Mon 27 Jan
★ Pretty BRUNETTE ★ ——★ Sexy Latina★ ——★ SPECIALS - 24
(City of San Diego, Downtown pacific highway)
HORNY***Fantasy Shots Blk Grl with Double D's READY, WILLING, and ABLE - 26
(City of San Diego, 3895 Pacific Highway)
hey guys come see me.....ppl pleaser/stress reliever... - 19
(City of San Diego, Downtown. ..pacific coast highway)
Sun 12 Jan
==== Leaving Today==== San Diego Airport==== LATINA ==== Muy Caliente 🔥 ==== Incalls ==== 100 Qk ==== - 24
(City of San Diego, Downtown - Pacific Highway -San Diego, San Diego)
Fri 10 Jan
{{You Found My SPOT }}AMAZING Petite Hott PlayMate ROSECRANS ST. 8/FWY Marine/Military [100/SPECIAL] - 23
(Point Loma/Rosecrans St (8 or 5/Fwy))
Thu 09 Jan
Spend quality time in SD with a skilled Goddess - 25
(City of San Diego, Pacific highway near downtown san diego)
Wed 08 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Spend quality time in SD with a skilled Goddess - 25
(City of San Diego, Pacific highway near downtown san diego)
(NEW) I'M The MARRIED MAN'S Best Kept Secret & The BACHELOR'S Best Friend! ((Available Now)) 24/7-IN - 23
(5*Fwy Pacific Hwy /Point Loma -INCALL-)
Sun 05 Jan
{{You Found My }}AMAZING Petite Hott PlayMate ROSECRANS ST. 8/FWY Marine/Military [100/SPECIAL] - 23
(Point Loma *5/Fwy~Pacific Highway Incall)
Sat 04 Jan