all over in/out)
★【Come ♥ Get】★【The ♥ Best】★【Of ♥ Both】★【Worlds】★ - 24
💣Blonde BombShell ,FrEaK💋, Up All Night Long Daddy!, NEW In Town, Juicy💦 Big Booty 👀™ 💣 - 22
(North SD County, Outcalls&Incalls;)
•❤• Beautiful •❤• Independent •❤• ARABiAN PRiNCESS •❤• Discreet •❤100% REAL•❤ • - 21
(City of San Diego, POiNT LOMA/incalls&&outcalls;)
Beautiful Exotic Mixed Asian Beauty here for U! Come see what Im all about. - 27
(City of San Diego, San Diego)
BeauTiFuLL & SweeT♥ BuBBLy BLuE EyeD BLoNDe ♥PerKy PeTiTe & T!GHT♥100% ReaL DeaL ♥GirL-Next-Door ♥
(City of San Diego, Carlsbad incalls/Outcalls*VisiTiNG*)
(♥)(♥)(♥(♥) AnGeL FaCe GoDDeSS // SwEeT & PeTiTe Exotic TrEaT (♥)(♥)(♥)(♥) - 24
(North SD County, Old Town & San Diego Surrounding Areas)
█♛ $$80 INCALL SPECIALS!*[[[_ GORGEOUS _* EXOTIC *_ MiXeD _BEAUTY!!]]] Sasha Sweets* - 22
*** 38C SEXY FANTASY*** san diegos FINEST ** ITaLIaN BaBy ** INCaLL *8o specials** 619 -581- 1973 - 19
(City of San Diego, INCALLS OUTCALLS)
♥ [ 100% REAL ] »——» [ * FREAKY* ] »——» [ * B0MBSHELL * ]♥ »——» INCALL Specials »——» - 20
(City of San Diego, SanDiego INCALLS / OUTCALLS)
___--- 100 ---___ NO RUSH ___--- Filipina Hottie ---___ NO RUSH SPECIAL ___--- 100 ---___ - 22
(downtown sd incall - outcall)
100% Candy girl California hottie with a sexy body! *available now* - 20
(South SD County, chula vista)
❤❤❤0N3 &&2 GiRL SPECiALS❤❤❤ VERy L0W RAT3S❤❤❤ AVAiLABLE WH3N Y0U AR3❤❤❤ - 21
(East SD County, san diego incalls/outcalls)
LAyLONNIE💦🍒🍉💫№➊ SeXy🌟 UpScALE ASiAN BoMbShElL 💖✦❣ 💯% ➜RARE💦 【GORGEOUS smile with Killer BODY - 21
(City of San Diego, city of san diego incalls and outcalls)
IN C A L L SPECIAL _JaPaNeSe (&) HaWaIiAn H 0 t S e X y & f U N S P E C I A L S]_ - 20
(City of San Diego, Mira Mesa; 8O5)
NeW In ToWN❗️👭🍭💋2GiRls Is AlwaYs BettEr Than OnE 👭🍭💦 - 21
(City of San Diego, La Mesa incalls/outcalls)
KINKY Cuban And Black MIXED breed 💋💋💋💋 READY to furfill YOUR need✨✨⭐ - 20
(City of San Diego, LaMesa InCalls/outCALLS)
yOuR sWeeTHeArT *BeAuTiFuL JaDe*. sExy & PeTiTe. ExOTic mixEd BeAuTy. - 23
Your Favorite Yet 👄 Miss Jane 💋 Petite & Sassy - 21
(City of San Diego, Mission Valley Incalls🏩 SD Outcalls🚘)
?°° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuiReS ° ILL DEliVeR °° yOUr DeSirEs °° ?No RuSH - 27 - 27
(South SD County, san diego incalls and outcalls)
💟🎀💟☆•`§W€€† § H€AV€N 💟🎀💟☆ BU† NÂUGH†Y § H€LL ☆💟🎀💟 WÂi†iNG 4 U •☆💟🎀【 ASIAN HOTTIE. 80 k - 22
(City of San Diego, Incalls & Outcalls)
😘🎅😘VIOLET 💯Real 💯Soft & Sweet 😘🎅😘 TRUE Holiday treat😘🎅😘 well-reviewed😘🎅😍 - 45
(Escondido incalls🚘OUTCALLS surrounding, North SD County, San Diego)
