Mon 27 Jan
★ ✭ SexXy HoT CoUgaR On the PrOwl ✭ ★ _____ NoN agency______No Driver Fellas!! 🍒 - 30
(City of San Diego, Encinitas/Carlsbad, San Diego)
San Diego's SEXIEST, EXPERT Provider Available Now - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours or mine near Qualcom Stadium)
San Diego's Sexiest Expert Provider! NEW TEMPORARY PHONE # - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours or mine near Qualcom Stadium)
°o iF U LiKe wHat U See °o FreaKy HoTTie W/ MajOr SkiLLz°o yOu'll ♥ hOw iT feeLs °8o - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
***Here for a LIMITED time*** ADULT *** FILM *** STAR *** CALL NOW!! - 26
(North SD County, La Jolla/Del Mar/ yours or mine)
Green Eyes At Night, Every Man's Delight- Hot A*S*S In The Morn, Now Let's Make a P*O*R*N! - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours or Mine (CentralSD))
[[CℓιCK Mє💋]]1OO% Rεaℓ[[Tŗყ Mɛ 💋]] Sρєçιåℓѕ 8o Sρєçιåℓѕ [[ɛռʝօʏ Mɛ]] HιgHℓу AđđιçTινɛ - 23
(City of San Diego, Mine Or Yours💋 Outcall Specials)
Sun 12 Jan
*EaRlYBirD* *MiLitaRy special W/ tHE BAddEstIn ToWN* - 21
(City of San Diego, SD County/Riverside, yours or mine)
Sat 11 Jan
#1 tOp nOtch FreaK {7O$} JuiCy bOOty W/ LuciOus FuLL LiPs i dO iT {7O$} O'sO weLL - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
HoT cHoCoLiC BuNnY AVAILABLE fOr LiP §eRv IcE & MoRe~! 100 $pecials Yours or Mine?? 200hr - 24
(East SD County, I-8 @ Mission Gorge, and or Yours~!)
Fri 10 Jan
XxOtic TreaT {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °8o$ {&} °o© {COME} °nO rUsh {PLAY} - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
No Drama, No Set-Up, No Trickery, Just 100% REAL, 100% MATURE, 100%SEXY Adult Fun - 40
(East SD County, Yours Or Mine(1 mile S of QulcmStdm))
• I BeT She's Not As {{ 8O$ }} Na§Y As Me• yOu'll ❤ {{Bent oVer&Ready;}} wHat i dO• - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
Thu 09 Jan
Under My SPELLYou Are Captivated And Powerless - 40
(City of San Diego, YOURS or Mine 2 miles from Qualcom)
☞✔τΗε ⓤⓛⓣⓘⓜⓐⓣⓔ Ξ❌❌❌PΞRIΞΝCΞ 🔥ΗΟΤΤ sPεCιΑLs! Sexy LAtina open 24/7 -- 22√ - 22
(City of San Diego, San Diego, yours or mine)
Wed 08 Jan
*{{§H'S GØT SK¡LLZ }} 8O$ [[NØ1 DØE§ ¡t BR ]] BentØver &Ready; {{ADD¡C¡V HØttie }} 8O$ - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
Tue 07 Jan
(Downtown Leaving 2morrow~Last Day!!)
OUTCALL RATES That Can't Be Beat! Call For Info ONLY If You Are READY - 40
(City of San Diego, YOURS...Or Mine)
OUTCALLS WIN! Twice Their Age, Ten Times as Talented, And An Expert To Boot! 619-251-5140 - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours(preffer) or Mine(Qulcm Stadium)
Mon 06 Jan
YouR FaVE PortLand BaBe •°o ViSiTiNG SPECiALS •°o i'M Back & i WanT MoRe - 22
(City of San Diego, Mine Or YouRs)
Look No Further! Ive Got Exactly What You Need! 619-634-5415 - 39
(City of San Diego, Yours or Mine)
Sun 05 Jan
YOUR PERFE©T ©HOi©E °o {{F®EAK}}ME °o SiMPLY IRRESiSTißLE °o {{7o$}} SPE©iALS - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
______ ____ =J_U_S_T= ___ __ =W_H_A_T= ___ __ =Y_O_U= ___ __ =W_A_N_T= N E W P I C S - 22
(Downtown 2night & 2morrow)
{{7o$}} SPE©iALS °o JUST ®iGHT& {{..!.G.H.}} SiMPLY IRRESiSTißLE °o - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
XxOtic TreaT {SNEAK} °o© {AWAY} °8o$ {&} °o© {COME} °nO rUsh {PLAY} - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
San Diego's Sexiest Expert Provider! NEW TEMPORARY PHONE # - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours or mine near Qualcom Stadium)
Independant Also Means Negotiable, Flexible, Non- judgemental, Unprejudiced - 40
(East SD County, Mine(Northpark) or yours)
YouR FaVE PortLand BaBe •°o ViSiTiNG SPECiALS •°o i'M Back & i WanT MoRe - 22
(City of San Diego, Mine Or YouRs)
Sat 04 Jan
{{7o$}} OUT©ALLs °o JUST ®iGHT& {{..!.G.H.}} SiMPLY ®EADY 2 F®EAK °o - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
🌺PriVate🌺 Totally Nude Rub Down 🌺Freelance🌺No Driver - 22
(City of San Diego, hotels/select locals, San Diego)
iF SHS GOoD iM BeeR ::SPECiALS:: LU©ioUS LipS JUi©Y BoOTY ::NØ RuSH EVER:: - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
#1 tOp nOtch FreaK {7O$} JuiCy bOOty W/ LuciOus FuLL LiPs i dO iT {7O$} O'sO weLL - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
Under My SPELLYou Are Captivated And Powerless - 40
(City of San Diego, YOURS or Mine 2 miles from Qualcom)
San Diego's SEXIEST, EXPERT Provider Available Now - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours or mine near Qualcom Stadium)
Fri 03 Jan
Don't Wait Another Moment, Special Rates Are Through The Roof! - 40
(City of San Diego, Mine or yours...)
°o iF U LiKe wHat U See °oFiRM JUiCY BOOTY LUCIOUS FULL LiPS°o yOu'll ♥ hOw iT feeLs °8o - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
♥ Natural and PERFECT** The Girl You wished Lived Next Door ♥ ❶ ♥ - 21
(City of San Diego, MISSION VALLEY Yours or Mine)
NØ1 DØES ¡t LiKE ME {8O$} {SpeciaLs} gØØd L♥VE'N NØ Ru§H NØ FU§§ - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
"Is That A Gun In Your Pocket, Or Are You Just Happy To See Me?" What Stripper Quoted This? - 40
(City of San Diego, Yours or Mine(805/15-University)
YOUR PERFE©T ©HOi©E °o {{F®EAK}}ME °o SiMPLY IRRESiSTißLE °o {{7o$}} SPE©iALS - 21
(City of San Diego, Mine Or yOurs ♥)
Thu 02 Jan