♥ThE ORiGiNaL Mz MaNdI LoVe is ßÂCK •° ♥ •°ßY PØPULÂR D€MÂND ♥ •**• YÕUR WI§H•**•° IS MY CÕMMÂND - 22
(City of San Diego, mission valley/hotel circle)
SUPER §WeeT *MiXed* ViXen .¸★¸. SEXY * BoDy HoTT!e .¸★¸. - 21
(City of San Diego, point loma incalls/outcalls)
SuPeR HoTTiE*===* SeXyBOoDy *===* EXoTIC LoOkS*===* DaNGeRoUS CURVeS *===* AvAiLABLe NOW - 19
(North SD County, Escondido in-outcalls)
SUPER S E X Y:::: BUSTY PLaymatE 100% ReaL --- PARTY girl - 22
(City of San Diego, La Mesa incalls-outcalls)
Super OUTCALL and Military Specials! Contact Me ONLY when you are READY - 45
(City of San Diego, Northpark)
❤️💦 Sexy with a Big ASS ✨ Passionate Personality ✨ No Games; ALL REAL and Not Rushed 💦❤️ - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, 💕HotelCircle/MissionValley💕)
•★• ———• ★SEXY • VERY DISCREET ★• ——— CLASSY ———•★ CALL NOW !!!! - 23 - 22
(City of San Diego, Incalls/Outcalls)
*-:¦:- *¨¨*.* *-:¦:- * SEXY, SWEET, & PETITE*-:¦:- * *-:¦:- *¨¨*. - 25
(City of San Diego, San Diego- INCALLS/OUTCALLS)
🎀✨🎀✨🎀✨🎀Sexy 🎀 Blonde ✨🎀✨ Classy 🎀 Babe🎀✨🎀✨🎀✨🎀 - 24
(Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego, ✨Incalls and Outcalls✨)
♥ SeXXy * P L A Y F U L * open minded lover ♥ specials 80 - 23
(City of San Diego, chula vista incalls... outcalls)
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy Blonde*¨¨*:. ღ *** Hot Blonde *¨¨*:. ღ *** Sweet Blonde - 38
(City of San Diego, Downtown in/ outcall)
Playful, Passionate and Provocative the REAL Deal - 25
(City of San Diego, BONITA : Incalls-Outcalls)
ೋೋ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ YOUR # ❶ ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ PERFECT ▂ ▃ ▅ ▆ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ▂ CHOICEೋೋ ❤ - 19
(City of San Diego, SAN DIEGO INCALLS)
****** (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯) ☆ YOUR DREAM COME TRUE ☆ (¯`'·. ¸☆¸. ·'´¯)****** - 21
(City of San Diego, CHULA VISTA IN/OUT)
YouR # 1 JuiCY ★ WhiTe ★ AppLE BoTToM ★ BooTY ★ Freak Available Now 80 $pecial$ - 25
(City of San Diego, OceanSide INcalls/OUTcalls I-5 & Mission)
~`♥~` ♡______ yOUR bEST kept 60$SECRET _____ ~`♡`~♥ - 22
(City of San Diego, InCalls/OutCalls)
*:*:* Up All Night *:*:* Discreet Playmate... Ready To Party - 25
(City of San Diego, Downtown Incalls/Outcalls)
♥T H E ♥ P E R F E C T ♥ P A C K A G E ♥ ::: RED HEADED BEAUTY ::: - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego Outcalls & Incalls)
S💖W💛E💖E💛T* ═╗╔═ 💖H💛A💖W💛A💖II💛A💖N ═╗ PARTYGIRL ╔═ P💖L💛A💖Y💛M💖A💛T💖E - 21
(City of San Diego, San Diego, San Diego Incalls/outcalls All Around!)
Specials! Erotic Black/Dominician Playmate ^^^Back in Town ^^^GREkk Girl ,Ready 2 indulge - 18
(City of San Diego, San Diego incalls and outcalls)
Specials *** ★ bRuNETTe bOMbshELL FoR YouR PLeAsurE ★ SeXy ★ cLaSSy&DISCRete; ★ 100% REAL - 22
(City of San Diego, OFF ROSECRANS 5 FRWY/ incalls&outcalls;)
****special *****forecast snowing in sandiego iNTELlIgEnT CLaSsY dreams come true here - 30
°•♥•° SEXY LaTiNa °•♥•° Now Available °•♥•°$100 SpeciaLs °•♥•° Come √ Me Out °•° 420 Friendly°•° - 27
(South SD County, national city chula vista down town)
♥ SEXY * L A T I N A * ♥VERY PRETTY♥ - 24
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🔥🔥【SeXy Asian PLaYmATe】➖⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ ❤❤❤【FuN & FRiENDLY】 ❤【💯%ME】🔥🔥❤❤❤ - 19
(City of San Diego, PointLoma |Airport Incalls or[ Outcalls], San Diego)
*** One Of A kind,Guranteed To Rock Your World!No Rush, 100% Satisfaction Guranteed! **** - 24
(City of San Diego, Incalls And Outcalls All Areas!)
only in OCEANSIDE a few more hours get your Remi fix while you can - 26
(North SD County, Oceanside incall, outcall all over SD)
💛NEW 💛BLoNdE PLaYMaTe :-•*💛LOOKS•☆• GOOD•☆• FEELS •☆• EVEN •☆• BETTER 💛PLeaSurEs PLaYgRouND* •- ¦- 💛 - 24
(City of San Diego, Oceanside incalls / Outcalls💋)
NEW hot ARAbiAN PRiNCEss◇◆◇ SExy bRUNEttE bombShEll◇◆◇ CAll NOw iM REAL◇◆◇ - 23
(City of San Diego, San diego / Downtown /incalls & outcalls)
NEw FACe. YOUr exotic SweeTHeArT is UP & READy. sEXy with LONG SiLKy HAIR. mixeD BEAUTy. - 23
¤ (NEW) °¤° ExOtiC °¤ BUSTY ¤ MiLiTARY FRiENdly* #1 (new) party girl - 20
(City of San Diego, San Diego (incall)&(outcall))
*♥ LOOK ► ★ FIVE★ NO RUSHING 858-705-5214 MS.LuV - 20
(8fwy/fletcher pkwy/grossmont/ElCajon)
Look👀Here⬇100%REAL DEAL δexxy & δωεε† Cali🌴☀Treat ((NEW IN TOWN $60 SPECIAL)) CALL NOW!! - 24
(North SD County, San Diego, Vista Incalls/Outcalls)
💋💋Lips, Hips, & (.Y.)... ALL That You Crave!EVERYTHING** Hablo espanol! EL CAJON💋 - 23
(City of San Diego, EL CAJON- INCALLS - NORTH COUNTY Outcall)
💋✨Juicy Spanish Princess👸🏻👅Fresh, Tight 💦, & Ready😜👄 - 21
(5/76/78, Oceanside / Carlsbad, San Diego)
;*° JuIcY BoOtY CuTiE °* Slim WaIsT*° CuTe FaCe - -:; IN & OuT cALL sPeCIaLs!!! - 23
(San Diego)
HoT Petite BeAuTy WiTh Incredible Abilities !! In/Outcalls Oceanside - 21
(North SD County, casino, oceanside, carlsbad areas)
—————❤ ————— GiRL —————— ———NExT —————— ——— DOOR ————— ❤ ————— - 21
(City of San Diego, Incalls Mission Valley OUTCALLS ALL OVER)